Ever since the Cheezmeh group introduced itself as a grassroots community action group and began to recruit followers under the self-imposed leadership of Head Cheez Erasmo Castro, it has hailed itself as a kind of benevolent and benign dictatorship of those who heed their call.

There have indulged in numerous scams to raise funds to which they give no accounting. And many local activists say that they freely take credit for activities that help the community but to which they don't contribute financially or materially.
The group has sold everything from T-Shirts to breast cancer ribbons piggy-backing on the worthy causes and no one knows what happens to the cash. For a while no one questioned the benevolent Cheez who reigned from afar in Austin, Texas, issuing edicts as Moses with the Ten Commandment tablets.
"Thou shall have no Head Cheez but me," was the main one. "If I don't like you, your voice will not be heard. You shall drink the Kool-Aid."

Ms. Hansen (or Trevino), has had her share of troubles with the law and her use or abuse of alcohol dating bask to 1992 when she was charged in Pharr with public intoxication. That escalated to Public Drunkenness, and then Driving While Intoxicated in Austin. Over time, she accumulated at least three verifiable DWIs and served 12 months probation for one of them.
She was an avid Cheezmeh convert and stood by them through the group's evolution form a supposed grass-roots organization to a Castro cult without a whimper. In fact, even after the Cheezmeh group morphed itself into a cyberpolitiquero group aligned with the Hernandez vote-harvesting machine, she remained an adoring fan.

