Monday, December 2, 2013


"...for a controversy to be justiciable, there must be a real controversy between the parties."
Texas Supreme Court quoted by a local blogger

By Juan Montoya
After reams of cyber text by a would-be legal expert arguing that no dispute exists surrounding the issuance and sale of waivers to the state-mandated 72-hour waiting period between getting a marriage license and the wedding ceremony, a statement issued by the justice of the peace involved contradicts her defender.
Alberto Maldonado and Claudia Esmeralda Gonzalez sued JP 2-2 Erin Garcia-Hernandez in federal court earlier this year charging that they had been given a waiver by her in contradiction of state law requiring them to wait for 72 hours before they could be married.
The couple is in the process of applying for residency for the groom and feared that immigration officials would suspect them of getting a "quickie" marriage when they saw that the 72-hour waiting period as not observed and that they were married about an hour after they acquired the license from the office of the county clerk.
The plaintiffs state that on May 29, 2013, they presented themselves for a marriage application at the offices of JP 2-2 Garcia-Hernandez who told them they could be married immediately because she had the authority to legally grant them a waiver to the required 72-hour waiting period.
"Based upon this information, and because they informed (her) that they had pending immigration appointment for Maldonado to obtain his legal residency as his wife to be had already obtained in conjunction with her employment as an engineer in Cameron County," their suit read.
The couple – after reaching a settlement with the county's legal counsel Oct. 23 – withdrew their lawsuit from federal court.
Their attorneys  – Corpus Christi attorney William J. Tinning, with Brownsville attorney Luis Sorola acting as local co-counsel – then moved to district court and petitioned a district judge to issue an order legitimizing the couple's marriage.
The case was originally filed with the 444th District Court, moved to District 107th Judge Ben Euresti's court, and finally assigned on Nov. 6. District 404th judge Elia Cornejo Lopez who signed the order.
"The court finds that Justice of the Peace Erin Garcia may not have the authority to waive the 72-hour waiting period," the order reads.
Since then, a tempest in a teapot has erupted fueled mainly by a local blogger who happens to have been disbarred as an attorney and who has issued an ultimatum to Cornejo-Lopez threatening her with filing a complaint with the Texas Commission on Judicial Conduct unless she voids her order.
"She will have until Wednesday to void any order...or face a mandamus and a complaint to the Commission on Judicial Conduct," he expounded.
It might be enlightening to this blogger to know that none other than Garcia-Hernandez has conceded that indeed a dispute exists on whether she can issue the waivers to the 72-hour waiting period in a letter she provided county counsel as part of an agreement with the couple's attorneys.
In a statement dated Nov. 5 – one day before the district court issued the order – Garcia-Hernandez signed a letter on her office stationery that states:
"At the time I issued the 72 hour waiting period waiver, I believed in good faith that I had the legal authority to do so. However, I now understand that the authority of a justice of the peace to issue waivers is now in dispute and that an Attorney
General Opinion has been requested to clarify the issue..."
The issuance of the waivers by Garcia– Hernandez differs markedly from the established process followed in Cameron County and in others throughout the state. The process to get legitimate waivers is to go through a district court, as the couple's attorneys did in this case.
There is a specific waiver form that must be completed at the district clerk's office, signed by a district judge, and filed away in a case file. In the case of the form generated in Garcia-Hernandez's office, there is no existing file for them. In fact, there are no such forms left at the county clerk's office.
 However, the ones that did survive bear the logo of the Justice of the Peace office of Erin Garcia-Hernandez and her signature below the body of text approving the waiver of the 72-hour waiting period. Once the waiver was issued, the marriage ceremony could be performed and the justice of the peace collected whatever fee that particular office charged (between $150 and $250).
"We got what we wanted," said local counsel Sorola today. "Our clients have a statement from the county that they did not seek the waiver for any improper purpose and that the marriage is not affected by any mistake that occurred in obtaining the marriage license."
It is not known whether Cornejo-Lopez will give in to the ultimatum issued by the local blogger on behalf of Justice of the Peace Erin Garcia-Hernandez. The JP is the daughter of Pct. 2 commissioner Ernie Hernandez.


Anonymous said...

Erin HERNANDEZ Garcia is just another corrupt Hernandez. Hopefully all of them will be put out to pasture, either by the courts or by the voters. We have a better chance of the courts putting them out for corruption, the local voters seem to believe that corruption is a credit to a candidate. Local voters are ignorant and as a result we get the Hernandez Klan, and other Dumbokrats in office.

Anonymous said...

Why is that blogger always threatening people?
Cyber bullying at its best I might add.
Like a first grade bully in the playground.

Anonymous said...

Bobby is a creation of no other than Melissa Zamora PIO of Cameron County District Attorney. She fed his alter ego when she included him on her Media Press Releases. She and only her gave him credibility when he re-opened his web page after closing it down for lack of public interest. Since she was ordered not to give him anything anymore he has launched a vicious campaign to slander her boss DA Luis Saenz. She created the monster and the Hernandez along with her have used him to send public messages to Luis Saenz, Alex Dominguez, Louis Sorola, Mary Ester Garcia, Zeke Silva, Catalina Presas, Sofia Benavidez and anyone else that doesn't agree with the actors that fed this blimp information. Why does Luis Saenz put up with her is the same question that we ask Why was JFK killed?

Anonymous said...

Did the JP put a gun to their head and tell them to get a waiver on the 72-hour waiting period? The couple obviously agreed to the quicky wedding and now want to sue the JP. This is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Erin is just plain Stupid and Crooked. Simple as that. It is in her genes. If she was a good lawyer she would have represented herself but as dumb as she is she asked Erasmo Castro if it was OK to charge a fee and he said of course... just remember 1/2 is for me.

Anonymous said...

Outsiders always pissed off at locals----jealous cause they don't have any roots that really bind them to our community. Always stirring the pot.

They need to go back to their trailer park----the bully blogger and the moron spokesperson----two peas in a pod.

Threatening a judge???????

Ya basta!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Threatening a judge. I'd like to see him stand before authorities and answer for that.

Anonymous said...

Se me hace que esa pendeja invento el dicho Mexicano: “El que no tranza no avanza".

Saludos, desde,

18 de marzo, Tamaulipas

Anonymous said...

que vieja tan fea

Anonymous said...

You are an idiot! If you would have informed yourself properly, before posting your idiotic post. You would have known that these people went to the JP's office in search of information on how to properly exchange their vows. They were grossly misinformed by none other than the idiot JP! Not by a bailiff, not by her staff, not by the guy who washes cars in the parking lot, but by ERIN HERNANDEZ-GARCIA! Moreover, you would also know that they are no longer suing her! Educate yourself idiot! What is, "ridiculous", is your knowledge on the matter, and an idiot JP, misinforming, misguiding, and taking advantage of the very same public she swore to serve with her, "LEGAL EXPERIENCE"!

Anonymous said...

To 2:56pm its because they trusted Erin G. Hernandez with her legal experience. LOL what a joke, now Erin needs legal advice.

Anonymous said...

5:41 PM - He did and kind of lost his law license in Dallas as a result of his legal terrorism

Joaquin said...

I'm more concerned about what the county is doing about judges making 100K+ marrying people at $250 a pop. Not to mention using their taxpayer funded staff to lure unsuspecting couples to their courtrooms. Will you please revisit this topic? We can't let it die. These fucking people are crooks!

Anonymous said...

But the Jp should have known better,,,,,if we rely on her legat experience,,, such legal experience que trae la Urine in her cola.
