Tuesday, August 27, 2013


By Juan Montoya
District Judges (and county-courts-at-law judges by edict) got their legislatively mandated raises by a 3-0-1 vote of the Cameron County Commissioner's court.
Commissioners Sofia Benavides (Pct. 1), Ernie Hernandez (Pct. 2) and David Garza (Pct. 3) voted to approve the raises that will see the judge's salary increase to $140,000 with the county supplement rising and additional $3,000 to $15,000.
Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos had to leave early before vote was taken and did cast his vote. Commissioner Dan Sanchez abstained from the vote.
By state law, the three county-courts-at-law judges will see their salaries increase to within $1,000 of the district judges' salary of $140,000, or $139,000.
It will be the first time since 2005 that the district and county-court-at-law judges have received a raise.
At first Cascos had said that the legislation did not specifically mandate that the county supplement be raised to the $18,000 cap, and indicated he might suggest that the money necessary to bring the county court-at-law salaries up to the required $1,000 less than the district judges might be taken from the county supplement. However, the district judges – and chief district judge Rolando Olvera, in particular – wrote the commissioners court and vigorously told them that interpreting the new laws passed by the state legislators would go against the obvious legislative intent.
The commissioners also discussed the performance (and compensation) of the two jail magistrates at the Rucker-Carrizales corrections unit. Reports that a cursory review of the time they spent at their job through their punching of the clock there indicated that in a five month period, their combined time on the bench approached some 83 hours. A breakdown of their compensation for that time indicated it amounted to some $429 per hour. The costs did not include the court administrator's $32,000 salary or part-time clerk's.
The court decided to have a district judge, a commissioner and administrator hold a workshop to determine the best way to utilize the magistrates and control their expenses.


Anonymous said...

You are saying that our upstanding County Judge left the meeting before the vote came up in regard to the raises for the District Judges. What a chicken sh_t! He has been vocal about not approving the raises, but to sneak out before the vote just shows his weasley nature and his inability to make what he calls the "Tough Decisions". Unless they carried him to the hospital he is really as useless as tits on a boar hog.

Anonymous said...

Que raise ni que la chingada! Get on a diet you fat asses and take some ethics courses! Work your full forty hour weeks and stop giving probation to all these criminals! With your raises you revictimize the poor victims you fuck over with your shabby work!

Anonymous said...

Carlos left his gonads at some wild party apartment many years ago. Now there is nothing there.

Anonymous said...

Raises? Why should they get raises? When you run for office, you're supposed to be for the people. Not make money so you can feel good about yourself. Kudos to County Judge Carlos Cascos! At least he is watching the taxpayer money and being the accountant that he is! Judges like Migdalia Lopez, that fat ass Cornhole don't deserve a raise. They need to go back to judge school and learn to be a REAL judge! This county just suffered a black eye from the corruption committed by Democrats! Giving raises will not stop the corruption but make them want more!

The WholeTruth said...

Patronismo still reigns supreme in the County of Cameroon! Are there any responsible adults in the room???

Red Fusteburg said...

These cocksuckers think they are some kind of fucking royalty instead of PUBLIC servants. They believe in HELPING THEMSELVES instead of helping the taxpayers. All of these slimy motherfuckers couldn't survive in the corporate world. Bottom feeders one and ALL!
Cameron County needs a larger gene pool!

Anonymous said...

An elected official should not be eligible to receive pay beyond what the scale was when they were elected. They can vote to raise the pay for the position but they can not receive the raise themselves. Perhaps provisions could be made for them to receive something after a couple of terms but not until then.
And on a similar topic, no road, building or any other thing should be named after a living person, politician or hero.

Anonymous said...

..I think Migadalia is pretty thin. Haha.

Anonymous said...

Did everybody miss the part about the magistrates? Geez...they worked a total of 83 hours combined in the last five months. It's time to cut costs and inefficiency! Give the JP's a small raise and have them do those duties like they used to before and the county will still save some money. Let's cut the waste people!!!

monkey shines said...

Sofie dear, can you give little david el manitas his $75k back ok? andale babe i dont want him to commit suicide or something you know gf. chao
