"Thank you for your vote in the primary," the email started.

Whether the sender was mistaken in saying Friday was the 27th (actually the 23rd), it is obvious that either Lopez or some of his supporters have tapped into the BISD electronic message system to forward his candidacy.
Another caller told us a similar message appeared before the March 4th primary with a biblical quote about the last being the first because Lopez was last on the ballot.
A recipient of the message states that on Friday at 4:07 p.m., he received the mass mailing for Leo Lopez from Leonel Lopez b"docleotx@yahoo.com, actually copied to the BISD personnel, it was addressed to Elia Lopez "eclopezla"
With the 404th District Judge the target of criticism for her apparent personal involvement in her husband's partisan political race, the fact that either they (or one of their supporters) has used the BISD's electronic mail of all district personnel to campaign for Lopez raises new questions about the impartiality of the system.
We understand this matter has already been brought o the BISD administration's attention. But don't hold your breath on something being done about this violation of its political neutrality.
I received a call today...clearly a political call....stating that Jonathan "Garcia"....they didn't even have the correct name....was a Villalobos associate and would I vote for him. This kind of negative and deceptive political campaigning is tragic, but too common here. I will definitely vote for Gracia for JP...based on this negative call. His opponent must be taking campaign lessons from Elia Conejo Lopez and others who represent the culture of corruption and political deceipt that has been so prevalent in Cameron County for years. I will vote for Jonathan Gracia because of this negative campaign call to the public.
Seems like Elia has enlisted all the female candidates to "cheat" and "lie" to get elected. Just shows that the women locally are infused with the same corruption as the men of the Democratic Party....the culture of corruption.
There is no proof that either Leo or Elia had someone send the email. It is not unusual to see this happen but it is taken seriously by a school district. This will be resolved internally and you will never know the outcome. It is a violation by an employee. Not something that will be aired in the public.
I hope people realize what is going on and vote wisely. Enough is Enough... The Citizens of Brownsville have No Idea how Elia Cornejo Lopez really is..... Greed!!!
Don't waste your breath on that dead weight superintendent Montoya doing something about it.
Juan the answer is yes, you dumb moron! How else do you think Elia "the pitbull" Lopez gets her shit did??
The "perception" of unethical practices and use of political position to campaign for her husband is worse than "proof" of all the unethical practices Elia has used, pressured people to use, or paid for. The "perception" that she is a lying, cheating dog will cost Leo votes in the end. A dog doesn't need to bite you before causing a negative reaction.....Elia's growling, snarling, and pugnacious impression towards the public has been enough to cause many of us to look to another candidate. I have talked to people who are working with or for Elia, but intend to vote for Alex Dominguez because they resent the political pressure being put upon them by Elia.
We will now see the cowardice of Elia as she distances herself from all those "friends" who took illegal or unethical "short cuts" (like using the BISD internet) to send out campaign messages for "Lito". Elia has proven herself to be a "pain in the ass" as she pressures her friends and associates. She is really pissing people off in her unethical quest to find a job for her husband.
All these unethical actions by Elia will come back to haunt her when she seeks to run for office again. She continues to give women in politics a bad name...as she acts more like a rabid political dog than a judge.
but teachers don't vote !
Your totally wrong inform I got the same call. I do agree with you in one thing this people are wrong informing the public. I'm for Jonathan Garcia and Elia is supporting Jonathan, so what you mean??
Whoever wrote this is laying cause I have work for her and that's absolutely false information..
That's true teachers don't even vote..
Even Booby finally outed Jonathan as a negative schemer who used his blog to attack the Begums, while Elia looks sillier and sillier with a disbarred lawyer the only one backing up the crazy ads
Bobby on Gracia:
I see him as nothing more than a toy of his father - on a personal level I do not like him. Asking me to fight his battles does not make him much of a man. But he is the person his father made him. Like Yolanda he seeks office not to serve the people but for his own benefit - at the prodding of an overbearing and manipulative father who treats his son like a toy.
When a candidate has a criminal involvement in their past, Does the public have a right to know or not?
I want to know before I vote.
If someone worked for a convicted felon DA and is now running for office in a judicial post? Will that decide my vote? Maybe, maybe not. Don't underestimate the intelligence of the voters. The question is if you have seriously bad things in your past to hide from voters, maybe you should ask if it was realistic to run for office in the first place and why did you do it?
Laying? Or lieing? Get spellcheck!!
Elia Cornhole probably got into bed with that school board dude looking woman? Can't remember her name, thank you! Elia is the new snake since Ernie Hernandez is out of here! She needs to go next! Voted out or someone finally filing on her for the very questionable decisions in her court!
What the he'll did you state? WOMEN are corrupt? Are you married?? If so, what does she think of your "OPINION"?? Wow!!
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