Thursday, August 7, 2014


Via El Sol de México: Ningún caso de ébola en México: Secretaría de Salud. [No Ebola case in Mexico: Secretariat of Health] Excerpt, with translation:
México.- La Secretaría de Salud de Coahuila informó que en las últimas horas del miércoles 6 de agosto, a través de un sitio denominado, se difundió una noticia sobre un supuesto caso de ébola en México, específicamente de un estudiante en el Distrito Federal.
Mexico City: The Secretariat of Health in Coahuila reports that late on August 6, a site called published a notice about a supposed case of Ebola in Mexico, specifically a student in the Federal District.
Dicha nota fue retomada a través de redes sociales por el Periódico Zócalo Saltillo, en Coahuila. De manera inmediata, se indagó la noticia que resultó ser falsa.
The notice was picked up via social media by the newspaper Zócalo Saltillo, in Coahuila. It was immediately denounced as false.
El vocero para el tema del ébola en México, Dr. Cuitláhuac Ruiz Matus, Director General de Epidemiología de la Secretaría de Salud Federal, reafirmó que no existe ningún caso en México.
The spokesperson on Ebola in Mexico, Dr. Cuitláhuac Ruiz Matus, Director General of Epidemiology in the Federal Secretariat of Health, reaffirmed that there is no case in Mexico.


Anonymous said...

It is the new Tequila mix. Tequibola. Selling like wildfire at Garcia-Cambodia in Matamors.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the rest of the US even knows the possibility that exists of such a disease's potential to occur in a country as sorry as Mexico.

Anonymous said...

It´s not where it came from but just know that it could be a mag from God, please, everyone should be praying and not wondering when where or how. Just pray and and ask God to free us from this i know we all have family. Pray and believe God has control over this situation. May God be with each an everyone. Blessing to you all.
