By Juan Montoya
Cameron County Precinct 2 commissioner candidate Leonel Lopez and JP 2-2 candidate Jonathan Gracia have turned to disbarred lawyer Robert Wightman to counter what they see as "negative" coverage of their candidacies in the social media and newspapers.

Lopez – without offering any proof – said Dominguez and his "cronies" had attacked his wife District 404th Judge Elia Cornejo Lopez and his children. And the Brownsville Herald – which turned down copy by Begum supporters for an ad documented with a police report and federal trail transcripts on Gracia – did not bother to ask Lopez for any documentation for his charges.
Lopez called Dominguez a "coward" and in a television commercial, berated him for being a lawyer as were Abel Limas, Armando Villalobos, Jim Solis and Mark Rosenthal.
Lopez forgot to denounce his wife – Cornejo-Lopez – for being a lawyer as well.
It's not surprising that the Lopezes used copies of complaints to the Texas Ethics Commission in their newspaper ad accusing Dominguez of having a "blatant disregard for the law." All the complaints listed in the attack ad were made to the TEC by none other than Wightman, who scours the contribution and expenditures reports of those he perceives as his enemies, blows things out of proportion and then lists their photos on his blog announcing to the world that the victim is "under investigation" by this regulatory body or another.

That's about par for someone who once sued the director of the FBI, U.S Attorney General Eric Holder, George Bush and Barack Obama for what he said was a conspiracy to frame him by sending him a Chase Bank credit card application.
A federal court found the allegations "bizarre" and dismissed it as frivolous. This actor's antics are too many to be documented here. For a belly full of his pendejadas (if you've got the stomach) go to the link: http://thewightmanfile.

In fact, at the time the Erin Garcia Hernandez campaign was making the police report available to anyone who would have it to discredit Gracia and allow Erin to go head to head with Begum. The only blogger who published the complaint at the time (Jan. 9, 2014) was Wightman.
His Gay Rotundness said: "I have held this story because all the report shows is incredibly bad judgment and character, but no evidence of a crime. I am still working on the investigation. But I have decided to post the police summary now because it has come to my attention that Montoya is about to put a spin on it to favor Yolanda Begum and take down Gracia.
"I will leave it to my readers to decide why a man takes a woman this drunk to a hotel when he has his own house? I am certain there will be many opinions out there. But know this the woman stated clearly she was not assaulted. The report is clear the hotel room showed no evidence of wrong doing prior to the woman leaving the room. Other than as a witness I am not sure why Gracia is mentioned in the report. I think it all comes down to bad judgment and character, but not a crime."
In fact, when this blog reported that Gracia was going to run against Begum and Hernandez Garcia, he called us (as is his wont) liars and asserted the story was a plant. He also said he had spoken to Gracia and that he had denied it.

He then goes out and interviews Judge Cornejo-Lopez for her what she said is her side of the story when she was photographed driving voters and politicking on her car bearing "State Judge" license plates on behalf of her husband Leo Lopez, Dominguez's opponent) who is pictured buttonholing potential voters at their homes while she waited outside for him.

