By John Barham
The town where I live seems to take pride in billing itself as America's poorest city. Indeed, if one is looking for poverty, it is here. With 45% of the population living under the poverty line and more than 46% of children reckoned to be poverty stricken, this is a very poor place.
Government programs are big business here. More than 36% of residents are recipients of food stamps and Medicaid. The average income for a man runs around $21,000 per annum, while females do somewhat worse at $17,000.
For generations, this has been a one-party town, with the party of hand-outs dominating the courthouse and city/county politics. How many times the word has gone out from the party bosses that voting the other way will mean drastic cuts in benefits is hard to say. But, nevertheless, it is a time-proven and effective political strategy that works well with the under-educated and unsophisticated populace of south Texas.
During my almost a quarter century of having a home in south Texas, the same old political cabals have called for more and more public expenditures to mitigate the plight of the "pobrecitos." The predicament of the poor, however, seems never to be alleviated, while the advantage of what is in effect a veritable poverty industry, as always, goes to the established political machine and its various factions.
Meanwhile, the one-party conglomerate continues to mire itself more deeply in corruption, and the list of indicted and convicted attorneys, judges, commissioners and politicos continues to grow. The conviction and sentencing of the local district attorney for racketeering, for example, is a blot which will take a time span of significant proportions to erase.
Local elections do well to attract 15% of registered voters, too many of whom are only too eager to sell their votes cheaply, in some instances for a platter of barbecued chicken and a beer. Lately, federal law enforcement agents and Texas Rangers have been taking a closer look at the shenanigans at south Texas polling places. Whether their efforts will appreciably change the regional political complexion remains to be seen.
In many ways, the local culture is reminiscent of what one encounters south of the border, with the "ricos" doing quite well, while the "pobrecitos" amble along as they habitually have, with the difference being that the poor on this side of the river become more and more inured in a culture of welfare, victimhood and deprivation. In the interim, the politicians and decision-makers on local governing councils more often than not decide to swindle the taxpayers and treat themselves to the spoils of office.
The folly of one-party politics is plain to see. Not only does such a system bring bring on blight and the squandering of human resources, it invariably leads to the cheapening and debilitation of the wider body politic, which, in turn, is victimized by irresponsibility and spreading ignorance. For certain, Detroit is not the sole example of governance by one party over generations, for that city's example is in the process of being replicated not only in south Texas but, I am sure, in too many other areas as well.
Deo Vindice!
May God bless Texas!
Government programs are big business here. More than 36% of residents are recipients of food stamps and Medicaid. The average income for a man runs around $21,000 per annum, while females do somewhat worse at $17,000.
For generations, this has been a one-party town, with the party of hand-outs dominating the courthouse and city/county politics. How many times the word has gone out from the party bosses that voting the other way will mean drastic cuts in benefits is hard to say. But, nevertheless, it is a time-proven and effective political strategy that works well with the under-educated and unsophisticated populace of south Texas.
During my almost a quarter century of having a home in south Texas, the same old political cabals have called for more and more public expenditures to mitigate the plight of the "pobrecitos." The predicament of the poor, however, seems never to be alleviated, while the advantage of what is in effect a veritable poverty industry, as always, goes to the established political machine and its various factions.
Meanwhile, the one-party conglomerate continues to mire itself more deeply in corruption, and the list of indicted and convicted attorneys, judges, commissioners and politicos continues to grow. The conviction and sentencing of the local district attorney for racketeering, for example, is a blot which will take a time span of significant proportions to erase.
Local elections do well to attract 15% of registered voters, too many of whom are only too eager to sell their votes cheaply, in some instances for a platter of barbecued chicken and a beer. Lately, federal law enforcement agents and Texas Rangers have been taking a closer look at the shenanigans at south Texas polling places. Whether their efforts will appreciably change the regional political complexion remains to be seen.
In many ways, the local culture is reminiscent of what one encounters south of the border, with the "ricos" doing quite well, while the "pobrecitos" amble along as they habitually have, with the difference being that the poor on this side of the river become more and more inured in a culture of welfare, victimhood and deprivation. In the interim, the politicians and decision-makers on local governing councils more often than not decide to swindle the taxpayers and treat themselves to the spoils of office.
The folly of one-party politics is plain to see. Not only does such a system bring bring on blight and the squandering of human resources, it invariably leads to the cheapening and debilitation of the wider body politic, which, in turn, is victimized by irresponsibility and spreading ignorance. For certain, Detroit is not the sole example of governance by one party over generations, for that city's example is in the process of being replicated not only in south Texas but, I am sure, in too many other areas as well.
Deo Vindice!
May God bless Texas!
Yeah John, let's surrender our rights to your octogenarian clown and his smelly, fat ass sidekick who interferes with elections.
Funny how a white guys writes better English than you do, Juan. LOL!!!
The house in the picture above looks quite a bit like the "historic Stillman shack" that our city government put in Linear Part.....of course without the blue coat of paint. Perhaps they should re-locate the "shack" to Dean Porter Park along with the other "casitas" for the Christmas pageant of homes...only one of which has a Hispanic theme or design.
