Thursday, January 30, 2014



Anonymous said...

Two do-nothing liars. Not getting my vote.

El Bigote said...

Give it up Joe! You are old news, and a legend ONLY in YOUR OWN mind!

Anonymous said...

So Dominguez is a Gilbert Hinojosa Boy. He hangs with the same click that is backing Sylvia Perez-Garza, Joe Rivera, Jonathan Gracia, etc. Same type of selfish players just different names. Trieste, Muy Trieste!

Anonymous said...

Joe Rivera is an Hinojosa puppet. Good thing Dominguez showed his true colors before the election. Pa' fuera!

mr mahoney said...

juan i aint voting for any of these chisters period, i am looking for the other which might not be so great but but all these mentioned here are gilberto hinojosa typos and i dont like gilberto, cuz he represents nothing but voter fraud, greed, corruption, back room dealings, lo malo, la caca, basura etc. Tell me it aint so gilberto? he has gotten rich off the poor uninformed manitpulated voters of brownsville and cameron county. y se cre el rey yea right. Only in your tiny mind dude.

Anonymous said...

As I hear it, the crowd was small, but it's a good way to funnel campaign contributions thru bogus ticket sales.

County Watch Dog 2014 said...

Alex is a better man;where was Gilberto,when this man ran against this Clown;(Rene)what this Zombie,needs is to lose weight/fix this eyes;put him to work @the Pct.3 make work Ruben/i know everything in safety(La Momia)Mel's School of Supervisors; My Son Plays in the NFL;Made me Pct. Foreman;(cann't Read or Write/Speak English) It's like;Las Vegas;what happens in Pct.3 stays in Pct.3 What about that guy the hit the car with his mower while backing up and on the Phone;in fact back in the days;When they had a "True" Super. of the Public Works( employee's were not allowed to use them on County time to avoid this)"Pay me Now or Pay Me Later"Please look at his guy's Record;All the way from Pct.4;how many write-ups;How much Cost in Damges($)& Where is( I Love You Too, David)in all this?(New County Judge/Pct.2 Comm./Pct.4 Comm.)Which means"Reassigment/cut in Pay in all the High paying Postions& put them to Work for their Money;and cut their Traveling expenses;We have Sype;I pads/Iphones/and Internet;They never have to leave their Office;They were suppose to Cut the travel/to save Money;(Looking Good;Alex/Ruben/Steve)
