Sunday, December 1, 2013


"The people in the cheaper seats clap your hands, and the rest of you just rattle your jewelry.." 
John Lennon at the Beatles' Royal Variety Performance in London (November 1963).

By Juan Montoya
Fresh from suffering an embarrassing defeat in federal court on charges by three of their employees that they were grossly underpaid for their labor at the  Car Wash Plus located on Paredes Road owned by Arturo Kalifa and wife city commissioner Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa, she went on FB pages to show off a new gold bracelet adorned with a diamond cross.
The commissioners "modeled" her new purchase at fellow city commissioner Deborah Portillo's Chic Jewelry at the Sunrise Mall.
Commissioner Tetreau is apparently not shy about showing off the gold-and-diamond bracelet for her adoring constituents, although we don't expect that any of the three employees working at the car wash could dream of ever buying one with the wages they were paid.
Although the law requires that employers pay their workers the federal minimum wage, the the Texas Rural Legal Aid attorneys charged in their lawsuit against the firm that workers at the car wash had been paying as low as $1.50 to $2.30 an hour.
A federal jury found the Car Wash Plus, 725 Paredes Line Road, in Brownsville, had exercised unfair labor practices in the treatment of its workers.
 TRLA attorney Kelsey Snapp that the workers were grossly underpaid and only when they were actually washing cars.
“The workers were working 9 to 10-hour days but they were only getting paid when they were actually cleaning cars,” Snapp said. “However, they were required to be there the entire day."
City Commissioner told the local daily that her husband owned the the car wash but denied any of these allegations.
However, their updated website names both as owners and her application to run for city commissioner lists the car wash as her place of employment.
Jonathan Flores, Mark Kasick and Luis Villarreal sued the company owned by Kalifa, co-owner George Tetreau, and manager Rey Garcia and claimed that they and other workers at the car wash facility were not properly compensated during employment at the business.
The employees said in the suit that although they were expected to be at the facility for at least nine hours a day, they could only punch in the clock when they actually were washing cars.They said they were paid only for the hours spent actively washing cars.
The workers were represented by attorneys with Texas Legal Aid. The TRLA alleged that the Carwash Plus practices violated the Fair Labor Standards Act on minimum wage, overtime, as well as the Texas Minimum Wage Act.
Katy Youker, who represented the employees, said the workers will receive their owed wages and additional damages. Youker said the case could set a precedent in the state.
“We think this case sets an important precedent,” she told the Brownsville Herald. She said the underpaying of workers there caused problems for other businesses creating an unfair advantage which competitors must deal with.
“It’s bad for business,” she said.
 Kalifa had no comment on the case.
U.S. District Judge Andrew S. Hanen will determine the amount of damages to be awarded the workers.
With all that stress caused by the pesky lawsuit, your average well-heeled city commissioner apparently needed to pamper herself with a nice gold bracelet adorned with a few pieces of ice for good measure.
Yes, John was right, the rich are different.


Anonymous said...

We all know that her husband makes those decisions. He's a male chauvinist and would never let her decide anything like payroll. Quit pushing Zeke's sour grapes on us and leave her alone.

Anonymous said...

great quote for this story

Anonymous said...


Dags said...

Those quotes at the top of the story. You tryin to be DP-M? LOL!!!


Anonymous said...

You mean The Wannabee Rich, that bitch will not be rich even if she sells her ass for the rest of her life.

Anonymous said...

Grow up Montoya. How much were you paid for this? I have more and more respect for this poor girl every time you write these trash pieces on her. Mija, if you are reading this just know your haters like this make you famous.

Anonymous said...

She's a great Commissioner and she really cares for her district! Say what you want about her but we will be voting for her if she decides to run again!

¡La gente esta contigo Jessica T.!

Betty Cisneros Y fam.

Anonymous said...

The poorest city in the US and all these prima donnas can come up with is a pathetic self-promotional jewelry "social media" post? Diamonds are the biggest rip-off in the world. It is a cartel promoted by advertising propaganda aimed a very small minds. They never hold their value and the markup is tremendous. If all the diamonds in the world hit the market, they would be worth about 10% of today's "value". The only thing worse than buying a diamond is buying gold jewelry.

