Poor Carlos Masso can't win for losing.
In last night's Democratic Party election for chairman of the Demos, Masso – supported by the likes of Ernie Hernandez and his vote harvesting machine and the outgoing chairwoman Sylvia Garza-Perez – came one vote vote short of winning...again. The razor-thin margin was 13 to 12.

For the last month or so Democratic Party faithful have been witnesses to the machinations of the outgoing chair as she manipulated hastily-called meetings where the upper cadre of the party was placed to assit her candidacy for Cameron County judge. At the meeting before last, Doroteo Garcia – the better half of JP Erin Garcia – resigned his vice-chairmanship to allow Masso to take over as vice chair and clear the way for Garza-Perez to resign and announce her candidacy for the top county position. Both Garza Perez and Masso are closely allied with Pct. 2 commissioner Ernie Hernandez, his wife Norma, her politiqueras, and daughter Erin.
(There is a rumor awind about the marital strife within the Garcia household, but that's for another time.)
However, the emergence of Medina as a spoiler was not in the plan, and Garza-Perez was overheard telling those present that the news of Medina's victory over Masso should not be divulged lest those nasty bloggers got a hold of it and spread it to the four winds.
With control wrested from the vote harversters, will it mean the party is off on a new direction at least for the next six months? That means that Ms. Medina will oversee the March primaries. Interesting.
Medina's website indicates she is currently the President of the Cameron County Young Lawyers Association, has served on the Community Education and Minority Involvement Committees of the Texas Young Lawyers Association and is a member of the Cameron and Hidalgo County Bar Associations, the Texas Young Lawyer's Association, the National Hispanic Professional Organization, the Texas Trial Lawyers Association, the Cameron County Trial Lawyers Association, and the American Association for Justice. Amber received her B.A. from the University of Oklahoma in Norman.
ALAMO, I hope that this new chapter or change will be for somethign good, for the people and democrat party to rid off or avoid the old self serving lil cliques or factions like in the past 30 to 40 years and get rid of the old machines in place, bring in some new faces, persons who are not into this corruption and self interest but really want to serve the community. sk
Can Ernie, Ernin, Silvia, Norma and all their cartel get a hint.
We are tired of Ernie's cartel and rather vote for any other cartel.
yo no creo que este marrano se pueda ver el 'PITO'
Una sola pregunta, esa Ruca, Amber, habla espanol? Tengo entendito que Los Sooners no les gustan a los Meskins.
Either way you get the Eel or el alacran.
Either way you get the Eel or el alacran.
The dumbass precinct chairs that did not vote for Masso are Gilberto Hinojosa puppets! The dumb ass bitch Cindy Hinojosa is an airhead cunt. She should keep track of her fuck crazy husband, sleeping with anything that breathes, but she deserves whatever he does to her,...she was "The other woman", once....karma is a bitch, BITCH! Your hatred for Sylvia Garza Perez will get you no where Cindy. She will do what your hubby couldn't and beat Cascos. See you on the campaign trail bitch! Go Sylvia go!
of all time backfires
so Sylvia got the Hernandez son in law to resign, resigned herself and Masso lost. Three birds one stone
Waaaaah ha ha ha!
Doro resigned because he is getting out of the swampy swage, and he is dumping Urine.
The dumbass........
By your lexico it is you Sylvia, so hateful and ugli
The new chair is a Gilberto Hinojosa puppet! She works for Mike Cowen, the guy that was mentioned with the Limas trial,....PURA caca! Gilberto has fucked up the Democratic Party! He and his wife are whores! They are supporting a wife beater Martin Arambula. GO SILVIA GO!
Amber does not work for me. She used to, but she resigned this summer.
She also never worked for Juan Magallanes.
While I don't care who the county chairperson is, I just wanted to set the record straight.
Michael Cowen
well, I was going to say that it looks like a fresh start for the party, but the 3:28 comment brought me back to reality...
Finally gettingt rid of these tyrants. Slowly but surely,Sylvia Garza Perez, Ernie Hernandez, and Erin G. Hernandez will be a thing of the pass. Kudos to every single person that had the courage to dismantle the Garza Perez-Hernandez corruption cell. Now I am starting to feel proud of being a Democrat. The people above mention will not win the upcoming elections.
Women shouldn't be able to run for any position unless it's in bed... Vote for Martin !
I much rather have Amber Median and will support her all the way.
i hope amber is not a gilbert hinojosa puppet like some of these bloggers are suggesting or otherwise than we are back to square one with gilberto and his gang in charge so the 30-40 years of reign continues then, yikes, sk
is that masso with that huge stomach? competiion for Ernie hernandez or what?????
6:17 PM
To 6:17 PM thank you for setting the record straight.
Either way I will support Amber, better than Martin, Maso, Ernie, Norma, Silvia, and tony.
Amber Medina resigned from mike Cowen because the FBI is getting ready to indict him as an associate of The ex DA.
I would stop tring and start runnin. Your going to live about 10 more years at the rate your going.
oink oink
wife beater Martin Arambula? Really? That is not Good!
is that porky pigs cousin?
4:14 Purohit jealous
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