Thursday, January 30, 2014


By Juan Montoya
Like county commissioners Dan Sanchez and David Garza before him, State Representative Rene Oliveira likes to flaunt the perks of office.
While the rest of us mere mortals have to drive around the Cameron County courthouse looking for a legal parking space, these gents think that elected office gives the the right to flaunt the law. In this case, Oliveira didn't think twice of parking in a restricted (red curb) zone while doing his business in the courts.
That's right at the corner of Harrison and 10th Street.
Knowing Rene he probably had a rough night and didn't get up in the morning in time to look around the area and find a legal parking spot.
Rene and his babes already have a history of getting away with driving offenses and getting off Scot free. In this case, parking in a restricted parking space is no bid deal. Let the little people worry about tickets and the rest of the petty things that irk most local residents that he represents.
To add insult to injury, the Caddy that Rene is driving is probably a car bought for the public office by people who strive to obey the law.
We guess that after 30 years of holding public office and surviving a few reprimands, Rene feels he's above the laws that govern the rest of us. He's running for office again without an opponent. We guess that's why he doesn't care about obeying the law and thinking that it only applies to other lesser beings.


Anonymous said...

El Culo, Unido, nunca sera vencido.

Anonymous said...

What an asshole!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That guy is gross. Who would willingly have sex with him? For free?

mr mahoney said...

juan another asshole that needs to be put out to pasture??? has he really really done something for our community all of thes eyears or is it just for miguelito y la chachas???? Just wondering, cuz he like joe rivera been in there for over 30 years, y ya apesta, omg, or maybe i missed the boat somewhere along the way. juan tell me rene ovidio is a great brownsville stateman, well i say and thinks its just for his pocketbook. you corect me if i am wrong-good day.

Anonymous said...

Little people follow Rules. Big people make Rules. The rest of you can go fk yourselves.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rene; how 'bout you answer to this blatant abuse? Maybe you could have your spokesperson do a release on how you were shitting your pants and only parked there as you had to run to the rest room.. ..I am sure you can come up with some lie.....
