Tuesday, December 17, 2013


By Juan Montoya
Where in the world is Carlos Masso?
Masso, who came in a close second to Cameron County District Attorney Luis Saenz in the last round of elections has suddenly dropped out of the the social scene. Since he was elected vice president of the Cameron County Democratic Party and lost by one-vote razor margin to Amber Medina, he's been laying low.
Wendy Davis came to town, he was nowhere to be seen.
Ditto for last night's drawing for a place on the ballot, and everyone came out of the woodwork, Masso was not in sight.
By all accounts, he was destined to be the Demo chair when Sylvia Garza-Perez and the Hernandez vote-harvesting machine convinced Doroteo Garcia – husband of Erin Garcia Hernandez (daughter of Pct. 2 Commissioner Ernie Hernandez) – to resign as vice president. After Doroteo Resigned, the select group of invited Democrats quickly voted Masso in as vice president.
The die was cast to elect Masso chairman after Garza-Perez made her move to file as a candidate for county judge. However, Garza-Perez's manipulative ways irked Cindy Hinojosa, wife of former county judge Gilberto Hinojosa who's now the state chairman of the party.
After firing off an angry letter to Garza-Perez pointing out the fact that she had not complied with the rules of the party in announcing the elections for the chair, vice chair and other precinct chairs, on the day of the vote to anoint Masso, a gaggle of Democrats packed the meeting and elected Amber Medina, the present chair by one vote.
Curses, foiled again!
Now the party loyal are wondering whether Garza-Perez, who switched positions and is running for county clerk to fill the vacated position that Joe Rivera is leaving behind to run for country judge, really meant it when they said they were interested in helping all Democrats in the elections whether they won or lost. Already, many people are turned off on Garza-Perez because they smell a fix and an entendimiento for her to abandon her race for county judge and jump into the fray for county clerk. Did she really mean it when she promised to be a party chair to unite the members? Did she really mean she wanted to be the county judge to serve the public? And now, is it straining our credibility to think she really means it when she says she wants to be your county clerk and unite everyone?
Both said they would, but by looking at the people attending the party's events, it's hard to convince many members that they are staying true to their word.
Did you find Masso?
(He's right next to Sylvia in the upper right side of the photo above. Click to enlarge.)


Anonymous said...

I found Masso hiding under the bigote of Gilberto Hinojosa. It seems that too many local candidates are under the facial hair of Hinojosa as he manipulates the candidates to benefit his culture of corruption in Cameron County. For a man of Crystal City who fought for the rights of Hispanics, it is amazing how Hinojosa is willing to take advantage of his own people for his personal benefit. He plays on the ignorance of the community for his own benefit....power, money, personal gain.

Anonymous said...

what goes around comes around.. sylvia garza perez made a deal to benefit herself .. only.. she feels she has the win in her pocket.. but everyone knows she has bitten more than she can chew.. playing with the big boys now.. just because she is a woman does not make her a better candidate... she is not well liked ... by many... pobre...

Southmost kid said...

Masso is a Grinch since he has not been able to get it his way. Merry christmas Mr. Grinch. Stink, stank, stunk. sk

Anonymous said...

Your butt buddy Abel is going to pull his ad if you attack Masso. They are one and the same. Your buddy Abel was part of the vote harvesting so pick a side cabron!

Anonymous said...

Sylvia has no chance to win County Clerk . She is running against some of the most powerful men in the county.. To make things worst Sylvia is up against Cameron County's version of Hillary R Clinton , Letty P. Garzoria . This race will end in a runoff between Jorge Killer Kowolski vs The Pride of Brownsville's Westside Letty G. . After this Royal Rumble Letty will be the last one standing !

Anonymous said...

wtf.. why didn't Lettie Perez run she is the most qualifed .. darn what a joke .. that rivera guy messed it up bad.. he doesnt care about the office..

Anonymous said...

Letty P. Garzoria tiene mas valor que los disque hombres que estan corriendo para county clerk. Letty es la voz honesta de la gente de cameron county. Voten por la unica mujer honesta para county clerk, Letty P. Garzoria.

Anonymous said...

Vote for Letty P. Garzoria for county clerk!
