The first to announce for Justice of the Peace 2-3 was Maria E. Garcia.
Former constable Pete Avila was next.

Not far behind her, after she placed Carlos Masso as vice-chair of the Cameron County Democratic Party, former chairperson Sylvia Garza-Perez declared for county judge to run against Democratic candidate Martin Arambula and other expected to jump into the fray before the year is up. Some of the names mentioned include attorney Ruben Peña and Pct. 4 commissioner Dan Sanchez.
The eventual winner would face Republican incumbent Carlos Cascos in November 2014.
And so far, three candidates have announced for district clerk, the position to be left vacant when perennial office holder Aurora De la Garza leaves office at the end of 2014. They are Rosie Sotelo, Eric Garza, and Neida Ruth Soto-Grantland.
Local attorney Alex Dominguez so far is the only challenger for the Pct. 2 county commissioner Ernie Hernandez.

The Peña candidacy for JP 2-3 is intriguing. Why, after she has just won a new term on the BISD board of trustees, did Peña decide she wanted to be a justice of the peace?
Recently she gave a speech on her Hispanic ancestry for Dieciseis de Septiembre saying that she had survived illness, getting run over by a train, had a hard time getting a job with the state, and blamed it all on gender discrimination. Up until now we hadn't realized she had been run over by a train. No wonder.
Minerva Pena for JP! Oh hell no! This is the retired DPS Sergeant who testified for a sex predator in the 357th District Court! Its bad enough that this fugly woman won a seat on the BISD who supports convicted sexual predators!
So Abel Gomez grew a pair of cojones to call out the county commissioners in the public eye to get more money in his budget? Then you have that Ernie "Pig Snake" Hernandez backing him up on this? Aren't these the same two who got their campaign camps together and used "politiqueras" to get questionable votes and win their positions?
This woman is the one posting ugly crass comments about Cata all the time, idealy a JP should be even tempered, wise, honest and dignified, of course we have pachuca Linda Salazar ( anything but dignified) and Erin which is a bully, currupt, deshonest, self serving, and unlikable, i guess she would fit right in with them, but i still would not vote for her
Juan, Why must you always be such a negative thorn for our community? So sad that you can not use your great talents to earn more than a few dollars.
Juan, Dime con quien te juntas y quien te mantiene y te dire quien eres! Triste, Bien Triste!
Minerva Pena as a JP...that is scarry! The woman thinks she is God already, imagine her diciding on cases, that is CRAZY!!
Why do people always blame not getting a job or opportunity due to some sort of discrimination? Some jobs require you to be competent and well, some of us aren’t.
She is a mean loud vulgar woman, we don't need someone like that as a JP
juan so now that Miverna (Porter belle) Pena has offcially made her announcment for this justice o peace doesnt she automatically resigned from her elected positon at BISD, check it out, i beleive thats the law. LE
Another bunch of wannabe crooks lining up for their turn at the public trough.
rwsign resign resign mes ena from the bisd spot immediately vacate, do not pass go, do not collect $200 go directly home and outta of the bisd school board. Off i say, yea es todo homey
Hey everyone, did that homey on post 8:44 pm fail High School and he/she DID not pass go?
juan Good riddance, i doubled checked it out on the internet andfound out that minerva pena has officially resigned from her BISD school board by the annoucing to run for another elected offic that of Justice o peace postion, the law says "if an elected office holder has more than 1 year left on his/her elected term once an announcement is made they automaticly have resign from that elected position" you can reference or check out the Texas Election Code, Chapter 201, Texas constitution, what a Great day for Brownsville. MLE
Post 10:52 AM. MLE, that does not apply to the School Board Trustee Positions. Just ask the Secretary of State. Texas Election Code Chapter 21 Texas Constitution has more that one part. Please research all of the Code.
So ms. minnie mouse i hope you are happy that you have officially resigned from your place on the BISD board like mr eagle here says. you go girl good grief
mr anonymous at 9.23 pm, i did check it out like you mentioned and its in the state law that a JP-Justice o peace cannot hold another elected office, that is what is called a dual office holder, just to clarify the misconception or point adios mle
My vote is for Maria E Garcia.
Do you people not remember when Dr. Escobedo ran for county office. He did not resign, did he? Why? Because he was not required to. Juan you are just allowing these posts to twist the truth. SAD!
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