I met Lex (I can't recall his last name) a few years ago.
I had stumbled into the Frontier Lounge off Washington Street on one of those hot, late fall/early winter afternoons when temperatures in the 80s are not uncommon.
The walkway was dark and only lighted once you walked toward the back where a bar was lit up by one of those Budweiser beer wagon displays with the Chlysdale draft horses and the Dalmatian mother dog leaning over the side keeping an eye on her litter of spotted black and white puppies walking alongside the wagon.
Having acquired a taste for old country music from summers I spent in North Carolina and the Midwest, I noticed an old-time Victrola and sauntered over to see their selection. I plunked a couple of quarters in the slot and punched in some Johnny Horton, Hank Williams (Sr.) and Patsy Cline. I even threw in a few by tunes by Johnny Cash and the Carter Family for leavening.
At the time, the place was filled with Winter Snowbirds quaffing a few and they turned appreciatively when the music started to play.
Turned out Lex was wintering in Brownsville with his mother and was staying at a trailer park on Boca Chica Blvd. just before you go to the airport. They were from Tennessee and they had heard about the weather and the cost of living from friends. He and his brother back home raised Tennessee Walking Horses on a farm not far from Lynchburg, home of the Jack Daniels Brewery.
Lex had come to Brownsville over the past few years once winter set in Tennessee.
"I guess you haven't heard of too many folks coming all the way down here from our neck of the woods?" he joked.
I thought about that for a while and told him that historically, the state of Tennessee had provided many personages that figured prominently in the development of Texas.
"David Crockett, one of the heroes of the Alamo, was from Tennessee," I said. "In fact, Sam Houston, the first president of the Republic of Texas was also from there. Go figure."
Lex was intrigued when I told him that the reason he was sitting in a bar in Brownsville, Texas talking to someone in English was because of another Tennessean, James K. Polk, the nation's 11th president. Although he wasn't born in Tennessee, he moved there as a young man and quickly became a popular politician.
He was elected to the Tennessee House of Representatives from 1823 to 1825, served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1825 to 839, was Speaker of the House from 1835 to 1839 and was later elected Governor of Tennessee and served from 1839 to 1841.
While he was the speaker, he was the floor leader of President Andrew Jackson's fight against the Bank. That relationship was to serve Polk well in his quest to the U.S. presidency.
"How does that make him important to people down here?" Lex ( I could tell he was the impatient type) asked.
I explained that both men were ardent expansionists, with Jackson eyeing Texas as the next logical step for the nation to annex, while Polk was eyeing California as the next U.S. acquisition. Polk served as president from 1845 to 149, and the "Texas question" played a large role in getting Jackson's endorsement in his bid for office.
I told Lex that author Walter R. Borneman, in his book, "POLK: The Man Who Transformed the Presidency and America," makes clear that the traditional view of Polk as a war monger whose embrace of Manifest Destiny prompted his invasion of a peaceful nation without any provocation is too simplistic.
This line of thinking has been the thrust of historians like John D. Eisenhower (So Far From God: The U.S. War with Mexico, 1846-1848), and earlier, of iconoclasts like Bernard De Voto (The Year of Decision: 1846). Both these works made Polk out to be the quintessential imperialist set to grab as much real estate as he could by force of arms, if need be.
But Borneman makes clear that there were many forces at work that prompted Polk to order Zachary Taylor and the U.S. Army from Fort Jasper, in Louisiana to the mouth of the Nueces and then to the Rio Grande.
To begin with, when the presidential aspirants to the Democratic nomination of 1844 were quizzed on their stand on the annexation of Texas, only Polk responded in the affirmative. John Quincy Adams, who only 17 years before the declaration of the Republic of Texas in 1836 had negotiated the Adams-Onis Treaty recognizing the territory as part of Mexico, came out publicly against its annexation.
Martin Van Buren, who was vying for a second presidential term, also wrote against the inclusion of Texas as a state. And when even Henry Clay, a Whig (later the Republican Party), wrote in opposition to annexation, the die was cast.
With no one else championing Texas, the Manifest Destiny mantle fell comfortably on Polk’s shoulders.

That's where the boys from Tennessee came in.
Former president Andrew “Old Hickory” Jackson, Sam Houston, Polk, and even Crockett, who had served in the U.S. Congress with Polk, got in the picture. Houston, who left Tennessee after a failed marriage, would later go on to be president of the Republic of Texas and maintained a running correspondence with both Jackson and Polk.
Houston was riled because twice he had proposed U.S. presidents and the U.S Congress to annex Texas as a state, and had been left at the altar twice. But with Jackson’s encouragement from The Hermitage and Polk’s platform for annexation, he was dissuaded from encouraging closer ties between the Texas republic and Britain and assured that annexation would occur once Polk took over the presidency.
