Isn't it funny how some people seem to lead a charmed existence?
Take for example, the case of Willy Gonzalez, the city animal control officer who shot two people at the Toucan Lounge and then turned himself in to the cops. There was no question that he had taken a gun to a place where alcoholic beverages were sold, that he knew who was there, and that he was involved in an altercation that spilled out into the parking lot where he shot the two people.

More recently, we have seen the case of firefighter EMS guy Plinio Rojas who on was accused of keying a private ambulance at Valley Baptist Hospital June 5 and later charged with criminal mischief after he said he could not, or would not, pay the victim an estimated $2,494 in damages for the vandalism.
At first Rojas denied responsibility for the vandalism, but surveillance cameras at the hospital shows that he was the only one around who was at the scene when the damage was done on the ambulance.
The victim has been willing to forgo filing criminal charges against Rojas in return for the restitution, but after consulting with his wife and a relative who was an attorney, said he could not.
Not long ago, in response to the arrest and the filing of charges against Rojas, Fire Department Chief Lenny Perez suspended him from his duties and ordered an investigation into the matter for the alleged "misconduct."

Now Perez finds himself in a similar situation. He personally recommended that the city hire Pan American Institute Emergency Medical Sciences at a cost of $67,500 to to train 15 firefighters on a basic paramedic course.
The only glitch was that the state shut down the program (ordered a "pause" in bureaucratise) after it determined that the newly-formed company submitted its application under the course number of a legitimate University of Texas listing even though the company had no affiliation with UTB or authority to do so.
The students, who had been in training since May, are out of three months of time, the city will not get its certified paramedics, and the $67,000 seems to have gone out the window.
Now, on the weight of Lenny's recommendations, City Manager Charlie Cabler presented the proposal for the city commission's approval, and commissioner Rose Gowen made the motion seconded by commissioner Rick Longoria to approve it.
As the state continues its probe of the apparent fraud perpetrated upon the Texas Department of State Health Services, city employees are wondering whether Lenny will continue to lead a charmed existence as he compiles a sorry record as fire chief. If Rojas got suspended for $2,000 in damages to private company, will Lenny skip away free after wasting three months of 15 firefighters and $67,000 in city money?
The person or persons that are part of this FRAUD should all be condemn to serve time in jail, everyone knew what was going on from the Fire Chief to the ones responsible in selling this fraudulent course when they knew that they did not even have the certification and had to STEAL the certification from UTB. But what do we expect from Perez when we the citizens of Mayor have an evening bigger self-serving Fraudulent Mayor to ever SERVE Brownsville. I FOR ONE SAY PUT THEM ALL IN JAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!NO RESTITUTION JUST JAIL TIME..........
More fraud!! Fraud capital of the world, Brownsville Texas. It is embarrassing to tell people we live here amongst these innate criminal mentalities that run our community who steal, cheat and lie with each breath they exhale.
This piece of shit Fire Chief Lenny Perez is already blaming someone else for his fuckups. He suspends a fire fighter for keying an ambulance,with damages in the $2000 plus but he screws the city with $67,000 and he is still working for the city. Do as I say,not as I do. Were is the city manager on this grossly negligent fraud.
There is no fraud here UTB turned its back cause they are a bunch of pussies this split has damaged the lives of many I for one will make sure they pay
2:28, You must either know ABIEL or ADIEL, same shit! Anyway just to let you know the UTB EMS instructor team knew their stuff, great instructors but and a BIG BUT. When you come and make a deal with an IDIOT (LENNY PEREZ) don't expect to be taken care of when the dog shit of Lenny Perez hits the fan. That SHIT splatters all over and you just got covered in it. Now you have to answer to the STATE PENDEJO'S!
I am pretty sure chief perez knew what was going on along with his staff instead of just micro managing the dept. They should put more emphasis on their daily operations.he should let his officers run there daily operations
Don't forget its not only $67,500. You need to take into consideration that this new 15 cadets we're getting paid full salaries . While they attended school for all these months , plus the overtime that the city paid to have their shift covered . While they finish paramedic school !
Talk about a complete idiot for a chief ! If he can't get a class to run correctly, what makes you think that the dumbass can run a fire department. You are no Chief ! You can tell by the way he speaks on TV , that he is pretty stupid he sounds like an idiot !!
That Rojas imbecile should have paid what was being asked of him so he wouldn't have gotten arrested and or suspended ! In a way its good that he didn't he was a LAZY ASS Slacker anyway !!
In regards to that poor excuse of a paramedic P. Rojas , instead of his wife causing all that fiasco at fire station 7 yelling at the wrong people to fix her husbands mistake! She should have turned around and yelled at her husband !! For being so Stupid and childish for scratching an ambulance ! And I'm glad that she is the one who wears the pants in the family and told him not to pay for any damages ! That's why he is suspended right now ! So I would like to thank Miss Rojas in helping us get rid of your husband ! You all shot yourselves in the foot by not taking the deal that was being offered to you !
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