Tuesday, June 10, 2014


By Juan Montoya
For the last three years or more, Mike Gonzalez has been the executive director of United Brownsville, the insidiuous shadow government that has usurped the government elected by the people in favor of a hand-picked cabal directed by the power elite in Brownsville.
Gonzalez started his gig at $78,000 a year and by now we're sure he's worked his way into the middle or high $80,000 bracket.
Among the 12-step plan for "vision themes" pushed by this bogus board is one called "engaged" that states that United Brownsville seeks to make a "community of civically minded individuals that supports and mentors qualified leaders."
Well, guess what, the same "leader" of United Brownsville is engaged and "civically-minded," but not in the community that gives him his paycheck, but rather in Kyle, Texas, where he was the former mayor and the place where he was found by IBC Bank President Fred Rusteberg and his gang of "visionaries."
In fact, we have learned that Gonzalez, was in Kyle with his lovely wife on May 31st to vote in the run-off for that city's mayor's race. In fact, Linda Gonzalez also voted in the first round on May 3.
For an organization that espouses a philosophy of civic engagement that wants us to support mentors and qualified leaders, it sure is a funny way to lead by example by voting in a community where the executive director votes for city leaders somewhere else. Isn't it?


Anonymous said...

This is Brownsville....home of Democratic corruption. Democrats here can vote anywhere...at any time....and as many times as are needed by the Party.

Anonymous said...

Republicans are just as corrupt.

The difference is Republicans don't get caught because IOKIYAR.

Corruption happens in all political organizations.

Anonymous said...

These guys make Pablo Escobar, El Señor, El Azul , look like amateurs the way they slither funds using "United Brownsville" as a front. The Feds will wise up soon, er the IRS.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville doesn't just "accept corruption" in local government...we "demand corruption".

Anonymous said...

Kyle is the San Benito of San Marcos

Anonymous said...

Get a new line....it's old...move on.

Anonymous said...

No Mamen. Que poca! Ya basta con los Corrientes. Por eso estamos como estamos!

Joaquin said...

First off, Mike Gonzales is a Republican, not a Democrat. Second, I went to Texas State and to call "Kyle the San Benito of San Marcos" shows you've never been to the area - at least not lately.

Anonymous said...

Por eso somos Nacos forever brother, nunca olvides nuestras raises carnal. Asta el pinche mayor es naco. La pinche vieja julieta es tambien naca.

Anonymous said...

Es semos no somos naco ignorante, stupido, analfabeto. Ya guitate tu pedo con la jente naca.

Anonymous said...

A leguas se nota tu vasta ignorancia 5:49 pm, go to school, learn Spanish grammar and then you surprise us with your enlightening comments..

Anonymous said...

Estan bien nopalones los dos (5:43 & 5:49), tan atarantado uno como el otro para expresarse, estos animales sin duda son lectores de tercera clase..