This is what Wightman said about Elia not too long ago in a case in the 404th District Court involving Erin Hernandez Garcia and her sale and issuance of waivers to the state-mandated 72-hour waiting period before the marriage ceremony:
"Now that I have seen the actual documents I am moving against Judge Elia Cornejo Lopez today with the Commission on Judicial Conduct. She was not duped - she is simply an idiot."
And: "The Commission on Judicial Conduct on this one may actually sent Elia for a complete mental health evaluation."
Now, regardless of whether Elia was on vacation Monday when she was dfriving around town politicking for her hubby, the Canon on Judicial Ethics is pretty clear on a sitting judge's involvement in partisan politics.
It states:
Code of Judicial Conduct, Refraining From Inappropriate Political Activity, states that:
(2) A judge or judicial candidate shall not authorize the public use of his or her name endorsing another candidate for any public office, except that either may indicate support for a political party. A judge or judicial candidate may attend political events and express his or her views on political matters in accord with this Canon and Canon 3B(10).
Judging by the mass mailouts where Leo alludes to his wife as being the "Judge of the 404th District Court" and having her drive him around picking up voters in her car bearing "State Judge" license plates would seem to us laymen a pretty prima facie violation of that canon.
But perhaps Wightman has convinced the learned barrister and Gracia's father otherwise and that's why they sought the assistance of his rapier-like legal mind. If you lie with dogs, you'll catch fleas.
Ya la cagaste, Juan! Pobres Mejicanos can't make a good salry without you shitting on them. It's your people, vato! Chingate a los Gringos, que ellos no son como tu. Ellos estan okay cuando uno de ellos tiene estos jales. Limpiate el culo, Puto!
We understand that Elia's brigade of intimidated supporters are out full steam in Rancho Viejo....trying to pressure citizens and "friends" to vote for "Lito". Elia is driving people to the polls....but she doesn't view that as "partisan politics"; her court is not functional this week so she can campaign for "Lito"....but she doesn't see abandoning her post as "partisan politics". Elia is pressuring her friends and associates to "prove their friendship", by voting for her hubby; a man that is surely umprepared for the job and has proven to be Elia's "lap dog" for years. Elia is putting friends and associates into a position that is uncomfortable for many and many feel that there can be retribution (in her courtroom for lawyers and clients; in her relations with businesses and other professsionals) from Elia.
She is piling on....and when that little piggy piles on, its like the elephant in the COPD commercial on TV. Elia is proving that she is a power monger and deserves to be in the company of other corrupt Democrats. She doesn't deserve any support.
I have heard from friends who live in Rancho that Elia's "attack" out there to round up support for her husband is having a negative impact.....turning voters against Leo. She is pressuring people to vote for Leo because he is her husband, not because he is a capable candidate. Her negative campaigning and her attempt to pressure people; in violation to Texas Ethics causing folks to turn against her.
The round mound of ass pound was seen walking in his flip-flops on his way to Pep-Boys dudes....he looked ridiculous....he looked like a fat hairy duck looking for a pond to soak his fat behind!
The gay fat blogger likes to write negative things about people and blame others for his actions dudes....I know...he is a sly hippo!
The rotund lover of colonoscopies filed several complaints against Alex Dominguez to the Texas Ethics Commission dudes.....early on...the gay one told Dominguez that it was a republican that was to blame for the complaints.....go figure dudes! The hairy ball of grease...with all those voices in his head....has convinced himself that he is not to blame dudes!....Bobby Weight-man Cervantes...aka the gay koo koo!
You filed the complaints blimp! how can you blame the person that gave you the info, when you are the one that filed the complaints!
Instead of checking his asshole for polyps...the round mound of ass pound should check his head dudes!!
Montoya, take the pig's picture down, PLEASE!!!
reply 4.49pm estoy de acuerdo.montoya quita la foto esta muy fea la vieja.
beyond sad, when people running for a respectable judicial position turn to.... a disbarred lawyer with mental problems for help.... yowza
This is so pathetic... if there was a situation or incident with police... a report is taken and followed up by an investigation.. I am not familiar with Mr.Jonathan Gracia but I assume that if, in the course of the investigation, foul play was found. I am sure he would have been arrested or indicted. just sayin...
Elia was selected for a major role in a Fu Man Chu part in a coming flick. Charlie Chan will also star.
WC is obviously schizofrenic but the candidates that use him are desperate and disgusting.
Why "Lito"? Why can't he just be known as Leo? Damn, I hate this crap that mexicans go. "Lito", please, just "Leo" is fine. Things that "La Raza" do....stupid. This is not profesional at all. It's like someone in Washington by the name of Micahel. Oh, but he wants for everyone to call him "Mickey Mouse". Will never happen. Only stupid mexicanas do this.
There are stupid Meskins and stupid Gringos. Now who more stupid, the Meskins that are bi-lingual or the Gringos who can't speak English correctly.
to anonymous 9:44 pm really he would have been arrested? by Villalobos Really? Rethink this.
Lito and Elia make a team. !!! They'll be filming a movie soon. Garcia and Cambodia will be the producers. Adela G. Will direct.
Didn't she play the rôle of Mrs. Odd -Job in the Gold Finger movie?
Mexicans are indeed stupid. Within a generation lLa Reconquista del Sur-Oeste será la relaidad; just like 711AD. Now, do you really think Meskins are stupid?
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