Tuesday, January 7, 2014


By Juan Montoya
Political observers say that Sylvia Garza-Perez's announcement on her FB page that she had joined the Cameron County Democratic Women's Club points to a reconciliation between her and Texas Democratic Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa and his wife Cindy. 
For months, a rift existed between the Hinojosas and Garza-Perez after she beat out  Jared Hockema, the vice-chair under the former county judge and chairman of the Democratic party here.
That rift became a schism after Garza-Perez moved to solidify her grasp on the party's reins and engineered the resignation of the vice-chair Doroteo Garcia – husband of JP Erin Garcia-Hernandez – so that Carlos Masso, the former candidate for DA, could take over the party when she announced for the county judge's position.
The lack of observance of party protocol resulted in a letter fired off by Ms. Hinojosa pointing out that party rules of announcing elections for the officers had not been followed in the anointing of Masso for vice-chair. Then, when an election was held to have someone succeed Garza-Perez, a contingent under Hinojosa's guidance voted in local attorney Amber Medina to the chair instead of Masso by a margin of one vote.
Even before that, Ms. Hinojosa had formed the CCDWC in response to Garza-Perez taking over the county chair.
Garza-Perez's ascendancy in county Democratic circles took many people by surprise. She beat out Hockema and John Shergold in the primary without a runoff gaining 11,126 votes to Hockema's 6,373 and Shergold's 3,665.
However, many party faithful questioned her declared aim of uniting the party and touted her work at the  grassroots level organizing volunteer efforts here in Cameron County as well as across the Valley.  On Facebook she describes her mission as being inspired by her mother and notes that change takes time and only happens "when we work together to better our community."
Since 2008 Garza-Perez has volunteered for Organizing for America-Democrats in Texas, which recruits and coordinates volunteers throughout Cameron and Hidalgo counties.
Garza-Perez has a background in health care. She's currently a network administrator with HealthSpring/GulfQuest, and from 2008 to 2010 worked for the Regional Academic Health Center promoting health service throughout the Rio Grande Valley and in Mexico.
She graduated from Hanna High School, earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Texas at Brownsville and a master's degree from the University of Phoenix.
However, many say that as the daughter of a well-known politiquera during the Ray Ramon and Gillbert Hinojosa's administrations, her real education came from administering the War on Poverty funds to curry favor with the electorate.
Then, when she reached an accommodation with the Hinojosas to support Cameron County Clerk Joe Rivera for county judge and switched her place on the ballot to run for Joe's old position in return for the party machine's support, many saw not a politically savvy operator, but rather an overly ambitious politician.
"The more you know Sylvia, the more you get to believe that she is out for herself and will do whatever it takes to get to where she wants," said a local party regular. She lost a lot of credibility when she jumped positions. It has all the makings of a fix."
Whether the fix is in or not, it now appears that the factions of the party have been smoothed over to help River a become a Democratic county judge, a thorn on the side of Hinojosa, the state chair of the Democratic party whose home county has a Republican county judge.
"This has been a nagging little problem for Gilbert," he said. "Gilbert thought that Sylvia didn't have a chance against Cascos and that the only one who can beat him countywide is Rivera. So apparently they patched things up."   


Anonymous said...

Se ha Unido el Culo!

chief cool arrow said...

opportuntist that is all she is, i would not vote for her or for el panson de joe either, pura caca doodle doo los dos

Former county employee said...

Of course, its politics! She wants the votes! Someone needs to tell that stuck-up Rosie Sheldon-Sotelo to suck it up and start kissing that ass if she wants them to vote for her. And who the hell is Gloria Rincones? All I know is that she loves to wear hats and comes up to you like she's known you forever? I am in Brownsville and at the courthouse on a daily basis and never had seen her before in a courtroom. I ain't voting for her? As for Juan Magallanes, sorry buddy. I see you and I see Gilbert Hinojosa. He has too much of a black cloud over him.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that Boxcutter Garza in the photo with Sylvia?

Anonymous said...

Hey Juan. It seems that Doroteo had enough of Erin. Are you gonna cover their divorce hearing Thursday in Judge Sanchez court room? It is set for 9:00. Guess hes cutting her lose before he gets indicted to for conspiring with the Hernandez clan.

Anonymous said...

Sylvia Perez Garza is scum, and her bestties Ernie, Erin, Norma, and Joe Hernandez are also scum.

Anonymous said...

She was elected because she was female and people had hopes that she "might" effect changes in the Dumbokratic Party of Ray Ramon and Gilberto Hinojosa. Her confidence was raised by the election results for County Chair....but as more people learn about her background and connection to Ramon, Hinojosa and the politiqueras.....the less attractive she will be to voters. Carlos Cascos has done a credible job as County Judge...and should be re-elected to avoid a return to corruption by a new Dumbokrat. The very fact that she has made up with Gilberto means that he needs her, to help him look better in the state arena. Her renewed connection to Hinojosa means that she can't be expected to effect change here....she will be a puppet for Hinojosa and the state Dumbokratic Party.

Anonymous said...

It appears she is just looking for a job at the county tax payers expense. I really hope the voters can see this and hopefully send a clear message come March.

monkey shines said...

Folks, all along she played a Great mind game with the voters, im going to do this and that, clean up the dumboRATA party etc etc etc, y puro pedo. Whats in it for me baby? that was her motto all along. And then she goes and kisses joe and gilberto's asses. yuck, yuck yuck, and foo yuck. wont vote for her even for brownsville dog cather. fuchy.

Anonymous said...

What boxcutter?

Anonymous said...

Vote for Don Deleon for County Clerk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

