Saturday, December 14, 2013


Public Service Announcement:
Brownsville- Brownsville attorney Jonathan Gracia officially announced his candidacy for Justice of the Peace Pct. 2, Pl. 2 today by filing his application at the Cameron County Democratic Party Office. This is Gracia’s first run for public office.
“I am honored to seek my community’s support to serve as the next Justice of the Peace for Pct. 2, Pl. 2,” said Jonathan Gracia. “I want to offer the citizens of Cameron County an opportunity to vote for a dedicated public servant, committed to justice.”
Gracia is a lifelong Brownsville resident and opened his business, The Gracia Law Firm in 2012, after spending nearly four years at the Cameron County District Attorney’s office as an Assistant County and District Attorney.
Before becoming an attorney, Gracia worked for three years in Washington, D.C., for former United States Representative Solomon P. Ortiz, first as a Special Projects Director and later as a Legislative Assistant. “My time on Capitol Hill was spent tracking judicial nominations, assisting constituents, and studying legislation that affected Cameron County,” said Gracia. “It was long hours for little pay… but I loved every minute of my public service.” 
Should he be elected, Gracia’s political platform will call for the donation of $50 thousand dollars of his Cameron County salary to be donated to local organizations and charities over the course of his four-year term. “I want to lead by example, not empty promises,” said Gracia. “To be a true public servant requires giving back, and what better way to give back than to donate.” 
Gracia received a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Political Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2000. Later in 2006, he earned his law degree from the University of Texas School of Law where he served as the Editor-In-Chief at the Texas Hispanic Journal of Law and Policy. Educated in Brownsville, Gracia became a Certified Public Manager at The Institute of Public Service at The University of Texas at Brownsville in 2010.
Currently, Gracia is a member to various Cameron County organizations, which include the Brownsville Convention and Visitors Bureau and Cameron County Bar Association. Gracia is excited to take on the challenge to run for public office, though members of the Cameron County Judiciary are under heavy scrutiny. 
“I want to be part of the process of restoring public confidence in the judiciary of Cameron County,” said Gracia. “I plan to work diligently if I am elected, and people can expect nothing less than for me to be fair and impartial while on the bench.”


Anonymous said...

Does that mean he will be donating his 72-hour waiver fees?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He does not have a waiver fee, and when elected most likely will not employ one. What a refreshing candidate to oppose the current JP who was elected under a cloud of corruption and operates under the same suspicion.

Anonymous said...

seems like an over qualified candidate..why would an attorney with so much legal expertise be seeking a JP position.. go for a county court at law position or a district position... just saying

Anonymous said...

Sheesh. I like Begum cause she stepped up to the plate and got those politiqueras convicted. A great community service for us all and dayum that lady's got balls!

But some feel you just have to vote for a lawyer for JP. Between Erin "fraudulent marriage waivers" Hernandez or lawyer Gracia "prosecution experience", I'd choose Gracia over Erin every time. Competent legal experience.

Gracia: The non-Hernandez, non-corrupt lawyer for JP!

Anonymous said...

If "legal experience" matters, for the love of God don't vote for Erin. She fucked up less than a year in office, now under investigation for fake marriage waivers! And her dad, bajo investigacion tambien para corruption

Anonymous said...

Well, I have read your blog more lately and can clearly see you dislike Erin H. Garcia. I just wanted to say that I have had dealings with her in her court. She was very professional, nice and very helpful. Why do you speak so ugly of her? I have heard many other people speak very highly of her as well..

Anonymous said...

With due respect to him, at this point almost anyone is better than Mrs. erin Garcia.

Anonymous said...

Does that mean he will be donating the money he receives from conducting marriages?

Anonymous said...

He has the right mindset and perspective of what it means to serve your community, unlike so many other's amongst our political candidate pool.

Anonymous said...

9:05 is that you Erin?

Anonymous said...

Pues a mi me parece una opcion nueva para esta campania, ya no quiero ver mas pleitos entre dos candidates que honestamente no han hecho nada por la comunidad y no han aportado nuevas ideas. Ademas, desde un punto de vista objetivo me parece que este candidato trae nuevas ideas y ademas tiene la preparacion necesaria.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Juanito, is this guy paying you or do you honestly believe he is a good candidate? Not that the other two are great either but c'mon, who do you guys think you're fooling with this Mother Teresa smoke screen? He'll donate $50K over the course of his 4-year term? That's nice. It'll be enough to keep him from paying taxes on any reported income and then he'll pocket all the cash he'll get from side deals and weddings. Wake up, dude. This guy is also a rat and you're performing a disservice to our community by supporting idiot candidates over and over.

Anonymous said...

A la persona que publicó su comentario el “December 15, 2013 at 9:29 PM,” Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con lo que usted dice. Muy buena observación, y objetiva. Qué alivio!
