Wednesday, May 7, 2014


By Juan Montoya
Can you believe that Hizzoner Da Mayor has been in office three years and that he is up for reelection next year in May 2015?
How time flies when you're stealing funds!
The scuttlebutt in downtown city offices is that Hizzoner won;t run for reelection and instead the boys in the backroom are already grooming commissioner rose Gowen to install her as the new mayor.
It only makes sense. Martinez is now (and rightfully so) fully engages in caring for his ailing son, a groundbreaking priest in Houston, and has little time for the piddly details of running a city. That personal tragedy has made him a hands-off mayor.
 On the other hand, Gowen has plenty of time on her hands to curry the favor of all and sundry voters and constituencies on her
way to acquire the bully pulpit of the mayor's chair. In the barrios we call her "la Chisquiada" because la ruca likes to build chisca trails. To those who may be barrio-slang challenged, a chisca is a chuco word for bicycle.
But there is logic to her madness. In the RFP for the UT System for it to keep the UT-Brownsville campus downtown, the city promised to construct miles of bicycle trails and fashion the downtown area into a facsimile of downtown Austin. They'll even thrown in Lincoln Park as an enticement plus a few other choice real estate parcels of land (some 870 acres) at bargain basement prices.
Remember, the folks behind the shadow government like Rose. In fact, she is on the board. And he works for the wife of Carlon Marin, the puppet master of that group. It's a perfect fit, don;t you think?
Remember when Pat Ahumada was mayor and folks criticized him for issuing proclamations yonder and hither?
Did you look at the agenda for last night's meeting? Here's what you would have seen if you had.
– Mental Health Month, Veterans Memorial High School Students, (Commissioners D. Portillo & R. Gowen)
–  Drinking Water Month - BPUB, (Commissioners R. Gowen & J. Villarreal)
–  STEM Education Week – Harmony Schools,  (Commissioners R. Gowen & D. Portillo)
–  Elder Abuse Prevention Month,  (Commissioners R. Gowen & D Portillo)
–  Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month, (Commissioners R. Longoria, Jr. & Mayor A. Martinez.)
– Weightlifting Champions, High School Students of Brownsville, (Commissioners J. Tetreau & R. Gowen)
So what does Gowen have against motorcycles? Could it be their carbon footprint? Or maybe she doesn't care for the biker lifestyle?
Keep tuned for the coming meetings to see who else Gowen will fete and celebrate.Remember, you and I can't use the public's airwaves to promote our views. But Mayor Gow.., er, commissioner Gowen, can and will. 


Anonymous said...

La Chisquis will be crowned the Cartél Moll. Her new series will follow Griselda Blanco andPablo EscobaGaviria.

Anonymous said...

But Rose, like Tony Martinez, has failed to honor the tax payers with their wild spending. Resolutions are merely statements and cost little....but all the property bought by the city cost millions and the tax payer is left holding the bag. Passing the mayoral baton to Rose Gowen changes little for Brownsville....she will be another puppet for Julieta Garcia and her friends. And remember, Rose is a "Zavaletta/Zavaleta" and everyone knows they have gigantic egos and think their shit don't stink. We don't need another mayor like the one we have now.

Anonymous said...

Only one question, did she go to St. Joe?

Anonymous said...

I'd rather vote for Pat.

Anonymous said...

Only one question, did she go to St. Joe?


Anonymous said...

The centuries old Indian Trails have now been renamed Las Chisquis Trails . Da Mayor was disguised as a Comanche Papoose wearing his usual G-String.
