Thursday, September 26, 2013


By Juan Montoya
Did you hear about the cat fight that developed over the plans by Cameron County Democratic Party chairperson Sylvia Garza-Perez to install vice-chair Carlos Masso Friday so as to clear the way for her announcement for county judge?
The way we heard it, Sylvia and the clica of the Ernie-Norma-Erin Hernandez gang planned to meet tomorrow at 6 p.m. at the Mercado Juarez (the old Majestic Theater) to formalize the power transfer of the party, but when this reachede the ears of Cindy Hinojosa, the wife of Texas Democratic Party chairman Gilbert Hinojosa, all hell broke loose.
Apparently, Ms. Hinojosa reminded Garza-Perez in no uncertain terms that in order to effect those changes, there needed to be a 20-day announcement of the meeting of the county executive committee and that the notice needed to reach all the precinct chairs and the party membership. To do otherwise, she was told, would be considered illegal within the party structure.
(That's Sylvia with Joey Garza, one of the the subjects of a joint federal -state investigation into mail-in vote fraud.)
In what has become a "signature' of the Garza-Perez-Hernandez-Masso triumvirate, the chairperson apparently wanted to do it the way that she nominated (and had the 20 or so party members present) vote Masso in as vice-chair. When it happened, few rank-and-file party members got wind of the meeting and very few – outside of the select few in the cadre – attended. The result was a foregone conclusion and Masso got the vice-chair when Doroteo Garcia, husband of Ernie and Norma's daughter (and now justice of the peace Erin), resigned at the same meeting.
It has now become evident that the Cameron County Democratic Party has become the operational arm of the Hernandezes and their political cllies with scant attention being paid to the niceties of consultation with the rank-and-file party members. They are expected to do as this bunch tells them to do.
Will Sylvia, the Hernadezes, Masso, and the few precinct chairs who attend go ahead with the meeting and appoint who they want in the executive committee? Or will they heed the party's bylaws and open the party to the transparency it needs to make itself credible to the voters?  


Anonymous said...

"...will they heed the party's bylaws and open the party to the transparency it needs to make itself credible to the voters? ..."

Anonymous said...

The Hinojosa family is still pissed at Sylvia for laying the SMACK DOWN on Jared . Good luck Sylvia !

Anonymous said...

puros cartuchos quemados todos los nombres de esta la chingues montoya tu escribes mejores noticias que esta.

Anonymous said...

Discord amongst the ranks during Sept. 2013's meeting went unnoticed until one pct. chair spoke out via an email regarding the process thrust onto the group in last months meeting.

It was suggested better communication across the county party is needed when planning to create and appoint such an important position as an Executive Assistant.

Some party members agreed and other's were accusatory of the pct. chair questioning the process that took place.

If they pull the stunt stated is planned to happen tomorrow on Sept, 28, 2013, without involving all party member's it will cement the claim by that pct. chair.

Democrats must take back their party from these people with personal agendas that do not help the voters in any way.

The fact that the County Chair within only months of winning that seat, was already planning to run for County Judge after promising to do good for the party, proves self-indulgence and betrayal to the party and the voters.

Indicating the agenda is to seek power instead of providing substance to the party and is using everyone around her as a stepping stone.

This Democrat nor anyone in our family, will be voting for the current county party chair who insists on perpetuating the musical chairs we are all too familiar with and always involving certain family names.

We want our Democratic Party back and we will take it back!

By Voting them out.

Anonymous said...

This is rich. One group of filth being held accountable by another group of scum. The Hernandez crime ring vs the Hinojosa syndicate. Ha! Come on Feds, exterminate them all!

Anonymous said...

The filthy Hernandez crime ring vs the scummy hinojosa syndicate HELLO that's how the Dems roll these days PURE CORRUPTION!!!!!

monkey shines said...

good old american greed, stepping stones, i thought gilbert was too busy focused on running for Texas Govenander that he dont pay attention to cameron county any more? I guess i was wrong, democrat ratas versus demorcart ratas, puro infighting among the ranks, oh well thats cameron county for you. pura crema, no wonder the folks, citizens and voters dont come out and bother to vote anymore, its pretty bad.

Anonymous said...

As Democrats, when choosing a party chair we should be asking, who is best able to inspire more Democrat voters to mobilize and vote in the future?

The point is our turnout is dismal.

The Democrats of Cameron County have already spoken.

Masso received 8075 votes last year.

Yet Celeste Zepeda Sanchez, on the ballot the same year in a similar 3-way race, received 9,745 votes, over 1,500 more than Masso.

Why isn't she being considered?

It's time to stop selectively advancing an “inner circle” through secret closed-door meetings while overlooking candidates who motivate the public and garner widespread interest.

I nominate Celeste Zepeda Sanchez based solely on her being the most popular candidate among Democrats IN THE ENTIRE COUNTY in a 3 way race, apart from Lucio - who is now in office and ineligible for party chairman. Was it her straightforwardness, easy approachability, fairness, obvious concern for the welfare of others? Or her clear articulation, education and focus? She didn't spend a fraction of $$ spent by most other candidates. Are these qualities exactly what we should be recruiting into leading the party forward?

Instead of secret meetings, maneuvering...
why not base the decision on who real voting DEMOCRATS have shown overwhelming confidence in... or is that too much to hope for?

Anonymous said...

Sylvia is an idiot.

Anonymous said...

"Why isn't she being considered?"

Why? Because she lost a multi-county race due to narrow-minded tunnel vision, focusing only on what's in front of her face and not... THE... BIGGER... PICTURE. It's the same affliction the current Democrat party chair suffers from.

So... next?

Anonymous said...

Sylvia is spreading lies that Martin Arambula is a wife beater. She should worry herself of not getting in the dirty in this campaign. She is as dirty as they come. Martin Arambula is the only one that cant defeat Carlos Cascos, not some dumb idiotic womon that has an I.Q. of a cabbage, and i am insulting the cabbage by comparing her to Sylvia. Go Martin!! Beat the Bitch!!!

Anonymous said...

Celeste Sanchez lost solely because of mail-in votes.

In the runoff, she was the most popular candidate in Cameron county apart from Filemon Vela and Luis Saenz. Both times she got more votes than Masso both in the primary and the primary runoff. Just sayin.

Anonymous said...

Criteria questions for this position should include:

-Is this potential Democrat Chairperson likely to be indicted any time soon?

-Does this person have any illegal business involvements?

-Did this person pay politiqueras soon to be front and center in an explosive media trial. Further tarnishing the party's image?

-Is this person someone clique-ish and divisive or someone Democrats find fair, ethical and approachable?

Anonymous said...

Sylvia better hope her past does not come back to haunt her, In school she was a BIG BULLY! harassed girls, started fights, was downright a BITCH towards people she didnt like or she thought were a threat to her, no telling what she will do to win this election! Too funny she has made it this far!

Anonymous said...

I have known Sylvia for 32 years and was surprised that she won the chair. I am dissappointed that she is now running for judge. At a time when the democratic party needs to come together and support the community she has left the position where she could help more people to one that is simply self-serving. If she could only learn that it is better to bring people together than to make people choose sides.

el monkey shines said...

juan i thought gilberto hinojosa-cream of the crop was going to run for texas governor? hum? guess i was wrong y la wendy announced y ya le gano el paso.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like another victory for republican Carlos Cascos coming. When are these village idiot corrupt Dumbocrats in Cameron County going to learn?
