The rumor is that the UT-system will soon celebrate Juliet Garcia's life history with a film and a party.
In the interest of fairness and a balanced view, maybe its about time to remind the local folks about some of her failures.
How does a World Leader...cover-up a cheating the Brownsville Herald Aug. 1, 2009 " Gross Academic Fraud at UTB-TSC rocked office of Distance Education"
The Brownsville Herald
A two-month UTB-TSC police investigation found school employees in 2008 had committed "gross academic fraud" after student employees and regular staff used their positions to steal test answers, according to a UTB police report obtained by The Brownsville Herald.
The wrongdoing occurred within the Blackboard Learning System, an online service commonly used at universities.

a survey of Organizational Excellence conducted by the respected
University of Texas (Austin) School of Social Work in 2010, researchers
found that not only are the folks out at Garcia's principality unhappy
with their employee, bu that their unhappiness has grown worse over
The study conducted over a week last April and whose
results were issued late last year, indicates that the employees at
UTB-TSC who answered the online survey scored very low on questions
related to five important dimensions (constructs) related to their work
under Juliet and her minions.The researchers asked the participants their feelings on work-group issues, accommodations, organizational features, informational dynamics, and personal matters.
In almost all of these dimensions, UTB-TSC employees answered below the 50 percentile in satisfaction with the majority scoring below the 300 point level with 500 being the most satisfied level.
And in comparison to a similar survey performed in 2006, they scored lower in all but one (benefits) of the 20 "constructs" identified by the survey as important issues of the a class 3 organization (educational).
From the get-go, employees at UTB-TSC had a response rate below 50 percent to the survey. Of the 1,234 employees who were invoted to take the survey, 531 responded. As a general rule, rates higher than 50 percent suggest soundness. At 43%, the rate was considered low, indicating problems exist. The response rate was more or less the same for the previous survey performed in 2006.
How does a world leader ...Get a vote of no confidence from the history the rrun rrun nov. 30, 2011
"By a unanimous vote, the faculty of the University of Texas at Brownsville History Department has given UTB President Juliet Garcia a vote of no confidence in her performance as that institution's top administrator.
The vote, taken either yesterday or today, has reportedly sent shock waves through the university community.
else a vote of no confidence in the president of the institutions meant
that the administrator would be required to resign or leave on their
own," said a UTB professor. "We'll see what happens here with Juliet."
This is not the only time that the UTB-TSC community has expressed
their displeasure at the way things are run out at the Harvard by the
Rio Grande." does a world leader ...Who boasted recently in helping the marginal student.... charge them (TSC students) three times higher than the state junior college tuition rates?
ncluding a nice portion from the English Department.
It's bad enough that local students are paying the highest tuition and student fees in the state and that half of them leave the university after their freshman year and that only about 16 to 17 percent graduate after six years here.
Then, on top of that, as the state considers further raising the tuition costs and slashing grants for needy students, their president (who we are sure feels our pain) give herself a fat little raise while wringing her hands and wailing at the legislature about cutting educational funds.
The raise, by the way, was tucked away in the UTB budget and the TSC trustees only saw the innocuous transfers when they were asked to approve their budget. We're sure that if they had known the Garcia raise was in the offing, they would never have approved the increase.
There is far more to what Juliet has hidden than most know. She regularly accepted faculty fraternization with students; especially from her budz from TSC that she had on the faculty. Even Deans were known to fraternize with their staff and the students...and Juliet turned a blind eye. Senior administrators and Deans were known to change grades as favors, without consulting with the faculty. Cheating was widely acceptable to build favorable statistics. Cronyism and favoritism were widespread. Faculty members were often called on the carpet if their attrition rates were too high...Juliet wanted a social promotion. These problems ran deep at UTB and likely still can be found as Juliet seeks to establish a "fictional" legacy.
If you only knew...
Intimidated employees witnessed cover up after cover up of wasteful spending, insider dealings, violations of the law and policy, and the bottom line is clear: When UT needed to find a way to stop the problem, it aborted the partnership with TSC then passed a law to abolish UTB, so unrepairable was the damage. Hundreds of people lost their jobs and now Brownsville will lose its own university...more job losses. Confirmation: They didn't offer the presidency to "the 27th most influential person in the world". Need we say more? The party celebrating the life of this rogue bureaucrat is another waste of student and taxpayer money. Maybe finally it will end... or will it? What did they promise her next?
Time magazine said : "local Naca to world Naca."Putin and Kim Jung-il fear for their jobs. President Obama is also threaten she might take the Presidency. Da Mayor is now disguised as Agent 0000006.3. The barrio-neighborhoods trembles when her sacred name is mentioned.
NSA top secret memo: Space X will Shuttle Aunt J to Jupitor to reign over its moons. Lowly Earthen creatures will celebrate with joy and praise in her long awaited reward.
As I read all the comments, for a moment I thought they were talking about BISD.
It is like everybody knows but nobody ever does anything.
You are right. No one does anything because this has to originate from legal authorities ; we have to realize that our "legal authorities" are enmesh with the local politicians; some pay homage to these idiots.
Juliet Garcia is 180 degrees from being a leader. She is a talker---especially in self-promotion. But she is distracted too easily to serve as a leader---or even as an administrator.
She is personally responsible for what transpired with regard to the so-called "partnership" of UTB with TSC---she was irresponsible as a fiduciary, especially as to TSC.
In my estimation, whatever she "touches" eventually turns into "fool's gold".
On the other hand, I always found her to be personable, except when one aggravated her. Then, momentarily, the dark side would be instantaneously revealed. However, she would quickly recover her "kindly grandmother" masquerade.
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