Thursday, February 13, 2014


(BROWNSVILLE) February 12, 2014 – Texas Southmost College and The University of Texas System
have finalized property agreements in anticipation of the separation of the campus that TSC and UT
Brownsville have shared for the past 20 years.
The property agreement between UT Brownsville and TSC physically defines both campuses and marks
the first time in 20 years that each institution will have its own identity. Under the agreement, which
follows a letter of intent signed in July 2013, the institutions exchanged, sold or leased both property and
UT acquired about 51.5 acres from the joint campus; a long-term ground lease of about 18 acres from the
U.S. International Boundary and Water Commission; and the University Boulevard Classroom Building,
the University Boulevard Library and the Student Union Building. TSC students will continue to have full
access to the library.
As part of the transaction, UT conveyed to TSC the former National Guard Armory Building as well as
the Science, Engineering and Technology Building, which was constructed on land leased from TSC.
TSC also received a payment of just more than $29 million.
Additionally, UT is leasing several TSC buildings to serve as interim teaching and related facilities, while
TSC has leased space in UT Brownsville’s Life and Health Science Building. The agreement also calls
for cooperative use of parking lots and other ancillary agreements.
It is an agreement in which both campuses benefit, said UT System
Chancellor Francisco G. Cigarroa, M.D. The two higher education institutions that now adjoin each other along Ringgold Street near the Texas-Mexico border will always share the history, challenges and higher education successes in the lower Rio Grande Valley.
The UT System is in the process of establishing UT Rio Grande Valley, which will combine the assets
and resources of UT Brownsville and UT Pan American and establish South Texas’ first medical school.
UTRGV is expected to open in the fall of 2015, and its medical school is expected to open in 2016.
“We are grateful to the leadership of President Julieta Garcia and President Lily Tercero as we navigated
through the details of the property agreement,” Cigarroa said. “And our admiration and respect for UTB,
TSC, and the future UT-Rio Grande Valley will continue as we both focus on our mission of student
success and access.”
TSC and UT Brownsville will continue to collaborate with each other and will offer joint degrees until
both institutions receive independent accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and
Schools Commission on Colleges.
“This is all about the wisdom of the TSC Board of Trustees to enhance opportunity and improve services
in the communities we serve,” said TSC president Lily F. Tercero, “This is a long awaited, historic event,
envisioned and pursued by the TSC Board—and led by Board Chairman Francisco G. Rendon—to bring
back TSC as a fully comprehensive community college. Because of the Board’s quiet courage and
unyielding commitment, Cameron and Willacy Counties are now being served by a much needed, open-
door, affordable community college. As importantly, the Board’s vision of having a premier community
college, and a first-rate university, both on the same campus, is being fulfilled.”
"On a personal note,” she further stated, “it has been a pleasure to work with Chancellor Cigarroa,
Executive Vice Chancellor Pedro Reyes, and the UT System staff, in accomplishing the Trustee’s vision.
I believe it will always remain a highlight of my professional career, as the president of TSC, to be a part
of this remarkable and lasting change, to the benefit of our college, university and all the communities in
which we serve.”


Anonymous said...

I noticed that Lily did not thank Julieta for her alacrity and professionalism during the separation process. Wonder why?

Anonymous said...

We hear little from Queen Julieta these days....except her whining about the space in her office. We can only hope that she will retire and the UT System will send a competent person to preside at UTB. UTB needs a person who can relate to the students, is not totally self-serving (as is Julieta) and is willing to develop a positive management style here....not a dictatorship as we have seen with Julieta. Julieta promotes herself...we need to promote the university and its students...our children for the most part. They should not be limited by an egotistical, self-serving manager.

Anonymous said...

TSC should not be 13th grade for our local youth. Those people that remember what a Community College is (including some of the TSC Board members) should get involved in making sure that the management gives the faculty the freedom to teach the young people that College is NOT high school and make them responsible for their actions. If TSC was ready to break from UTB then TSC should also make it possible for their staff and their faculty to want to stay and make the Community College grow. TSTC, Kapplan, STVT, those are just a few of their Cameron County "competitors" that through the years have built better vocational technical programs and have well established programs that "sell" to the local students not interested in 4 yr. degrees. I hope those millions are used wisely. If not, then TSC will end up being 13th grade.

Red Fusteberg said...

What about all of the back rent that UTB owes TSC?? What about all of the money stolen from the coffers of TSC to promote UTB? What about all of the missing bond monies???
While some of the attorneys are shuffled off to prison, what about all of the educators? There is about a half a dozen or so of them that have have committed ongoing thievery and continuous felonies for years! Maybe even a few bankers and engineers. YOU know who they are!

Anonymous said...

The so-call "Partnership" that AuntJamima iniciated was a huge scamm that made bankers richer, construction interests , lucrative sweetheart deals, and others quiet wealthy at the expense of the students and property owners.J

Anonymous said...

Queen Julieta missed the whole point the rĂ´le a Jr. college real function and responsibility should be.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile at TSC, all is not well. Lily has proven to be a slave driving micro-manager, who expects double work for short pay and all the criticism she can heap on the poor staff. Deans and staff people are leaving in droves, to be replaced with warm bodies, shoved in to plug the holes.

Faculty and staff moral is as low at TSC as it ever was under the reign of Queen Julieta. What is it with these women presidents? Doesn't anybody know how to create a positive and supportive work place where instructors and staff can be happy and work for the good of the students?

Faculty was hired at the last possible moment loosing many fine candidates. Last minute hires are people who need a job and will work for little under harsh conditions. The students are the ones who suffer.

Anonymous said...

Because she's a rat bitch, Julieta that is.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 5:00 PM February 14:

I have heard the same things about President Tercero from members of her administration---that she is a micro-manager of the worst sort and is very temperamental. Too bad. Brownsville needs a quality community college in TSC. Right now, it is a mockery of a community college. Coming from San Antonio, President Tercero should be aware of what a great community college is. SAC is one of the best in the country. Well, the board got themselves a bean-counter, not a visionary administrator/leader.

Anonymous said...

La Queenie made 500k in this transfer of coins thru a broker.
