Tuesday, November 12, 2013


By Juan Montoya
He is the direct supervisor of the defendant, his administrative assistant Raul G. Salazar.
His wife Norma is the brother of Roberto Cadriel, the convicted felon prosecutors say was hired illegally by the county.
His brother-in-law was allegedly assisted by employees in the Cameron County Human Resources Department to take the Civil Service Exam after having failed it twice. On the third time someone took it for him, he passed with flying colors.
Prosecutors have charged his assistant Salazar with two counts of tampering with a government document over the illegal hiring.
Numerous individuals – including Salazar, Cadriel, interim HR director Robert Lopez, and others have testified before a grand jury who issued the indictments against Salazar.
And today, as the pre-trial motions began in front of visiting judge Fred Hinojosa before the jurors were questioned (voir dire) we learned that Cameron County Pct. 2 Commissioner Ernie Hernandez is claiming protection under the Fifth Amendment and will not testify in court.
Hernandez, who spent a full three hours before the grand jury that issued the indictments without an attorney, now told the court through his lawyer Edmund K. Cyganiewicz, that he would claim the Fifth and wouldn't testify in open court.
In fact, even after Hernandez was offered immunity for his testimony, Cyganiewicz said his client would still not testify.
This, of course, raises many questions.
Hernandez is within his constitutional right to refuse to testify.
Legal experts such as Christopher Leroi say that:
"If you believe that you will testify to information that will incriminate you about an incident for which you have not been charged (and so jeopardy has not attached), then you are within your rights to claim the Fifth Amendment and refuse to testify about information that would possibly subject you to criminal prosecution," Leroi advices.
However, he said that you should "understand that both the DA and the judge might attempt to ask you why you believe that you would incriminate yourself and what you would say to incriminate yourself. They simply can not ask you the substance of what you are withholding in an attempt to not incriminate yourself."
"After being called to the stand and sworn in, you should advise the Court of your intention to claim the Fifth Amendment and rights within that amendment..."
However, other lawyers say that "you can't claim the right because you do not want to testify against a friend, for instance. This is normally done in a hearing without the jury. There may be reason they call you anyway to hear you assert the right."
Another reason for Hernandez's notice that he will claim the Fifth is because he has already testified before a grand jury and he may have given contradictory statements to those that might emerge from responses to questioning by other witnesses, opening up the possibility of a perjury charge.
This could give rise to a suspicion that he lied to the grand jury that issued the indictments and is afraid that those false statements will be exposed by the testimony of other witnesses during the trial.
However, some legal experts say that even if you claim the Fifth, if the he prosecutor then chooses to give you transactional or use immunity, then you would not be able to claim the Fifth and would still have to testify.
We know that so far, Robert Cadriel and Asst. county administrator David Garcia were given written deals by the DA. Would Hernandez's testimony have proven contradictory to theirs?
By refusing to testify, Hernandez, as an elected public official who swore to uphold the law and the constitution of the United States, is telling the public that he would rather the truth not be known.
Granted that testifying or not testifying in front of a jury does not mean he's guilty of some crime, but every so often Ernie Hernandez goes to the court of public opinion seeking approval of his candidacy to represent them on the city and later, the county commission.
The seated jury on the Salazar case might be willing to overlook his refusal to testify, but the court of public opinion may not be so forgiving come the March Democratic Party primary.


Anonymous said...

Put a moon pie in front of poppa pig! That'll make him open his mouth! I wonder if his, miss piggy daughter, is representing poppa pig, with her vast, "Legal Experience" and all!

Anonymous said...

Will Bobby run cover for Ernie?

Anonymous said...

Finally the world can get a glimpse of the real Ernie Hernandez. He doesn't know HOW to tell the truth. He's up to his eyebrows in this crime.

Dags said...

Who cares? It's the Mexicans' turn to be the bad guys. Better our own than the Whites. LOL!!!


chief cool arrow said...

why am i not surprised at his latest scam, things that make you go Hum. oh well poor folks in pct 2, you get what you voted for? or should i fraudalently got elected to commissioner pct 2, with all the scams, shinanigans etc. CCA

Anonymous said...

I just want to know when Ernie Jr.'s divorce will be finalized, so I can move in, on his, soon to be, ex-wife! I'll show her what a real man is. Ha! Ha! Ha! Loser! She'll be well taken care of like the beautiful princess she is.

Anonymous said...

I bet even money it was "Bobby the Brain" who advised Ernie to clam up.

En boca cerrada, no entran moscas.

Anonymous said...

The Hernandez Klan are all scum. But we must assume that they are what the public wants....because the public continues to elect them. Brownsville doesn't just accept corruption, Brownsville demands corruption.

Former county employee said...

What news? Ernie "Snake Pig" Hernandez pleading the fifth? Must have something to hide! Raul, you dumb ass! Fess up and spill the beans on that fat bastard! You get convicted, will you still have a job with him? You're already a convicted felon! How about it Robert Lopez! Squeal you little bitch!

Anonymous said...

Dag..When it comes to corruption and crooks, the anglos are outclassed by the Mexicans. Not even close. Mexican's win by a country mile.

Anonymous said...

"The Hernandez Klan are all scum. But we must assume that they are what the public wants....because the public continues to elect them. Brownsville doesn't just accept corruption, Brownsville demands corruption."

Actually no. Subtract the mail-in ballots and both Ernie and Erin lost their elections. Begum won by 29 votes and Ruben Pena won by over 100. This despite the documented vans herding the mentally retarded and illiterate into forced votes. Minus the vans, safe to assume Begum and Pena won by a margin of several hundred.

The public did not elect either Hernandez. Mail in ballots ala confessed politiquera Sonia Solis reversed the outcomes.

chief cool arrow said...

If taking or pleading the 5th is better for ernie than opening up a pandora's box full of illegal stuff on ernie, erin and norma hernandez, its no wonder that former brownsville mayor Emilio hernandez RIP and tio de ernie keep a great distance from this kind of kin. nothign but ratas, crooks and thiefs, este dude y toda su familia. we need to vote them out next time folks.
