One would think that less than a month after her son Randall Bolivar was sentenced to 45 years in the state penitentiary for shooting an innocent 30-year-old Las Prietas man one year short of graduating from college over a $500 drug debt his brother owed the shooter, the murderer's mother Mary Rey would avoid the public limelight instead of seeking it.
Instead, Ms. Rey sought the spotlight of the public comment section at Tuesday's meeting of the Brownsville Independent School District to berate and lecture two trustees who have sued the majority of the Board, the district's attorney, and its superintendent for allegedly violating their constitutional rights and preventing them from speaking and representing their constituents during meetings.
In their lawsuit, the 21-page statement of facts charge that the majority, the administration and legal counsel have conspired to award sweetheart contracts, retaliate against them, and engaged in other acts of criminal conduct.
But for Rey, the fact that in their initial motion for a trial in federal court their attorneys have asked for $2 million in damages from the defendants seemed "appalling."
She then went on to charge that district employees don't feel comfortable coming to work because they fear that if they look at Team 1 or Team 2, they are afraid they will be fired.
"What kind of gestapo is this?" she asked.
Among some of the other charges she made directed at Catalina Presas-Garcia and Lucy Longoria (who, like trustee Cesar Lopez, did not attend the meeting), was that they were listening to the wrong people and that perhaps they should consider changing advisers.
"And we know who the willing participants of this game are," she charged. "This is nothing but a well-crafted plan...I know. I was there when it was crafted."
Many who heard her rant probably did not understand her allusion to the "time when it was crafted," or what advisers she referred to.
During the 2010 BISD elections, Ms. Ray lent her name to a Political Action Committee called DefeatZayasCortezPowers.PACwhich was successful in defeating Rick Zayas, Ruben Cortez and Otis Powers. Among some of the PAC adherents were Presas-Garcia and Longoria. Parents with Special Needs children had enlisted the aid of Accion America and its president Carlos Quintanilla to assist them in their issues with the district.
Aside from lending her name as president of the PAC, Ms. Rey let Quintanilla stay at her home and use her address. Ostensibly a "volunteer," PAC supporters soon found out that she was hoping that the group and Quintanilla would help her acquire legal services for her son Randall, the shooter in the 2009 murder. There was also a mention of a cushy job with the BISD.
After the election, she found out that the legal help fell through the cracks and that no local attorneys would work pro bono on her son's behalf. Some of the PAC supporters said that she wanted at least $50,000 in legal assistance in return for acting as president of the PAC.
Quintanilla and others – including former board members and BISD administrators – are the "advisers" Ms. Rey was referring to in her comments during Tuesday's meetings.
When Accion America and Quintanilla sought a face to face meeting with Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos and Sheriff Department officials over the gouging of inmates on commissary costs of essentials like clothing and food items (the contract, incidentally, was awarded to Zayas and Cortez), she took the opportunity to include herself among the participants. She complained during the meeting that her son – a veteran – was not being given the appropriate health care a former military man deserved. By complaining in tandem with Quintanilla and Accion America, Ms. Ray hoped to procure better treatment for her son who was awaiting his trial for killing the innocent man. To a degree, she accomplished her purpose. (That's her with Quintanilla in the photo above)
When she felt she had been wronged by members of the PAC, she turned on them and aired a deposition in a defamation case filled by Zayas and Cortez against Quintanilla (since dropped) where she charged the PAC supporters with numerous allegations of wrongdoing.
She also charged them with dropping lawsuits that would were allegedly slam dunks that would have made millions for the district. She refers, of course, to the HealthSmart lawsuit initiated in the waning days of the Zayas-Cortez regime as a campaign strategy to attract votes for their candidacy. It didn't work.
"Frankly," she told the two trustees grandly Tuesday, "your contempt for the Constitution and how you sometimes apply it, is appalling. Ladies and gentlemans (sic) greed and power is a lethal combination."
So are drugs and money, it would appear. For what did her son Randall Bolivar tell the judge after a jury found him guilty of murder?
"When visiting state District Judge Robert C. Pate asked Randall Bolivar’s attorney Rebecca Rubane if there was any reason the sentence shouldn’t be imposed, she said no and then Bolivar spoke up.
'Yes, your honor. I was denied my constitutional rights by the state, ' Bolivar told Pate."
A murderer loses ALL his rights, pendjo. Hope he burns in hell along with his pathetic mother.
