Tuesday, August 13, 2013


By Jean Ann Esselink
Another paternalistic Texas politician has volunteered to lead the next battle in the war on women being waged in the Lone Star State, and this time he’s a Democrat. State Senator Eddie Lucio Jr. (not to be confused with his son, Eddie Lucio III who serves in the Texas House of Representatives) has decided Texas women need to take a class and receive a certificate before terminating a pregnancy.
He has introduced Senate Bill 42 to make sure they do.
The good senator has been worried the women of Texas are running out to get abortions willy-nilly, and all because they don’t realize there are other options. Someone needs to sit these young women down and give them a stern talking to. Make sure these loose ladies who went and got themselves in a baby-way know the seriousness of what they’ve gotten themselves into. 
Eddie Lucio thinks these women need to sit through a three-hour class on adoption, and he’s going to make them do it.
If you watched the fight over the last Texas abortion bill, you will remember the Republicans argued that every new provision they were proposing was to make abortions safer. They were determined to make Texas clinics so fricken safe they would have to close. 
But the reason abortion opponents make the “safety” argument is not out of any genuine concern for woman’s health. It is because the Supreme Court has said a state can make regulations for the health and safety of women seeking abortion services, but not to simply impede her ability to end a pregnancy.
How in the world does taking a class on adoption make an abortion safer?
Apparently the men of Texas feel their victory over a woman’s right to control her own body is so complete, they no longer need the “safety” fig leaf. They can now just do to pregnant women what they will. Can a bill requiring women who receive abortions be tattooed with a scarlet A be far behind?
Senator Lucio has not even tried to paint this newest attack as concern for the safety of women. He wants to “inspire” them:
“If we can set up a three hour educational course that will hopefully inspire or have women give a second thought to their abortion thoughts and give up the child up for adoption… if we can save a few lives then I feel it will be worth the effort.”
You can see the senator defend his newest “burden” bill in the interview below. I’m too frustrated to discuss Senate Bill 42 any further without risking an aneurysm. I don’t know how the women of Texas endure these misogynistic legislators.
If you would like to send State Senator Lucio a thank you note for his kind concern in offering guidance to the women of Texas, he can be reached at:
Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr.
P.O. Box 12068 Capitol Station Austin, Texas 78711
(512) 463-0127 (512) 463-0061 Fax


Anonymous said...

That asshole has cemented his legacy as the most ineffective, corrupt hypocrite to ever represent south Texas at the state capitol. Oliveira isn't far behind. Good riddance to both of them.

Anonymous said...

I suggest that every woman in the state that thinks they should be allowed to make decisions for themselves sign up for the class. Just overwhelm them. And, if there is ever a need, you will already have Lucio's class.

Joaquin said...

I think what upsets me the most about Democrat talking points is the ignorance they spread. Somehow, they've turned abortion into a left vs. right argument and they've checked all logic and intelligence at the door. They're like parrots just regurgitating the nonsense they've heard their political heroes spew.

Anonymous said...

eddie you look better in the golf outfit.

Anonymous said...

I wrote the honorable Senator and asked him why we couldn't have classes in contraception. He never responded to my letter.

Anonymous said...

Eddie Jr is a DINO, Democrat In Name Only, and is now the official DINO lap dog of far-right Republican leaders. Hey Eddie!! Just change parties and get it over with! As for this asinine bill, it is Eddie's chance to show his owners that he is a faithful lap dog. The author hit the nail on the head; this has ZERO to do with women's safety and everything to do with Eddie trying to become one of them good old Repulican boys. Of course, as we all should know, being in with the far-right good old boys is the way Eddie hopes to use to make Eddie richer and more powerful.