Houston was riled because twice he had proposed U.S. presidents and the U.S Congress to annex Texas as a state, and had been left at the altar twice. But with Jackson’s encouragement from The Hermitage and Polk’s platform for annexation, he was dissuaded from encouraging closer ties between the Texas republic and Britain and assured that annexation would occur once Polk took over the presidency.
In fact, Jackson Andrew Donelson - Jackson’s nephew and Polk confidant - was quickly named charge d’affaires to Texas after the death from yellow fever of Tilghman A. Howard. Donelson, another Tennessean, was to deliver Polk’s message to Gov. Houston that help was on the way.
"So you see," I told Lex, "you're not the first resident of the Volunteer State to look our way. We just wish you had brought your friend Jack Daniels instead of Zachary Taylor."
"Amen to that," Lex laughed.
In the years after that initial encounter with Lex, I found out through friends he had reunited with his estranged wife, was still raising horses in Tennessee and had become a member of the American Possum Society (He claimed that the American possum was the most misunderstood marsupial in the world).
I'll probably never hear from again, but he, like his fellow Tennesseans before him, sure made things interesting.
Very good article Juan, very good. I often wonder how things would have turned out for us down here if Polk did not send Taylor our way. Would Texas have stood and prospered or failed and have fallen? Who knows, but the dominos had fallen, being a part of Mexico today would be far worse.
My GGGrandfather raised a regiment of Louisiana volunteers to help in the fight with Mexico and arrive here to late to fire any shots. They got to camp out for a few months on the banks of the Rio Grande near Boca Chica. What fun that must have been! They got a free ride back to New Orleans by ship.
Things work out the way they worked out, but it is fun to see how all of the pieces came together. Again, thanks for a good piece.
Who is Lucio Mendoza??????
Lucio Mendoza from Mission ISD approving 800K scurity cameras to Enrique's brother Jaime?
Mission, Texas school board approves $800K security upgrade
CREATED: JUNE 17, 2013
Money to be used to install more than 380 surveillance cameras
June 17--MISSION -- The contract approved by the Mission school board for hundreds of cameras this past week is the largest chunk of an overall plan to upgrade district security infrastructure.
After a May bidding process, American Surveillance was chosen by the school board Wednesday night. The board approved the purchase of cameras and software from the Brownsville-based company at a price tag of $801,319 to come from the general fund.
The sum, less than the original amount of $848,111.78 first proposed by the company, landed in the middle among the bids submitted by three companies, according to school board documents.
The proposal from American Surveillance lists a total of 384 cameras to be installed inside and outside.
That's just phase two of the Mission school district's plan that officials said they believe is among the foremost in the Rio Grande Valley. The upgrade will likely approach a cost of more than $1 million, they said.
Lucio Mendoza, assistant superintendent for finance and operations, said he believes the only other place in the country that a similar security system might be found is the Los Angeles Unified School District.
The discussion to ramp up security infrastructure began four years ago, he said.
"Finally, I think the incident at Sandy Hook is when we took it to the board," he said.
In December, the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut shook the nation to its core when a gunman claimed the lives of 26 people.
Mendoza said shortly after the start of this coming school year, 60 percent to 70 percent of the cameras should be installed at a remaining 20 or so campuses. The board has also authorized the creation of a command center manned by technicians who will monitor the cameras.
In March, the district had already invested about $360,000 in camera systems, according to Monitor archives. Other items in phase two include $69,000 in projected costs for rolling electric gates, about $87,000 for wireless panic buttons and $180,000 for magnetic locks to automatically close doors to buildings, according to Monitor archives.
Mendoza said the district is exploring the placement of the panic buttons in classrooms and security footage DVR recorders have also been replaced.
"They are at the point where they're basically dying," he said of the recording equipment.
Since March, every classroom is locked from the outside at all times per district policy. Part of the focus is to limit movement and control campus access, Mendoza said, funneling all traffic to the front office of a campus.
With the Mission school district's location on the U.S.-Mexico border, Mendoza and district spokesman Craig Verley acknowledged law enforcement works with the entities to ensure student safety.
The officials said discussion of the district's security upgrades came with input from the local fire and police departments. Verley said local and state law enforcement usually promptly notifies the district if they see a situation that might warrant a lockdown developing.
"We learn from each and every incident," Verley said.
Mendoza said the security upgrade may include a phase three.
When asked whether the public has expressed any concerns about privacy, Mendoza said only a selected group of employees will have access to the security footage. Mendoza said even he is not included in that group.
"We're not doing this just to please anybody," Mendoza said. "We're doing this to try and ensure the safety of their children."
Copyright 2013 - The Monitor, McAllen, Texas
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