El Culo, Unido, nunca sera Vencido.
The mystery, the stupidity and the greed in BISD continues....and not a word about students or education. What a group of self-serving assholes.
Every BISD Board meeting is a "dog and pony show" a circus with a bunch of clowns. Maybe the Feds (or someone) should investigate the fraud, waste and abuse in BISD.
Mary Rey has grandchildren in BISD and wants what we all want for the students enrolled in BISD, the best possible education available to br taught by the many dedicated teachers employed at BISD who are in fear for their
jobs if they speak up about policies they may disagree with. Instead of criticizing her for the
actions of her son, which are in the past, we
should applaud her for her actions in wanting
to improve the overall conditions of BISD. Those children are our future. Thank you.
Some pendejos don't know how to spell pendejo.
Way to go mrs Rey!!!!
Poster 5:44 sounds like that low life Caty Presas-Garcia. What was up with the Boy George look she wore to the meeting??????????
What's up Juan?
You are erasing comments that cata la rats does not approve?
Man-up and allow it....
Tell me, how removed from a relationship must one be so as to not be painted with the same brush? Think carefully before you answer. Should your children be penalized for what you have done or does that only apply to other people? You guys are funny the way you trot out some bullshit deal to use against some fool when there is plenty of real ammo you could use. It makes it so obvious that there is an agenda against whoever it is you are trying to jam up. It just looks silly.
La Mary Ray es un alacran que se picara sola.
11:59 Was a snake, is a snake and will always be a snake.
Fools beware.
Like Mrs. Rey said, this was a very well crafted plan by Cata, Luci, Lehman, Gonzalez and others to get everyone's lawsuits approved!!
It's called milking the cow
She's minerva pena's side kick, two idiots that only care for themselves, screw the students and the employees, if we screw up she'll hang us, but if you are a friend she'll fight for you eventhough you are dead wrong, like her attorney salazar, has 3 convictions and is not ashamed of hiring him as her attorney. F bitch.
This is all Zayas and Minerva Pena's plotting. Zayas still being a pathetic loser and Minerva zeaously obssessed with Caty. Good try fools!
I read the lawsuit and guys it's all true. Alot of us have witnessed alot of the things. We are proud of Mrs. Garcia and Mrs. Longoria for taking a stand against these corrupt board members, Dr. Montoya and Baltazar Salazar. Especially, Salazar, Minerva shame on you for hiring this criminal.
Powers and chirinos shame on you too. Dufus Montoya you're an officer of the law appointed by governor Perry and doing this shit?
La Mary Rey es una pachuca loca.
Mary Rey stop being a hypocrite, you were in cahoots with the conartist Quintanilla all along. Since you didn't get what you wanted from that deal, now you are throwing people under the bus. Why don't you just come out in the open and say that all you want is to be appointed to bisd board. So if people don't agree with you, they have to be looking over their shoulders due to your vindictiveness. Stop throwing your tantrums, you are to old for that.
What's up with Maggie Ozuna talking crap about you on El Rrun Rrun facebook page . Please put that dumb bitching on blast ! She seemed to be worried about your child support payments .. Maggie is such a great mom her kids love doing drugs with her ..
Juan, What happened to that brilliant writer from the past? Try writing the truth and quit being a POOCH DOG. Did you ever wonder who worked at theAquatic Center when $7427.00 went missing? Who was the custodian that signed for CATA'S CADILLAC. Who gave away $1.5 million to 3 people that got fired. How about the Former Supt that got $25,000 His first paycheck for working80 hours in that month. I pray you make it back to that young writer that revealed a worker that got fired for not supporting the Mayor's Campaign.
Luci is older, and she still throws tantrums.... Or at least she looks older than Mrs Rey....
Mary Rey is a money hungry vulture. She will turn on those who don't oblige her asking or quit giving her money. Everything she says and does is at a cost. Greedy, malicious, vindictive. I can bet that she got paid to go and speak at the BISD meeting.
Once again, Mrs Rey is giving you diarrhea ???
I volunteer to buy you all some toilet paper!!!!
Mary Rey should take care of her killer rudy and randall murderous who are killing innocent people.
Go buy some more drugs go you , and your lowlife brothers and father!!!
You and your lo life brothers and father use alot drugs estupida... I know your bro owed over 3 k' s
The cartels don't fuck around... you use you pay. ... simple!!!!
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