Wednesday, May 7, 2014


(Ed.'s note: As the entire city, county, and state leadership bends over backwards to give control of Boca Chica beach to billionaire Elon Musk so he can set up his commercial launch pad within view of Boca chica Beach, it might be instructive to go back a few years when this was truly "the people's beach." This is a photo from the 1930s when people from all over Brownsville would climb aboard their cars and head for what was then called Del Mar Beach. With SpaceX threatening to come and launch a private payload once a month starting sometime in 2105, this sight might well become a thing of the past. Not only will the beach be restricted, but so will shipping at the Port of  Brownsville and the Intercoastal Waterway, not to mention the shrimp boats at the basin. And all that for perhaps 150 to 200 jobs for people who will come to Brownsville once a month. Click on to enlarge. It's worth it.)


Anonymous said...

Boca Chica Beach will never be the sad that our "leaders" are selling it to the highest bidder-Mr.Musk, who happens to be making millions, at the expense of our ignorance and submissive attitudes. Someday, our future generations will pay the price of our bad decisions. Mr.

Anonymous said...

Da Mayor appeared disguised as a Musk to be sent-off to Pluto by Space X. There he will find Shangri-Là and join his sinister compadre Galoping Gonzo.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Boca Chica will be a long forgotten recreation beach. We of Nacoville and the coon-pioneers thank our city commission for doing their crooked actions for the sake of pay-offs and usual bribes. It's all about the money.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

As a kid, it was the only beach we had as their was no causeway to SPI. Getting there took a boat ride. I spent many great days there, but now it will be just memories.

The Pissed Off Conservative said...

Ah I love the bullshit Montoya is pulling on SpaceX. Boca Chica beach is designated as a state park (brazos island state park) and even to this day it is available for everyone to visit, hell even with SpaceX around it will still be available to visit with the notable exceptions of launch days or beach closures when the tide is very high. Not to mention that there are some areas that are federally protected and birders come to Boca Chica Beach to access that area..

But now I have to wonder, why Montoya and a selected group of ass wipes is so interested about "Saving the beach" all of a sudden? Where were they when gas exploration site was being built? If you are so worried about the beach why don't you come during the beach cleanup days and help us out? I wonder who else calls the county when the shore is full of sea weeds and has to continuously beg them to come to clean it up.

Now on the other hand the county knows that the beach provides them with a some good funding too so closing it to general access would really put a damper on their coffins. Montoya I am also concerned about SpaceX but really man stop trying to insult the intelligence of your readers.

Anonymous said...

Boca Chica might be a moot point with El Jefe bankrupt:

Anonymous said...

Thank you SpaceX.

Anonymous said...

Musk will buy a bunch of properties along the proposed space-x site. Then decide not to go with space-x in Boca Chica. Since he will now own the Boca Chica properties he can start developing the area for tourism building hotels and such. The county will then provide Musk with electricity and water at tax payers, expense and what we now know as Boca Chica will be gone forever. A win-Win for Musk.

Anonymous said...

11:08 That sounds like a great idea. A win win for brownsville.

Anonymous said...

It will basically be a Musk Reserve with Da Mayor the chief herder. He will be disguised as David, the boy herder.

Anonymous said...

its ironic that you complain of development on boca chica, yet the picture you use is back when boca chica had development... funny. a once a month launch is not going to hurt anything. it is also not going to spur any other development except for maybe a store with running water and a bathroom. that is well needed out there

Anonymous said...

Don't you get tired of writing idiot comments. Grow up.