Alas, succor was not coming from that corner.
Castro, from Austin, soothingly emailed her that they would "be close."
It is likely that poor Pat will be sent off to a state prison after this last encounter and she will be away for a while in a state facility. What Erasmo and the rest of the Cheezmosos will be able to do for her is questionable. As the dwindling group slouches toward the March 4 Democratic Party primaries championing Erin and Ernie Hernandez in their reelection, we wonder how many other Kool-Aid drinkers will remain in their thinning ranks?
Surely, I can't be the first to recommend you help her out, Juan. Tell her what she has to do to get the "Ben Neece Special: 3-Strikes, NO Problemo" deal.
It IS the Samaritan thing to do, afterall.
You write as if you know something about drinking, bro. LOL!!!
Her lawyer should look to the SPI event host for having served an already intoxicated attendee more alcohol and then letting her leave in that condition. Bar's and home owner's are held accountable for their drunken guest why not this person who threw the event? Especially, since they are so "close".
Who reads that crap anymore? Besides Ernie Hernandez and this girl from their jail cells. LOL!
I am the Cheez... come after me, not my family or friends...
Te lo sico Erasmo. I am the Cheeze Dumb ass please.... Your next dumbass. You thought by releasing documents your off the hook? Guess what we have documents as well. You need to practice picking up the soap off the ground. You did this to Pat and to all your kool aid drinkers.
Go ahead Pat and open your mouth again and start posting. Plenty of information will be released. We got time Erasmo...and ink. And don't start crying that this is a threat like always like a coward you are... always playing the victim after you screw up.
As you posted previously Erasmo "THE WALLS ARE COMING DOWN".
Pat fist, Ernie Hernandez maybe JT and perhaps you? Patience is a virtue. Pat was stupid for trusting you. All you care about is you and you and you and you oh yea and your transvestite looking sister and you.....
Shut the fuck up. You're an over filled trash dumpster. Your friends and family are ridiculous and the cyber world can see it all, thanks to your grotesque ego.
I would think "the Cheez" might want to check himself into a sanitarium for the morbidly obese.
January 23, 2014 at 4:34 PM
Hey Zeke, grow some and start posting with your name
This is news? Wow! How many of us have had problems with DWI, including yourself? You are the pot calling the kettle black.
"I am the Cheese"? Shut the fuck up. More like "Digested Cheese" you piece of shit. You're the biggest bully hiding behind a computer but when you or your idiot cult followers gets called anything you start crying. Grow some balls and lose some weight, maybe you'll get to see your own balls one day.
Cheezmeh has done a lot of good for our community. It has united all the pendejos and helped us more easily identify them so we can steer clear. Linda has united all the transvestites and cleared our streets of that filth by concentrating them at her parties. They are magnets of all that is worthless, like shit to flies. "Come after me, not my family or friends." Shut up dude. We're not part of your hypnotized cult members who you can instruct what to do. Tu y todos tus family and friends vayanse mucho a la chingada. I am the cheese mis huevos.
Hey Juan you avoided prison on your second DWI. How did you do it? Stay close friends with the current DA is a benefit to you??? Shouldn't everyone have the same benefit?
NOBODY DID THIS TO ME. I DID IT TO MYSELF. You failed to put where I wrote, "I deserve this. This is not my first rodeo." I failed myself and my husband by drinking again. I was sober for 8 1/2 years before falling back into my addiction. This is my problem. I have no access to a vehicle now and have a new life. I DESERVE the time I am getting because I broke the law. It was not a Cheezmeh event I was coming home from. It was a regular boring night. Please leave the Cheeze out of this. I was by myself that night and left a bar full of strangers. Again, I deserve the time I am going to do. - Pat Trevino Hansen
Im sick of the cheez and those attorneys and people that work at the court house and those people in general that are stupid enough to defend him. He accuses other bloggers for
taking money from candidates and he does
the same. A few years ago I was around when
the idiots cronies asked a candidate for
money and what do you know they didn't give
them any money and we're slammed by themthe next day. So Im sure the Hernandez's have given a lot of money to cheez for their
support. Would you people stop trusting an
idiot that most of you don't know. Do your
homework on every candidate. Then vote on
your own. You all are in a damn cult and you
dont even know it. Grow up. You all are
pathetic if you need a fat ass that's getting
rich on dirty politics.
Shut UP Pat..do you realize how much of a Cult Follower you sound ? You are Pathetic. The Brownsville Cheezemeh Cult has got you all screwed up. This is what happens to people who hang around with Erasmo Castro and Linda Castro..they become losers like you. You did time in prison for 3 DWI's and you found a group that told you that you were accepted as long as you do what they said. You wanted to be accepted and look where it got you back in jail. Your going to prison again and they are to blame as your stupid ass is, except for one thing you are going to do the time and soon will be just another dumb ass person that will be forgotten after your locked up in February.
Esa vieja corriente Pat "the raptor" esta bien safada. Pone pendejada y media en el facebook cada rato como que no tiene nada mejor que hacer. Y no sera pariente de Raul Salazar por que esta pendeja tambien le esta tapando todo al otro, en este caso al gordinflon de Erasmo. Tanto asi les a lavado el coco ese vato. Ya ponte a trabajar, Shamu por que el obama care no cubre las visitas a tu doctor el veterinario.
Hahaha man that shit is funny
(Hey Zeke, grow some and start posting with your name)
Como tu, puto?
Zeke Silva!
Zeke failed to mention I am a heroin, meth, pot and alcohol addict and have been arrested MULTIPLE times for prostitution, drug possession, DUI, baby rape, public lewdness and theft. I admit it all as I did publicly when I stood in front of the city of Brownsville 9 years ago. NONE of the shit U are printing is new. THIS IS OLD NEWS. PLUS I am a waitress at Taco Chino right now. Who are U toppling? BIG FUCKING DEAL, PENDEJOS.
You are all so pathetic, bragging about another woman's boobs, and speaking about your past demons?
Linda is a grown ass woman, with children who CLEARLY does NOT have the body to be showing it off. Take some advise love and cover up no one wants to see what BAD plastic surgery looks like, and haven't you heard tattooed lips are so outdated. Take your children into consideration and think what other kids in school might say about their momma. worn out goods "cough cough (your body)" is nothing to be proud of, show it off when you actually work for it and twenty years younger.
Pat you should be ashamed to brag about your past, and for blaming you re-occuring alcoholic addiction on your husbands death. No one likes a woman with too much baggage, and its not very lady like to put it out like that.
Erasmo you need to grow up man, stop waisting everyones time posting foolish things and commenting back and forth. These ladies look for trouble and its not your job to defend them.
ya'll grown up people act your age and civilized.
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