There's a saying in Spanish that you don't know your real friends until you are either in jail or in the hospital.

Apparently, the night was long and the 8 a.m. event disturbed her beauty sleep. She was scheduled to give the opening salutatory remarks.
Instead, it was left up to Cameron County District Attorney Luis Saenz to present the proclamation and address the group. Saenz has been in the forefront of making the public aware of the issue, and just last week unveiled a huge banner warning that "When red and white (roses) turn to black and blue (blows), you get orange (prison jumpsuit).
What made Tetreau's absence unusual was the fact that the precocious lass usually post something on her FB page explaining her innermost sentiments. Now there was nothing, not a phone call, an excuse, nothing. Hopefully, everything is fine with her and no untoward events marred her day.
Read that last sentence, pendejo!
Obviously things are not ok with her. She is having a family crisis of her own to deal with. Only her facebook friends are allowed to see on her wall that one of her children is ill. That might be why she was a no show at this event.
sleeping with another city employee?
She was too busy beating the shit out of her hubby. Lets see if Saenz puts the orange jump suit on her.
They should have asked Martin Arambula to read the proclamation, he knows about domestic violence, the wife beater. Vote Sylvia Garza Perez for County Judge!
So the rumor is that Amfels is shutting down soon. All the contacters have been laid off and told to pack up their trailers. Supposedly, everything is being portioned off to their other shipyards.
Any truth to this rumor?
I don't know what day this event was, but her daughter has been very ill and she has not left her bedside.
Everyone knows 8:00 am is to early for Jessica T. Come on she is barely going to sleep at 8:00 am on a weekend. That girl could drink like her pal Melissa Zamora. Both were a no show. So much for the DA having a public information officer if she doesn't attend the events. Oh that is right it is a weekend. Las dos bien crudas y mamadas. Jessica T. and Melissa seem to use their kids as excuses for their lack of professionalism...oh but if it was a party that had liqour and maybe a few rich men they could maybe get something from them they would be there sick kids and all. They seem to think they are the only ones that have kids or things to do. They expect everyone to be sympathetic to their needs. Melissa misses a lot of days at the DA office and Jessica misses a lot of meetings and functions. Lets be realistic they are only in it for themselves. They are both husband beaters and wrong people to represent Domestic Violence because all they know is violence when they don't get their way. Jessica and Melissa are the poster women for PHYSICAL AND VERBAL ABUSE of men.
If it was really an emergency she would have the decensy to at least call and advise someone of her absence. Jessica is always on the phone or on facebook. She could have facebooked her Puppet Master Erasmo/Brownsville Cheezmeh to have people pray for her and say OH WE LOVE YOU JESSICA but NOOO that would show she cared for battered women and children. Victims who show up and expect elected official to have a little sympathy for the less fortunate. Jessica is a loser. She learned from the best liar Melissa Z. Both of them were a no show.
She will probably say one of her kids was sick. Typical "great" excuse.
Melissa was the master of ceremonies for the Alzheimer's walk at the university.
It was Melissa Zamora's idea to have her buddy and fellow husband beater, Jessica (air head) Tetreu read the proclamation. She did this only to aggravate Zeke Silva. She knows that Zeke can't stand the idiot. Why does Saenz allow this kind of shit?
Learn to use a dicktionary pendejo! Praise the Lord!
I am glad you were declared ineligible to run and to think I once supported you, just like Tonya Martinez, I could kick
myself a thousand times
over. You are a spiteful and
hateful person, fake Christian you are. May God save you from yourself with your vengeful ways.
Another dumb bitch ... Vote for Martin
Bunch of heartless assholes posting here. Get a life.
Jessica's name is spelled Tetreau, not Tetreu. You're the airhead. If you don't like the job she is doing, why
don't you run for
commissioner? Oh, I forgot,
it was determined you are
ineligible to run.
TETREU is dumber than a doorknob
Jessica's name is spelled Tetreau, not Tetreu. You're the airhead. If you don't like the job she is doing, why
don't you run for
commissioner? Oh, I forgot,
it was determined you are
ineligible to run.
Stop playing on the blogs and go back to whatever dimwitted tasks fill your day, Jesica.
I am not Jessica.
Jessica is a beautiful human being with her heart in the right place.
So boo to you haters!!!!!!!
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