Wednesday, December 18, 2013


By Juan Montoya
Cameron County Pct. 2 Commissioner Ernie Hernandez might have been a no-show at Raul Salazar's sentencing for his convictions on two counts of abuse of official capacity and one of tampering with a government document, but Raul Salazar's defense attorney made sure the court knew the force behind the illegal hiring of the commissioners' brother-in-law.
"We should not send him to jail because he was only following the orders of his boss (Ernie Hernandez)," attorney Larry Warner told visiting judge Federico Hinojosa. "Ernie Hernandez was not on trial here."
Hinojosa then sentenced Salazar – Hernandez's former administrative assistant – to 10 months in the county jail and time served for the convictions.
Warner filed a notice of appeal and said Salazar would seek a retrial. The judge reduced Salazar’s bond from $150,000 to $10,000 per offense. Salazar was expected to post bail and be released later today.Warner pleaded for leniency for Salazar telling Hinojosa that he had been a model probationer in his last felony conviction for stealing from the children's fund while at the City of Brownsville as firefighter.
Since Salazar was tried on the three misdemeanor counts together, the maximum time that Hinojosa could sentence him was to one year. When multiple counts are tried together, the sentencing is always to the benefit of the defendant. Salazar's sentence included time served – an apparent reference to the evening he was processed at the Rucker-Carrizales Corrections Center at Olmito – before he was released under the county's Pre-Trial Release program. That apparently, earned him two months credit on the sentence.
Salazar was the administrative assistant to Hernandez whose bother-in-law through his wife Norma, Roberto Cadriel, was hired illegally as a security guard .
During the trial, testimony from several witnesses indicated that Cadriel – a convicted felon – was not eligible for employment with the county because he could neither read nor write, could not operate a computer, and was unable to pass the Civil Service examination all county employees must pass.
Several witnesses said that a Human Resources female employee was ordered to take the exam for Cadriel after he tried and failed twice with score sin the low 30s. When the woman took the exam for him, he scored an 86.
After he couldn't get the position he sought initially (animal control, that is, dog catcher), witnesses and Cadriel himself testified that a copy of the answers to a written test for security officer were given to him before he took the exam. He scored a 96 and was placed as a non-commissioned security guard at oen of the bridges at the Cameron County International Bridge System.
And even though his boss Ernie Hernandez denied any role in his hiring, Cadriel testified on the stand that it was the commissioner who told him to go see Salazar at his commissioner's office to help him apply for a job with the county. Cadriel said Norma – his sister and the commissioner's wife – helped him fill out the county application.
Then, during the trial, numerous state witnesses said Hernandez and Salazar pressured them through conversations and phone calls urging them to "move the application along," and get Cadriel hired.
Cadriel resigned – as did then-HR director Robert Lopez after media inquiries about his hiring began.
Hernandez told the local daily that he knew nothing about Cadriel being hired or resigning until he read it in the online version of the Brownsville Herald.
However, at the start of his assistant's trial, Hernandez – on the advice of his attorney – took the Fifth Amendment protection against self incrimination and refused to testify on his behalf. Hernandez said that he was afraid that  some of the testimony he gave to a grand jury (three hours in all) might contradict the testimony he gave during Salazar's trial and he refused to take the stand.


Southmost kid said...

Juan come on, the fire is too darn hot, why would our dear friend Ernie risk it. Chale, hope this sends a clear message to the voters of PCT 2, your currrent commissioner Ernie "the Eel and/or pig" i will leave that to your taste, aint worth tickets on the 20yard line. sk

Former county employee said...

I guess its a good thing that Raul Salazar had good attorneys representing him? Because his former "snake coward" in Ernie Hernandez didn't even show up to support him. And then here is Raul Salazar falling on the sword for him, what a pendejo! What did we learn from this Raul? You're out of a job or are you? What will you be doing for that "snake coward? Are you going to be paid to help him and his piglet violating daughter in their campaigns? Did they demote those two poor girls after all?

Anonymous said...

Ernie Hernandez continues to prove that he is political scum and cannot be trusted, even by his closest associates. "When the going gets tough, Ernie finds a hole to hide." He can't be trusted by his friends and surely by the voters of Cameron County. Ernie Hernandez personifies the culture of corruption in local politics. The "Tragic Valley".

Anonymous said...

El Culo, unido, nunca sera vencido!

Anonymous said...


Tin Tan said...

Wow,fucking Raul must be in love with Ernie Hernandez.

Anonymous said...

Ernie is a good guy. Self-preservation by fucking over your friends is one of the highest goals a politician can attain. By the way, it is los putos unidos, JAMAS seran vencidos.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If any scum related or even remotely associated with the Hernandez scum should be ousted from local politics. When is rat shit like this going to motivate the non voters to wake up and vote?!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10 bucks says Erin is next. Talk about a fucked up family.

What ever happened to the other Cadriel the murderer, was he sentenced yet?

Anonymous said...

(why would our dear friend Ernie risk it.)

Heard he was throwing a Xmas shindig at Cameron Park.

Marlene A. Dougherty said...

What is wrong with the civil service, that someone who lost a job with the fire department for stealing could then be put in another position of trust? No one did anything about it...
And if the job is not a civil service position, it is still a taxpayer funded position, surely something can be done about acts like this in the future, so that we don't end up being constantly scammed by the public officials.

Anonymous said...

Is he going to qualify for early release?

County Watch Dog 2013 said...

Here we go Again;This Guy should Man-Up;Go to this second Home (Jail)and do the Time;again (A/C-TV/Housing/Medical/Rec. Time/Bubba)Hate to say it but went by H.R.Dept. at the front counter;and that female employee;was there sitting in front of a computer;Tried to summit some work work;She just looked at me and Pushed the paper work aside;said she was not taking care of this Office(to serve the Public?)She Burned Bridges@ building maint.and they have her in H.R.?What wrong with this Picture?Any body that has ties with PCT.2and H.R.Need to be Re-assigned;and bring New faces to, both this Dept.sThis is what happens when AF;has to much on his Plate;He is following Robert Lopez's foot steps(HR/Safety/Computer Center/Building Maint./Asst.Adm.for I Love You Too,David)Now is he getting a pay check from each Dept. Like Pistol Pete is?When are we going to Wake;CAMERON COUNTY;Let's Go Fishing COCO

Anonymous said...

Lets see who will get that position..porke los pinches hernandez no dan un paso sin su convenencia..como a la huera k tiene de secre!! Era la bookeeper de su pinche sign company..t la metio de secretaria para ya no pagarle el sueldo y mejor k se lo paguen con tax payer money..y la vieja haciendo sus cuentas ayi en la pos whoooooo...y lo digo porke siempre la miraba haciendolo...pinche condado no vale ni un cacahuate!!
