Saturday, March 1, 2014


By Juan Montoya
At least two, if not three, local sources say that State Rep. Rene Oliveira was involved in a car crash last Wednesday where his car collided with two other vehicles after he left a popular bar-restaurant.
However, all inquiries to the Brownsville Police Department have been unproductive in  ascertaining the incident or in acquiring a confirmation or a report of the alleged collision.
As the story goes, Oliveira had left the Piquin restaurant-bar and was heading south on Central Boulevard at about 9:30 p.m. when he failed to negotiate the intersection of Central Boulevard and  Boca Chica resulting in a  three car crash. The sources say that Oliveira left the scene and walked over to the nearby Valero convenience store and then left.
Efforts to acquire an incident report involving the state rep have met with negative results.
This is not the first time that Oliveira has been mentioned in incidents involving his personal vehicles and alcohol. On November 9, 2011, his car – uninsured – was reported to have crashed into a van carrying a couple on the frontage road in front Charlie Clark's Nissan. In that accident, one of Rene's girlfriends was charged with DWI.
It wasn't until some two weeks later that a police report emerged that confirmed the crash.
However, one commenter to this blog wrote then that (anonymously) that :  "I saw Rene at the restroom at Cheddar's at about 10:00 pm. He shirt was out. He was sweating profusely. He was on his cell phone."
The witnesses reported that Oliveira had run into the Cheddar's Restaurant next to the car dealership and was using the cell phone in the bathroom to call someone to assist her. Former city commissioner Melissa Zamora soon appeared on the scene and helped the woman, who was soon released after she was booked at the Brownsville Police Dept.
Oliveira was never mentioned as being there or possibly to have been behind the wheel of the car.
Is Wednesday's incident just another case of Oliveira using his power and influence after 30 years in the position to cover up his tracks?


Anonymous said...

That new Caddy is getting a work out, he just had a wreck in Austin not too long ago in it, ran into a woman sitting at a red light.

Anonymous said...

(ran into a woman sitting at a red light.)

He's a literal menace to society.

Former law enforcement officer said...

And to think that the Feds had an opportunity to charge him in the CC corruption case for admitting that he had met with a judge in chambers that resulted in a favorable decision. Then the State Bar gives him a slap on the hand? Who give a shit if he is a State Rep? He sounds like that Hinojosa guy who got caught two or three times carrying a gun and trying to get on a plane? Either very stupid politicians or too many ass-kissers who are willing to cover their violation of the law. The officer investigating the accident should be investigated for either a cover-up or to produce the ones committing perjury during the investigation.

Anonymous said...

What to do with Gordo? He collects a few million from Lobbyists in Austin; then he screws the folks down here. My, my.

Anonymous said...

He is a drunk and a menace but he abuses his power anybody else's drivers license would have benn revoked

Anonymous said...

To BPD: Why not release the report(s) requested, or confirm or deny? Do you have something to hide?

Jake. said...

He also crashed into a Botana plate and ballooned to almost 400 pounds. LOL!!!


Anonymous said...

That asshole is always high in cocaine

Anonymous said...

This individual, along with others believe they own Brownsville. with everything that has gone on it seems to be true. Is he the devil? No, he is just a man, allowed to get away with shit. The police and the district attorney practicing apathy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The fat old fish eyes

Anonymous said...

I saw yoda (star wars) several weeks ago at Adolios all in black. His pants and shirt super wrinkled. Pants were almost falling down all baggy. Rene, please...with all the money you have and you can't even hire someone to iron you cloths. My tio from el rancho looks way better then what you did. Dam...incredible... lol......

Anonymous said...

It was Da Maypr at Adolios . Not fish Eyes.

Anonymous said..., it was Rene....but you are right, our mayor too is a moron - no neck fool....Poor guy, always seems lost in the commission meetings. LMAO.... Tony, come on brother, let's get it together now. Need to really try to lead the other moron commissioners.

Anonymous said...

Lobbyists love Gordo .

Anonymous said...

If ""El Gordo" had ant brains in his skull he'd be dangerous to the Austin lobby.
