From the mouths of babes...
There is a brouhaha brewing after JP 2-2 candidate Erin Hernandez Garcia reportedly made faces at a youg girl and then threatened her mother with legal action for complaining on her FB page.

When Dale's daughter asked her mom whether the justice of the peace was mad at her, Dale said she had not voted for her.
"Why would an adult do that to a child...what kind of behavior is that?...If I was there...I would put her in her place and called her out on it."
Well, no sooner had Dale put the post in her FB page than she was answered by a Hernandez Garcia posting challenging her for posting "such a blatantly disgusting lie about me" particularly something involving a minor.
"I have copied the message and am now considering adding you to a lawsuit that is going to be filed against numerous individuals for defamation of character," she fumed. "You have dropped to a new low in my book Kimberly."

According to Dale, her daughter feared the JP might do something to her.
Now, we have all been the recipients of the campaign mailout Hernandez Garcia sent to all the voters of her precinct where she prides herself in handling truancy cases involving minors and school attendance.
Makes you think about the "list" of potential legal targets that Erin is keeping for inclusion in her defamation lawsuit. It seems to us that we've heard of litigation threats from other social media purveyors. Could it be that she is taking advice from some vexatious litigant whose rants we all know too well?
Erin's politiquera Sonia Solis will be sentenced tomorrow.
Will she rat out the candidates who paid her for her five votes in exchange for a lighter sentence? Time to pay the piper Erin you won the last race with fraud how fitting the big reveal will be on Election day.
Wouldn't you love to know exactly who is on my list of potential targets Montoya. Just know that you are one of them.
Seems like Erin might want to change her avatar from an angel. Does anyone know of an avatar for a petty vindictive bitch?
When you are a public official you need to stop acting like a spoiled little teen.
The only "look" Erin has is an "ugly look". She is plagued by looking like her father....more of a man, than a woman. Ernie always has an "ugly look" and Erin has the same sad look..."ugly". Perhaps that the the least genetic problem Erin has of the Hernandez Klan genetic
problems. A genetic cesspool.
To file a defamation of character lawsuit, you must first possess character. Erin Hernandez has none.
I am absolutely not a supporter of Garcia. But Kim Doll Dale has been a political troublemaker for some time. I don't believe a word she says.
I believe that this story falls under the category of the "ugly" according to BV who claims that he will print anything (good, bad, and ugly). Of course he will say that you are lying and making up the whole incident.
Good for you Ms. Dale.
The Hernandez think they can intimidate anyone and everyone in Brownsville like their untouchable and Villalobos is still there to protect them. Those days are loong over.
Tomorrow when that Politiquera starts naming names.
erin is notorious for her carotas.
Kimberly's face + Erin's body = WOW!!!! This might just work.
I agree 100% with 4:12. Kim's loud mouth has actually hurt the candidates she is backing more than it has helped. She starts fights left and right but then again so does Erin. Erin digs herself deeper into holes all the time by throwing childish fits. She reminds me of Jessica Tetreau who also pours her heart out on facebook because they're starving for attention. Puras gordinflonas Tetreau, Erin and Kim... y feas como la chingada.
I think it's sick how DUMBOCRATS have "KILL LIST" from HELLary clintion erin LA PENDEJA garcia.
There is nothing more demeaning to women in general than a petty cat fight in public. This is stupid of both of them.
I'm definitely not an Erin supporter, but this Mom seems likecs hallway lawyer.
I'm so sick and tired of hearing parents bitch about how thier little mijo or mija was disrespected.
Look Mom the only way Erin can look at anyone is with an ugly look.
Erin's ugly we get that.
But you have to get over the idea that eye rolling is the ultimate cut.
Nuff said
Eyes rolling
sooner or later people's shit gets exposed, KIM !!!!!
kimberly yes has been a trouble maker during campaigns. what ever shoould be kimberly BALL dale. dont know nothing about polictics but posting shit. its all her . her daughter doesnt or didnt mention nothing its all that FAT LARD ASS
That's no need to harrased anyone...
This is child's play and you all are too old Period!!!
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