We understand that Cameron County Clerk Joe Rivera has been reaching out to calm the waters with potential opponent and county Democratic Chairperson Sylvia Garza-Perez after word gt out that she was contemplating running against him in 2014.

'He asked her several times if she was running for county clerk," said out source. "Sylvia did not commit to either a yes or a no."
The news first surfaced that Sylvia, instead of running for county judge, she would instead shift her aim and go for the county clerk's office after she was encouraged by Rivera while at the same time he was committing to back Erik Garza for the same position and int hat way split the women's vote. In a tiff, sources said Garza-Perez vowed that she would run against River instead to counter his connivance.
If Joe doesn't relish the thought of running against a Latina woman for county clerk, he may have to think again. There are rumors swirling that some movers and shakers are trying to push County Treasurer David Betancourt to change positions and instead of running for county judge he run for county clerk instead.
"David has eight years of practicing how to do nothing," said a courthouse wag. "He can just go over to the county clerk's office and do the same."
We need to clean house and Joe Rivera, along with Aurora de la Garza should go. I will vote for Sylvia if she runs against Joe. Getting rid of Aurora de la Garza will get most of the scum off the Cameron County Courthouse....unless someone from her office is elected to continue the corruption. Go away Joe Rivera!!
joe y david is the same bull- puro cotton eyed joe i say, we need some new blood at the courthouse, time for a blood transfusion completed from top to bottom. joe it hroughly beelive you and aurrora y el tony y have all outlasted your stay, time to move on, all you cool arrows. Joe why dotn you do a little dirty deed and swee if you can make a move on sylvia's boss this time to get her fired like you did with juan ortiz in 1990. good day cool arrow
joe how much money did you offer sylvia? was it 50k like you did to juan ortiz for him not to runnn against you? the public needs to know, by the way is that money offer public information? just asking, inquiring minds want to know cool arrow, chango
I will never vote for anyone who has held a previous office in Cameron County.
Joe has no worries.
Please people what makes you think that sylvia is any better? Sometimes we don't know any better and elect someone thinking they will do a good job, (like tony martinez) he fooled everybody, but electing or supporting Sylvia is a known fact she will be worst that any of the people she wants to replace, please, Brownsville deserves better. Ernie and Erin Hernandez are her role models, what can we expect
Lucio used to be a regular guest at EX COUNTY COMISSIONER ISRAEL, Israel's daughter pamely got married to the DPS Larrazolo that got busted with a luggage full of money at Golds Gym parking lot.
Raymonville Ex Commissioner Israel's daughter Pamely's mother in Law (DPS Larazolo's mom is a midwife who can fix birth certificates for a nominal fee.
Again Lucio and Pamely's dad Raymonville's Ex Commioner are caca and calzon.
I should run and so should anyone else who has never held an official seat in this county or city. We need them ALL out! That County Clerk is a shyster, right along with the rest of the board. He actually believes, it is the responsibility of tax payers to afford him his lifestyle. He said as much when demanding a raise over the past two years. He has self-serving blinders on in a down economy. When you make eighty thousand a year and cry because you have not gotten a raise in three years and insist you are having financial troubles due to the lack of a raise....that only means one thing. You sir, Joe Rivera are living beyond your paycheck and expect tax payers to foot the bill. Get a grip on reality. Get over yourself. When there is no money for a raise, that is how it is. If you don't like the reality, go out and find a different job. I wash my hand every time he insisted on shaking it. Creepy.
Shit, $50K to not run against him? I'll go have breakfast with him and tell him I want to run against him so I can get $50K. I'll even pay for the chilaquiles!
Puro pedo, nothing but air here, joe is going to run again and win again, he has everything under control, lets not kid around, he knows the in and outs de todos, why beat around the bush. enuff said. joe in 2014
joe as the song says, don't worry be happy, el chupy
joe did you break bread with sylvia y ya se acabo este pedo? hope you did so you can run unopposed once again, 4 more years, chupys
joe i almost forgot, al bundy says thanks for you running for county clerk and winning so that way he was able to get your former job selling shoes at florsheim in downtown browsville back in the early 1970's next to the old jc penny and majestic buildings es todo. That proofs that you dont have to be smart to sell shoes or become the county clerk right joe? David betancourt?
joe ponte un falda y you will look better and do better at your job of doing nothing.
joe thanks for running for cameron county clerk, it made my job easier selling shoesab
joe maybe its time to retire and enjoy the grandkids.
You can expect better from Sylvia!!! I'm sure you voted for Joe Rivera that piece of shit scumbag......
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