Apparently, the shadow government known as United Brownsville thinks that the third time will be the charm.

Mayor Tony Martinez and UTB President Juliet Garcia round out the cadre of United Brownsville. And BISD board chairman Enrique Escobedo and Superintendent Carl Montoya are also member of the
organization's education committee.
Twice the items were pulled at the last moment after questions arose as to what exactly the organization had to contribute to the education of Brownsville children other than grandiose public relations campaigns urging them to get them to do their homework, listen to their parents and their parents to pay taxes on time (AllIn).
Gee, we can do that ourselves without giving someone $25,000 to stand on the sidelines and cheer.
There is, however, a new wrinkle. Instead of selling us a "membership," United Brownsville is coming in this Tuesday and offering (drum roll, please) the district the opportunity to engage with the group in an educational "partnership."
And, interestingly, there is no money amount included with the agenda item. Could it be that once the BISD "partners" with United Brownsville, a budget amendment buried deep in some back page filled with fund numbers will contain the cash?
The first time United Brownsville tried to milk the district, the item read thus: 15. Discussion, consideration and possible action to pay United Brownsville annual membership fees to the City of Brownsville in the amount not to exceed $25,000 from budgeted Local Maintenance Funds.
You will notice that there was no one named as the person who placed the item on the agenda.
The second time trustee Minerva Peña was bold enough to place it there at someone's else's behest only yo pull it once the word got out.
We have beaten on this horse before on this blog, and if need be, we'll do it again.
United Brownsville was a concoction by manipulators at all levels of Brownsville society to harvest an annual $25,000 donation from the different public entities and boards, among them the City of Brownsville, the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation, the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation, the Brownsville Navigation District, the Brownsville Independent School District, The University of Texas at Brownsville, Texas Southmost College, and the Brownsville Public Utilities Board.
So far, only Cameron County has disregarded the Rusteberg's siren song and BISD has turned them down twice. We also hear that the new TSC administration and board are rethinking the
$25,000 "partnership" payment.
No one elects the members or officer of this "board." They simply appoint themselves or others they feel will toe the line and go along with the program
We wonder whether Pom-Pom Girl Peña will go along with giving away the store when she voted against paying for the election of a new trustee and instead opted to vote in Mercedes ISD Purchasing Agent Cesar Lopez. She has ogften decried "wasteful spending" on the part of the board. Will she now vote to give awy $25,000 to the brainchild of the city's richest banker and the representative of the UT System?

We have inquired the destination of the $1.45 million taken from reserves but have been unable to get any backup to the agenda item. Unlike the city secretary's office, which includes the backup packets online, the BISD does not and even trustees often are kept waiting until the day of the meeting to find out what they are expected to vote on later that day. Is this any way to runa railroad? Or is that the point, that by delaying information to the board things can be railroaded through at the last moment?
Minerva is a two face witch, she doesn't care about the students nor the employees. None of these people you mentioned care about the students. Why don't they donate money for the students, instead of having the kids have fund raisers or go out selling candy?
I went to visit a friend at a middle school today. Portables are old, student desks and teacher's desk from 20 yrs ago, outdated textbooks, outdated computers, lists of over 30 students, no internet access in the portable. That information does not come out in the newspaper and board members and superintendent are too busy getting recognitions for the district. Teachers in the trenches are doing the best they can with what they have. Sometimes what they have is old and does not represent 21st century technology teaching.
i dont want my tax dollars i pay bisd to go to United nothing.
The gall of Brownsville United. United in what...taking from the children? Gawd this town is awefully dense with unprofessional professionals who clearly lack critical thinking skills.
this is just another mamoncitos way to take money form the educatin funds aka taxpayers and pay some fufis guy or girly a nice hugh salary to well you all know what i mean do nothing. I say NO NO NO NO i dont want my taxes to pay for this bull and we get didly squat. I will be very happy if all BISD trustees agree to this $25000 dolnation and they pay it out of their pockets that all right by me. So what do you all say BISD Trustees? Yes from your pocket or no from pocket.. Somewher ein the laws, i beleive a taxing entitiey like BISD is NOT iand i reapet NOT ALLOWED TO GIVE AWAY MONEY aBECAUSE ITS TAXES< OR TAXPAYERS FUNDS. Why dont you all ask your Atty MR. BS, Baltazar Salazar about that? Good day bola de cool arrows on the bisd board. dc
Too bad taxpayers they voted to give your money to the rich people.
tax payers moneys cant be spent this way it is against the law, a taxing entity cannot give away a donation, land equiopment etc, why do you see the cities and schoold districts selling their surplus stuff thru bids or a bid process? this is why so things are not given away to some compadre. chief
Hey coolarrow, membership fees are not considered donation!!!
Guess you are a coolarrow cuz you have not brains.
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