The reason for the raised eyebrows on Escobedo's role in the appointments stem from the fact that both these men played key roles in awarding security contracts to American Surveillance owned by his brother Jaime Escobedo, and where Enrique keeps his personal office. That firm has landed lucrative contracts with the Port of Brownsville, the City of Brownsville Police Department, and is now geared to bid on a BISD security contract as well.
Minutes of the Aug. 2, 2012 meeting of the MISD board indicate that Cesar Lopez, the purchasing agent with the MISD, recommended that American Surveillance be awarded the contract for the installation of some 60 cameras that the district purchased to deter break ins at Mercedes High School and throughout the district's facilities.

In other words, no.
Nonetheless, even though the equipment apparently did not meet the needs that the board wanted, the motion to award American Surveillance, backed by Lopez and the administration, was approved.
In the case of Lucio Mendoza, the new BISD CFO, Enrique Escobedo voted to hire him despite the fact that other vendors claim that Escobedo himself was said to have represented American Surveillance to prepare the bid and even showed up at MISD to inspect the job.
According to the McAllen Monitor's Jaqueline Armendariz in a story published June 17, American Surveillance was awarded a $$801,319 contract to install 384 hundreds of cameras throughout the district.
According to Armendariz, "After a May bidding process, American Surveillance was chosen by the school board Wednesday night. The board approved the purchase of cameras and software from the Brownsville-based company at a price tag of $801,319 to come from the general fund.
The sum, less than the original amount of $848,111.78 first proposed by the company, landed in the middle among the bids submitted by three companies, according to school board documents."
In other words, American Surveillance's bid was not the lowest, but was recommended to the board nonetheless. By whom? How about Lucio Mendoza, the very same man chosen to become BISD's new CFO.
Representatives for the company that had submitted the lowest bid have claimed that Mendoza changed the rules in midstream to allow American Surveillance to lower their offer. They also claim that even though Mendoza had said that unless all the company representatives attended a walk-though conducted by the district, they would not be allowed to submit a bid.
"American Surveillance was not at the walk-through but Mendoza said he was going to allow them to bid because he said they could," said the representative of the company that was elbowed out of the contract.

"It is outdated at this point...the high score was American Surveillance. The bid came in a little higher than we had projected; it came in at $185,000, but we are still making the recommendation so we can get this done during the summer so it won't interfere with classroom instruction."
The company's apparent ease in submitting bids that are not the lowest and still getting recommended for contract awards also extended to the San Benito School District's 2013 E-rate award for the upgrade of cabling infrastructure.
In that bidding, two other companies were ranked above American Surveillance, but a last minute motion by SBISD board president Yliana Rodriguez to divide the contract among the top three bidders was approved by a majority.
The top ranked company, Pathway, had bid $854,325. The second-ranked company, Insight, came in at $1,271,944. American Surveillance's bid, ranked third, came in at $1,216,300.
"Board president Y Rodriguez took advantage (of the absence of two board members) when it came to changing the erate bid that was recommended," wrote a SBISD staffer. "She changed the cabling part nor erate, about $1 milion, from the low bidder Pathway Solutions, to all the top three bidders. She made the motion to change it from the recommended company and that the low bid be honored by the other two companies (no discussion). One company said no, but the other company went down on their bid to match the low bid. Guess what, the company that she got is is owned by (Jaime Escobedo) the brother of the Brownsville school board president. Rumor has it that Y Rodriguez is working to become an asst. superintendent in Brownsville...
"This was something the board president did without the knowledge of the administration and announced it at the meeting."
Rodriguez, as far as we know, has not been hired by the BISD yet. But it is clear that board president Escobedo may have crossed the line of propriety when he discussed and voted on the appointment of Lopez for BISD trustee and Mendoza as the new CFO given the personal role he played in the acquisition of contracts for American Surveillance.
Now, with at least two votes on the board that recommended his brother's American Surveillance for contracts at their respective districts, Escobedo can abstain from discussion and voting on any bid American Surveillance may submit for this district's security contract and he will still get it.
With or with out the majority on the board he can not vote on anything submitted by his brother. You are giving him much more power than he has anywhere.
MONTOYA . que no entienden estos pendejos que tarde que temprano les van a caer como les calleron con el caso de LIMAS y ahorita traen en oferta el pedito de las politiqueras,AL BOTE CON TODOS Y TODAS CORRUPTOS.
In San Benito the district also purchased 50K worth of cameras from Escobedo. He wasn't the lowest but board president pushed for his company. Also a connection between Escobedo and Ron McVey and energy company he works for and Yliana Rodriguez board president.
Not sure what went on in two other school districts would or should even be known by BISD trustees much less impact their vote. Seems like a stretch and a non issue.
He doesn't have any power, he is a slime sob, biggest crook at that. You are so right Juan, why do you think he talked Christy to resign, he wouldn't have had Christy's vote & with him abstaining he wouldn't have the votes.
Don't be surprised they pull the same shit here.
Should Minerva, Otis, and Chirinos vote for his brother's contract, only shows they are corrupt as well.
Stop blaming the corrupt amigos. Start blaming the shit State of Texass for not legislating stuff to prevent these things from happening in the first place. I mean, hello! Why the hell is this stuff allowed by law???? Because we're in Texas. "Texas - it SHOULD be a whole other country"
Shocking. I'm speechless at my surprise. *rolleyes*
Escobedo is not even a dr!!! But he and his drinking crew (cesar lopez & martin arambula) like to pretend hitting on girls but what they really like is giving each other pleasure in the parking lots of the bars they frequent in other words son jotos los pelados!! Uuuyyyyy Maclovio!
Well, citizen of Brownsville get ready because the crooks are back in town. Clean house when you re organize the President is a crook and his chi chincles are right behind him. Ottis, Minerva,Chirinos and the Baby on the Board puras ratas....
And the corruption continues and the trustees continue to serve themselves and not the students or the community. But again, Brownsville doesn't just accept corruption, it demands it. It is promoted by ignorance which the trustees surely seem to want to protect.
Anon 7:42p
Are you serious? Go back to sleep pendejo. Juan shows a direct connection, which at the least shows an appearance of impropriety, and you stick your head in the sand. What an ass. No wonder we're fucked in Brownsville.
Is that really you, Maclovio??...Uuuyyyyy!!!
The fake Maclovio is Pat Lehman.....uuyyyyy
Aye Brownsville. You vote in a guy who illegally used Dr. in front of his name until he was called on the carpet about it...and it made the news. Now you complain about his unprofessional actions on the school board. As long as this town continues to perform "business as usual" when voting the same idiots into positions, you cannot expect different results. It is called lunacy. Self-imposed madness. This town is sick with madness - like made cow disease. How do you over come the disease. Remove all cows and start with a clean healthy set of new cows, having killed off the old ones (so to speak). No cattlemen in his right mind would keep one single cow from the original infected herd. Here in Brownsville, the cows play musical chairs and everyone claps. Dysfunctional... Yes.
this is the same disease in all the valley - all elected officials are crooked like a mesquite tree. must be sometthing in the rio grande valley watersystem-puro shit.
reply PURO SHIT is true,ahora trajieron un rata del valley para hacer chingaderas que no entienden que tarde que temprano van andar como LIMAS ya parenle a tanto robadero porque al rato al bote.
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