Former county employee said...

Should use the money to get rid of that witchy-poo nose!

Fred Rendon said...

Ernie Hernandez did this forty years ago with Fernando Ysasi, El Flaco Frank Martinez a a few more. This does not set a precedent. Ernie did not pay them or their SS $ He had to cough up a lot of money

Anonymous said...

Not surprise Tetreau is your typical LIBERAL BABY KILLER DUMBOCRAT- DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO. The BABY KILLING Liberal elites think they're above the law, but hey the LOW INFORMATION CLASS KEEP VOTING FOR THEM!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a stupid bitch. STUPID!

Anonymous said...

Bribery at its best. All I can say is FBI. Tubby faggot will be all over this.

Anonymous said...

Go Jessica!!!!!!! We love our commish.
Juanito most young ladies like diamonds. I don't pay for them so more power to her.
Are you suggesting she needs to be barefoot and costrosa just because we live in Brownsville? That says a lot about how YOU feel about Brownsville.
Haters WILL hate for those of you green with envy. You can't stand the fact that she is young and loved by many of us.
Con safo----bahaha!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

All the cheerleader comments starting with 3:06 pm are from Erasmo Castro, Linda Castro and Melissa Zamora. These so called friends of her are just using Jessica for chump change contracts. They know Jessica loves facebook and flaunting everything on facebook. How incompetent is Jessica that her own husband and father don't even trust her with the handling of the money or and decision making in the car wash. It's a CAR WASH for crying out loud. How hard can it be to run one? It takes soap, water, and a towel. Yet we expect her to make hard decisions for the citizens of Brownsville? How stupid can we be if we were to re-elect her. She is an abusive(both physically and verbally) to elderly people and a spouse beater. She respects no one but herself. NO matter how hard you guys try to change her image and pursue her to run again she will NOT WIN. People know her now and her mug shot does a great campaign poster... but you guys don't care about Jessica all you care about is what you could get from her. She is lost without her written statements.

Anonymous said...

Alright, alright....we know it is you saying that there are many people that love you Jessica. Please stop mensa. You are a dummy, but that is not your fault,...its your parents that dropped you on your head one too many times.

Anonymous said...

Jessica ta bien pendeja! and all that support her are more pendejos.

Anonymous said...

That damn jewlery is fake and overpriced. Why the hell did Portillo get away with accepting illegal campaign contributions? Its stupid shit like that that makes us not want to vote anymore. Estamos bien fregados por gente abusiva como esa pendeja.

Anonymous said...

Many of these comments are WOW. Unless you have been in her shoes and life you have no right to Judge. Who the hell cares if she buys a bracelet or what's she wears. Just how many of us women like to pamper ourselves with jewelry, bags or etc why can't a city commissioner do the same? People too quick to attack this woman. And yet she will always do wrong in peoples eyes.And all the good she has done goes un noticed.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. She is an awesome woman.

Anonymous said...

For crying out loud All you guys should worry about your own back yard Save your useless comments for the skeletons in your own closet Your comments habe grown old!

Anonymous said...

So who is it that is so down on Jessica? Just listen on the street for who is sniffing around to run this next go around and you'll know. It is better if you can trash talk a potential opponent from the shadows. Once people are known to be running then all the trash talk and drama has a source with an agenda. Politics is an ugly game.

Anonymous said...

Can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. This bitch is just plain stupid. Anyone who backs her up is just as dumb.

Anonymous said...

Jessica T. is her worst enemy. We need not to forget why she was elected ABC Anybody but Charlie. After Zeke was taken out the outrage of the people elected her just to get her out. The peoples choice was Zeke Silva and we all know it. She was just at the right place at the right time. It didn't take her long before the fame of being a commissioner got her on the front cover of all the valley media outlets. Her mugshot was all over the news. She continues to be an attention seeker. She hangs around the Cheezmosos allowing theme to control her. She will not be re-elected. What has she done for Brownsville? Seriously can anyone mention any one thing that is significant to job creation and I'm not talking about some corner park that we have to pay out of our taxes.
