By Juan Montoya
Since we last touched upon the Cameron County primary election for the commissioner's post of Precinct 4, we have received various indications that the portly incumbent Dan Sanchez may be feeling the heat of a dissatisfied constituency.

"We the undersigned voters living on Morrow road in Cameron County would like to inform you of our unending and unresolved problems stemming from the inactivity of commissioner Dan Sanchez," the letter begins.
The petitioners then go on to list a number of grievances against Sanchez. Among them are:
* The dismissal of their complaints by the commissioner concerning the condition of their road
*The resultant increase of of burglaries because of the tall grass they use for concealment
* That nearby Simmons Road has been serviced disproportionately leading them to wonder whether Sanchez is exercising favoritism in providing county services. It's favoritism at best and mismanagement of county funds at worst, the residents charge.
* "It would not be unreasonable to conclude that this may be the result of favoritism, selecting the street that perhaps benefits some developer who may be the result building lots on said street, in exchange for support for his reelection."
We have also learned that Sanchez has scheduled his "Victory Party" for Sunday and he won't be around for election night interviews or comments. Does that sound like someone who's sure of victory?
In his last campaign finance report, Sanchez indicated that he had spent $34,863 for the reporting period. The period before that he reported $18,532 in expenditures on top of the report previous to that where he reported spending $19,862.
That's more than $73,260 for the three reporting periods with another 10 days before the March 4 primary election date. Where has all the money gone? He has been so busy giving away the precinct's money to curry favor with other commissioners that that amount could have very well been used to ix the cemetery road in El Ranchito and have a couple of caliche loads to spare!
Even his social media messages have begun to show signs of desperation asking for his "family and friends" who have not voted to "get me elected."
Others have sent this blog a sample ballot that – if not exactly correct – gives a grassroots level view of the candidates with Kornegay's supporters listing Dan as Sasquatch and Brewer as "The White Guy." Country humor can get a little mean – if not pointed – sometimes, hey?
Sanchez's slogan of "Proven, Qualified, Committed," has not resonated with his constituency as the petition above indicates. In other words, "I promise four years of exactly what you got." Is it any wonder that people are either incredibly angry or just plain mean when thinking about any elected office for Dan Sanchez? Yet, he is telling everyone at the courthouse in Brownsville that he is "going to win without a run off."
A wag quipped that maybe instead of running his mouth in Brownsville, he should have been listening in his district. Can you imagine this commissioner actually listening to those people he was hired and paid to represent? What a concept!
In this case, being of touch and living in their own world may prove to be an occupational hazard for Sanchez and other elected officials like him.
* "It would not be unreasonable to conclude that this may be the result of favoritism, selecting the street that perhaps benefits some developer who may be the result building lots on said street, in exchange for support for his reelection."
We have also learned that Sanchez has scheduled his "Victory Party" for Sunday and he won't be around for election night interviews or comments. Does that sound like someone who's sure of victory?
In his last campaign finance report, Sanchez indicated that he had spent $34,863 for the reporting period. The period before that he reported $18,532 in expenditures on top of the report previous to that where he reported spending $19,862.
That's more than $73,260 for the three reporting periods with another 10 days before the March 4 primary election date. Where has all the money gone? He has been so busy giving away the precinct's money to curry favor with other commissioners that that amount could have very well been used to ix the cemetery road in El Ranchito and have a couple of caliche loads to spare!

Sanchez's slogan of "Proven, Qualified, Committed," has not resonated with his constituency as the petition above indicates. In other words, "I promise four years of exactly what you got." Is it any wonder that people are either incredibly angry or just plain mean when thinking about any elected office for Dan Sanchez? Yet, he is telling everyone at the courthouse in Brownsville that he is "going to win without a run off."
A wag quipped that maybe instead of running his mouth in Brownsville, he should have been listening in his district. Can you imagine this commissioner actually listening to those people he was hired and paid to represent? What a concept!
In this case, being of touch and living in their own world may prove to be an occupational hazard for Sanchez and other elected officials like him.
Dan Sanchez is not "portly", he grossly obese and a slob. Dan is an arrogant asshole and bearing his own weight is his only interest. He has gotten too fat by sucking on the public tit....time for him to go to the "fat farm"....out of government.
Juan Roberto Kornegay, where are you? Since you are using Robert Kornegay Esquivel on the ballot? So, what do we call you? Mr. Puppet, since Esquivel Bail Bonds are funding your campaign? Your agenda is as sneaky as the Esquivel's trying to get out of paying their bonds for absconders. As for Steve Brewer, you're the new Establishment puppet of Harlingen. You even have that wanna-be Republican Humberto Zamora giving you money. If you're relying on him, forget it. Humberto Zamora surrounds himself with ignorant people like that City Commissioner Chino Sanchez. I'll Vote for Dan Sanchez because he does have integrity and experience in doing the right thing for the county.
" I'll Vote for Dan Sanchez because he does have integrity and experience in doing the right thing for the county."
What? by being "mobile"? By not attending meetings? <<<< a lot! By being involved in 1100 legal cases that he only works on after five? Give me a break! He only ran for commissioner to get in Cascos' face for closing out his unneeded JP position and now he is begging everyone "to get him elected"? What for? Is there something he accidentally forgot to ignore in the last four years? Frustrated Harligenite, try to be a frustrated resident of one of the rural towns.
Just vote for the Lesser of two Evils.
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