The Democratic Party of South Texas promotes more poverty and takes advantage of both the poverty and ignorance that continue to plague the region. Poverty is increasing because the Democrats take advantage of the poor and by their actions, encourage the expansion of poverty and ignorance. From Harry Reid in the Senate and Barack Obama in the White House, down to Gilberto Hinojosa and other local Democrats.....they depend on poverty and ignorance as a party base. We don't have an effective 2-party political system here because Hispanics avoid the Republican Party and seem to be afraid of the Democratic power base. Businessmen are reluctant to support the Republican Party because the Democrats are vindictive and threaten to boycott businesses for political reasons. Until we have a Hispanic Republican Party begin with....and credible Hispanics to run for public office as a GOP.....then nothing will change and the corruption of the Democratic Party will continue.
Superb essay, Juan - Van Vaughn
There are places downtown Brownsville that qualify as a "colonia". While the city seems more than willing to continually increase the PUB service costs, they are unwilling to enforce laws relating to the health and welfare of downtown residents. Lease laws aren't enforced, lawns are not maintained and there are abandoned buildings through out the downtown. This blue house or one like it can be found in Downtown Brownsville....and just may be owned by the city.
The Republican Party of North Texas promotes more poverty and takes advantage of both the poverty and ignorance that continue to plague the region. Poverty is increasing because the Republicans take advantage of the poor and by their actions, encourage the expansion of poverty and ignorance. From Ted Cruz the Senate and Rick Perry in Austin, down to Henry Bonilla and other local Republicans.....they depend on poverty and ignorance as a party base. We don't have an effective 2-party political system here because Whites avoid the Democratic Party and seem to be afraid of the Republican power base. Businessmen are reluctant to support the Democratic Party because the Republicans are vindictive and threaten to boycott businesses for political reasons. Until we have a White Democratic Party begin with....and credible Whites to run for public office as a Democrat.....then nothing will change and the corruption of the Republican Party will continue.
It all began with the seizure of the U.S. Southwest. It was legalized by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Cattle and land thievery was condoned by the govt . This was permitted in order to control the existing population . No schools, university's , medical schools were ever established. Political control was emitted thru political machines ; Jim Wells. A.Y. Baker. Parr and Laredo machines did the job. By the same token they used "Mexicanos" who lent their services for their purposes. WW 1, WW2, Korea., Vietnam-Nam, was the beginning. Civil Rights abolishing the Poll-Tax the momentum starts !
If you think the Democratic Party is Bad, try the present -Republican Party. It is the Party against Women, Children, and Humanity.
All these hypocrite Democrats say the same thing,"It is the right thing to do". The funny thing is they do not do the right things for themselves. They Suck the money out of the system, and send their kids eventually to St. Joe High school. The political elite is more like the morally, ethically corrupt.
He may be a Pinche Gringo, but that does not keep him from being right. Very good summation of the situation down here.
Brownsville Salaries?
The county has been run by a Republican for the last 8 years and it has deteriorated to what it is now. You need to be realistic about why our region is "the poorest in the nation". An uncontrolled influx of illegal immigrants, abuse of the system by people living on both sides of the border, extremely high dropout rate, voter apathy, apathy and greed by those in power and the list goes on. Empty promises is all we've gotten
the "one party" is a symptom. the disease is statism and its lure to collectivists. the collectivist will always worship at the altar of the state and prefer as its clergy the "one party" who promises the most shit for the collective.
Anon of June 8, 2014 at 5:53 PM
Agree with you 1000%
It's Democratic Party politics that keeps the poor dependent on welfare and "entitlements" to keep the voters "in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant". Apparently most Democratic voters are happy with the "status quo" and not willing, or don't want to open their eyes and long as the "party" keeps those checks with free money rolling in. Poverty is necessary for the Democratic Party to maintain power.
The Stillman Historical shack was finally put to good use. It makes use for Naco habitation . It is decorated with a rustic BB-cue pit, beer bottles (used) an old tire, etc. If you observe with a careful eye you will see Da Mayor sporting his favorite Naco G-string.
This is one of the reasons I left the republican party, they bitch and holler claiming that democrats are the ones encouraging the poor and yet the fuck nuggets can't come out with a real solution to the problem.
Another thing they tend to omit (on purpose of course) is that most of the poorest states in the country are red states. Oh and if any of these inbreed morons could do the slightest amount of research they will realize that southern whites are the largest group of entitlement program recipients.. Now before any of the GOP faithful comes out crying saying "but lots of Mexicans are on welfare in the rio grande valley" OF COURSE THEY ARE YOU IMBECILES The valley is mostly Mexican for god's sake!!! What, did you expected the Chinese to be the largest group?!
I have no love for democrats either but the sheer amount of ignorance and hypocrisy that the current GOP has is simply incredible and amazingly they are not afraid to show how stupid they look or sound! Come on people, when it comes to poverty stop the political bullshit and let's do something about it. If a bond was approved to provide a homeless shelter stop dragging the damn feet and get to it.
Incredible! Your imagination is sick if you can imagine the mayor like that......please stop.
The P. S. conservative has a point.
The Stillman Shack, all American Poster housing In Browntown.
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