Sunday, June 8, 2014


Dear friends and colleagues,
This year marks 22 years since I began serving as President of UT Brownsville. It has been my most sincere privilege to serve the people of the Rio Grande Valley, to help tell the myriad of stories that each dream for themselves and for their families, to witness their struggles against great odds to earn a degree and launch a career and to understand the vast potential of the people of this region that for too long have been denied the opportunities that come from a college degree. I have been honored to work side-by-side expert and committed faculty, and dedicated and selfless staff.
With Dr. Guy Bailey now selected as the inaugural president of the new UT Rio Grande Valley, I will step down as President of UT Brownsville on August 31, 2014. As the Chancellor announced last week, I have accepted a new position as Executive Director of the UT Institute of the Americas. The Institute will focus on helping develop the next generation of leadership rooted in the values of a democratic society and providing a non-partisan venue for convening discussions of critical issues with global significance.
The Institute will be UT System’s mechanism to serve as a convening voice to help resolve issues facing the Americas and the Global South and serve as a nexus for interdisciplinary groups to come together and focus on creating core competencies in leadership on critical issues. It will accomplish this through sponsorship of seminars, next generation leadership programs, public conferences and events and policy programs for consensus building and problem solving.
Located in the Rio Grande Valley, the Institute will operate throughout the UT System, making use of the vast amount of expertise found on each of the individual campuses and positioning UT to become the gateway to the Global South.
For me, there is no greater pleasure than having the opportunity to live and work in the place I was born and where my family is rooted. I look forward to beginning this new adventure strengthened by the legacy we have built together, one that honors the heritage of the people in our region and inspires learning, creativity, innovation and free thinking.
Soon you will be receiving an invitation for a Despedida, a farewell party, on the evening of August 14th. Please join me in celebrating our work together.
Juliet V. García


Anonymous said...

I think they misspelled the title, in either case the fair well tribute had been written long ago.


Anonymous said...

We no longer hear about her "partnership" and her position at TSC that allowed her to misuse tax dollars to fund UT System and pad her own legacy. As she plans her own farewell...probably using "other people's money"......we can expect that many people that she has thrown under the bus over the years will be missing. We still haven't seen a list of local "ass kissers" who paid up for her dinner with Dr. Cigarroa that announced her new "gig". We know the Kardenas Klan was there, but who else?????? Anyone have a guest list for that event???????

Anonymous said...

This woman looks like a possum-rat mutant hybrid. Perhaps this genetic cluster-screw led to her abysmal record as President of UTB in just about everything. The liberals can give her all the political correctness awards they want - she sucks plain and simple and could never hack it up north. Adios amiga.

Anonymous said... Only self enriching leeches?

Anonymous said...

Is this the wicked Witch from Hansel and Greta 's long ago stories??

Anonymous said...

Cronyism 101. Garcia is hardly qualified as either a researcher or a trainer of leaders. She has never mentored anyone who has assumed a higher position outside of her domain.

Anonymous said...

She was soooooooooo bad as an administrator, although she seldom ever actually administered. She would try "team teaching" from time to time, but she had no patience for teaching and the other member of the team would wind up having to teach the class. Dr. Garcia would never go back to the class.

The one thing that she was very good at was self-promotion. The captain of the Exxon Valdez, the captain of the Titanic, Jefferson Davis---the President of the Confederacy could have learned from her how to make a resounding defeat/disaster look like a victory.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Aha! Anonymous said, "Bullshit, Bullshit!" In Naco language it's ," Puro pedo" this is what is causing climate change. The Naco Environmental Agency should look in this.

Anonymous said...

What a stunning pic. It is selling for 2 cents at la Pulga.

Anonymous said...

The pic was from a nightmare horrific dream from Scy experience.
