Saturday, November 2, 2013


By Juan Montoya
The Texas State Bar – after months of sifting through the evidence of attorneys' misconduct generated by the corruption case of disgraced former 404th District Judge Abel Limas – has issued its first edict.
It found state Rep. Rene O. Oliveira of professional misconduct and fined him $1,500 to cover the State Bar’s legal fees and expenses in the disciplinary proceeding.
A contrite Oliveira issued a statement published by Emma Perez-Trevño in the Valley Morning Star saying:
Emma reported that in addition to the fine, Oliveira also agreed to pay $1,500 to cover the State Bar’s legal fees and expenses in the disciplinary proceeding.
After the racketeering trial, federal judge Andre Hanene directed the U.S. Attorney's Office to cooperate with the State Bar or the Southern District of Texas into the unethical conduct of (Ray Marchan) and/or any other individuals" in the case.
In Oliveira's case, he was recorded begging Limas for a continuance in a case and pleaded with Limas not to issue sanctions against Marchan. Oliveira's law firm had neglected to name an expert witness and needed more time to try the case. The conversation took place outside the court and the opposing attorneys did not now it had taken place.
It was Oliveira at his wheedling best. Emma published snippets of the conversation and we can hardly improve on it. Here's what she wrote:
"As heard in court, Oliveira told Limas that his firm was in a bind, and that he was caught with his “pants down” to his knees.
“Man, I need, I need a big, big favor,” Oliveira told Limas.
“We f——d up on a case,” Oliveira told Limas, who served as judge of the 404th state District Court from 2001 through the end of 2008.
“We have to try (the case), but I need to buy some more time,” Oliveira said, noting that the firm stood to lose the client.
Oliveira said that attorney Randall Crane, who represented the opposing party, had him “by the b—-s.”
Oliveira indicated in the conversation that an associate would attend the hearing and seek more time, and that Crane was going to go “ballistic.”
Oliveira asked Limas to “pretend” not to know. Before indicating to Oliveira that things would work out, Limas told Oliveira that Crane was trying to have Marchan sanctioned and that he does not sanction attorneys."
Marchan commited suicide by jumping off the Island causeway on the day he was supposed to report to federal prison. Rene will probably go on a drinking binge and forget that he misbehaved and will go on misbehaving. After all, with his campaign war chest topping $100,000, a piddling $1,500 is just a drop in the bucket.
By those standards, Marchan now comes off looking like a virtuous man.


Anonymous said...

Was this Rep and the Sen milking the UTB with consulting fees at the expense of the taxpayers.

Juliet, Oliveira and Lucio shame on you.

Anonymous said...

WOW! The State Bar spared no expense investigating this misconduct! What a joke!

$1500 is a pittance of what he gained by receiving this particular continuance, allowing him to backdoor an expert witness. Sure the case settled, but what did he profit when his opponent succumbed to settle under the pressure of what the expert witness might have testified? Had he been forced to trial without an expert, he likely would have lost and profited nothing. His fine should have equaled what he profited by his unethical act. That would be justice and "punishment fitting the crime," all rolled into one.

Make no mistake, it was a crime -- a fraud committed against any party who had to pay him a cent. Make these attorneys/public servants forfeit their ill-gotten gains and, maybe then, you'll get their attention and ethical conduct.

chief cool arrow said...

Juan as always, a little slap on the hands, probabley laughed at the state bar when he wrote out the check, i say take away his license to practice law and then you are talking about doing some serious damage by hitting him in the old pocketbook. Puro pedo cone este $1500 dollar fine, another DmemocRATA of the old corrupt party. Well hope and prayer next time Rene O O you will be outta office. chief

Anonymous said...

John Shergold opposed Rene In the 2008 Democratic Primary, Rene won big against him and then Rene won big against Alex Dominguez in 2010, Cameron county loves Rene.

Anonymous said...

Rene is a scum bag! His illegal actiions; from illegal parking to drunk driving have been covered up by local officials for far too long. Melissa Zamora used her position as City Commissioner to protect Rene from a drunk driving accident during his last campaign. Now we continue to have to live with both Rene and Melissa. To bad for this community.

Former county employee said...

State Bar, what a joke! Of course, its made up of lawyers investigating lawyers. So, take care of your own and the corruption will continue!
So, now that everyone knows that Oliveira admitted to impriorities, does the other side of that lawsuit get to sue him for the loss or damages? Can't see the statute of limitations taking effect here since it was now discovered that Oliviera committed ethic violations that had results in a court case?

Anonymous said...

As a Rep. He needs to FIRE himself! He is a fool for he thinks he is so sexy....dude, ur a joke....u NEVER have helped our community!

Oh, ur women laugh behind ur back jus like the comment given to Livenston bef he murdered her! Small and inefficient! Ughhhh

chief cool arrow said...

Ah come on juanito, Texas state bar is a joke, and everyone knows it. Its their own little gang liek the democRATA party in cameronc ocunty, the same lawyers covering themselves with the same stinky blanket, should we expect any major fines, suspension or expulsion of the unhonorable attorney Rene Oviedo Oliveria??? Hell NO NO NO its the same fox guarding the hen house. lol. made me laugh thanks for the chuckle Rene.

chief cool arrow said...

Juan ok, so he committed Professional misconduct as an attorney as per his state bar of texas afficondos, cronies etc., so does this professional misconduct affect in any way, shape or form his state rep position by any chance? Hum, i was just wondering can the folks from his district file a complaint? And with whom???? The texas gov office, Lt Gov, Secretary of state or someone to look into any possible state sanctions against this pirate of the RGV? just wondering, cuz i dont have anything else to do???? And I know the folks from Brownsville deserve BETTER than this piece of shinola.

Southmost kid said...

Juan i know tht rene es un chingonometrico here in his district and up in austin but i am sending a copy of the newspaper article to the Chairman Rep John Zerwas dist 28 & the vice chairman Rep Eric Johnson of the state of Texas, General investigating & ethics committee. I am doing this just for kicks. I think the state of Texas officials need to know what kind of scumbag this rene o dude really is. I hope other folks here in his district do the same and mail in their complaints as well. The austin address is on the website, thank GOD for the internet. Time for Rene to go out and be a pirate somewhere else. eres un chueco
