After our post appeared on the salary increase granted by Brownsville Independent School District trustees Otis Powers, Minerva Peña, Jose Chirinos and Cesar Lopez to Policy-Records Management director Martin Arambula, we were taken to task by some of our three readers.

"He's making more," said another.
To put the matter to rest, we made a Public Information Request for the current salary of all principals and for Arambula's salary before and after the raise by the Generous With Your Tax Money Four.
We stand corrected.
Arambula's salary before the raise was an astounding $75, 940 before the raise, and $90,061 after the raise.

His new salary will put him making more of 52 campus principals of the 58.
Now, as others before us have said, a campus principal has to be an administrator over with scores of faculty, students, paralegal and professional staff, maintenance, teachers' aides, issues like discipline, attendance, extracurricular activities, curriculum, security, campus morale, testing, and a lot more that we probably don't even know about.
Martin has less than a score of employees under him and dabbles in some selective recycling by the district's campus. To a lot of people, the rewards far outweigh the service he provides.
We could have requested the names of the 52 principals who are getting paid less than Arambula now, but we want to save them the embarrassment. By now we 're sure they know who they are.
You didn't list the names but anyone who knows anything about BISD knows how to read the codes.
Martin was put there by Pat Lajeman?
Because Enrique would hold hands, give and take contracts from both Martin and Pat Lajeman?
The elementary principals that make less also work at least 16 days less. That means that the difference is not as great as it looks. Lots of principals make less than many of the teachers. A choice they make when the apply for the position.
Ya Basta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here comes another class action lawsuit and all because these clowns had to deliver Escobedo's last wish. Minerva what happened with you will fight to keep the tax dollars for our students? You forgot to say you only fight for your buddies. The four of you are so pathetic, it's sicking.
Anyone filing suit is wasting their time. Principals know what the salary is fo their job and they still apply. If they want more money apply for a job that is a full year job.
Principals get paid as per contact stipulations .
$90,000? What a waste of taxpayer monies!
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