By sheer coincidence, when we went to put in a request for information at the Brownsville Public Utility Board, we ran into Oscar Garcia Jr. turning in his personal computer that he had been issued as a board member of the utility.

Funny how the offspring of influential people are fixed up in important positions by other political elites.
He was chit chatting the usual small talk with the receptionist as he returned the equipment. How have you been, what's going on, that sort of thing.
While we both waited at the receptionist's counter I asked him if the rumors were true that he had gone to work for Tenaska, the company that is going to build an 800 MW natural-gas power generating plant with PUB which will cost PUB ratepayers some $325 million. In return, PUB is going to acquire 200 MWs of power once it's built.
Garcia was noncommittal and brushed aside the question. There had been talk before about him teaming up with Marin to engage Tenaska in an engineering consultant agreement which had reportedly irked Da Mayor Tony Martinez to no end.
We searched for Oscar Jr. on the Internet and found out that he is now associated with an engineering outfit named Jacobs Engineering w
as seeking engineers and consultants to work on a power plant project in Brownsville, Texas. If our math is right and we put two and two together, then Oscar Jr. has latched on to the company working on the Tenaska power plant project.
Now, we know that some public entities and corporations have a provision where their employees are prohibited from working with the people they do business with for a period of time after they leave the firm or the government. But we don't know whether this also applies to former members of their governing boards. If Oscar Jr. had a hand in steering PUB to Tenaska or voted to approve their "partnership" in the plant and lands a consulting job with them could that constitute a conflict of interest?
Or is it just the way business is done in the Big City?
To the 400,000 residents of Brownsville, the small Cessna would have looked like scores of other small planes that flew over the city each day. But anyone paying close attention might have noticed the single-engine craft kept circling the city in a continuous loop. What they could not have known was that it packed unusual cargo — a bank of a dozen wide-angle industrial imaging cameras that recorded low-resolution images of every corner of the city. For nine days in early 2012, the small plane beamed the images to the local sheriff’s station, where deputies observed everything from fender benders to a string of necklace snatchings to a shooting.
Just another elitist move fostered by his mommy and her elitist cohorts. She gave Campriano's daughter a job and Campriano gave her son-in-law a job. Tony Martinez gave Juliet's daughter a job a "Lola's". Tenaska has links to Campriano and Brusiack. And, as we know, Freddy Rusteburg is on "beaucoup" boards here and he has his face permanently affixed to Juliet's asshole. Nepotism, favoritism, elitism....whatever you call it, it is a fine example of how "shit floats" in this community. You don't have to be smart, capable or just have to have the right "mommy" to get you into play.
Second generation piece of shit.
this guy is a crook and one of the most arrogant individuals around. He has never made an honest dollar in his life. If it wasnt for his mom, he would be an even bigger nobody.
Sweet heart deals!!!
Is he the son of Judge Oscar Garcia?
Oscar Garcia Jr. isn't smart enough to "corner" anything. If he has it, it is because the Garcia Klan, like the Kardenas Klan "inserts" their babies into jobs for which they are neither prepared or capable.....just because the Klan can. This job comes from Julieta and her friends...Campriano, Bruciak, Rusteberg, Martinez, et al. Juliet has used her friends for jobs for her kids (and in laws) and there is no evidence of intelligence or experience from any of them.
This is the guy taking over the city's manager position after Charlie's employment is terminated
The Nacoville Cartel strikes again,,!!!
The Nacos nor the Pilgrims vote in Nacoville!!!
Tia Poo Poo, will you be my mommy? I will visit you on Sundays and bring you your favorite flowers. I will speak of glorious acts of kindness of course all made up.
I know, I am smarter than your son; I use to work with him at VBMC,
a paper clip holds more knowledge.
This "poor" boy could't hold a job even with a toilet paper company.
Wait !!!!!! Toilet Paper is sold and used all over the World. It is a Win-Win wonder of the World. Even the City commission uses the product !!!! Da Mayor this time will be disguised in a roll of Toilet Papyrus !!
The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, eh mom?
You can see on his face how "Culerito" this momma's boy is; just like German Rico his in law, worthless pieces of shit....
Wait !! Chit is not Worthless. It is sold as Fertilizer !
The Meskin word for Shit is Chit!!!
The NSA flies a Drone over Nacoville every day; checking over us Nacos. We are inGood Hands. This time Da Mayor was disguised as Big Bird!!
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