It's so hard to keep social calendar nowadays.
Just ask City of Brownsville commissioners Jessica Tetreau, John Villarreal.

But, hey wait a minute there, Wilbur!
It just so happens that no one told SpaceX about the Sports Park fiesta and they organized a fancy schmanzy get together at South Padre Island and invited all the VIP bigwigs in the valley on the very same day to show their appreciation for their fine considerations and support. That includes, of course, the $15 million in incentives and other tax abatements which induced them to come to South Texas.
Harlingen will be there of course, having anted up a considerable sum (about $500,000) in return for 10 percent of the jobs generated out in the tidal flats of Boca Chica. McAllen also chipped in to bring them here as did other economic local and state economic development entities across the valley.
Well, since the Brownsville Economic Development Corporation is hosting the party at the Sports Park, it is only proper that the city commissioners be there to entertain all the "little people" who showed SpaceX we luv 'em.
Now Tetreau, Villarreal are caught on the horns of a dilemma. What to do?
The Brownsville Public Utilities Board, the City of Brownsville, the University of Texas at Brownsville , Texas Southmost College, the Visitors and Convention Bureau and other local companies were encouraged to participate and chip in $1,000 for the celebration.
It was, after all, billed as an event that was open to the public "to not only celebrate the arrival of the commercial space industry to the area, but also to recognize how the public’s support was a vital component and instrumental in the recruitment process of SpaceX. More than 1,100 people personally showed up at the two hearings, in 2013 and earlier this year, and overwhelmingly supported the project coming to the Brownsville area. Since then, SpaceX has received clearance from the Federal Aviation Administration to construct a vertical rocket launch site and the company’s founder Elon Musk, in turn, announced Boca Chica Beach as the chosen site."
Well, if the water is coming over the bridge, simply lower the river, of course.
We understand that the duo is struggling mightily to reschedule (move up) the Sports Park party so that they may have the chance to rub elbows with the big shots at the Island. How can they hand out with the unwashed masses and waste an opportunity to make an impression ( or trade business cards) with the space industry movers and shakers.
We also understand that the move by the commissioners is not sitting well with the city staff who were induced to promote the event.
After all, why would the commissioners want to engage in "family-oriented atmosphere with games, activities and educational presentations" when they have a chance to rub elbows with VIPs?
Will they be successful and move the fiesta so they can cavort on the isle with the big shots? Stay tuned.
Tetreau: "Yay!! My new iPhone6+ has been ordered"
Bitch, order yourself a fucking college degree! You worthless idiot. She has the city buy her cell phones and pay for the service and she never answers it. Just uses it for personal shit and to post pendejadas on facebook. Portillo too. Has a city phone y nunca contesta la hija de la chingada.
@ 6:30 - Don't worry, election time is around the corner. I bet she'll be answering her phone. At least until May, when she'll be voted out. #OldHusbandBeater #AlBundyMugshot
I concur...
Get a life. It's obvious the first two comments are by the same poster, and yes, we all know who you are and why you hate her. You know, you should just be open and honest with yourself about why you hate women so much sir, we all know the reason.
And BTW, this story states no one from SpaceX was even invited.
"It just so happens that no one told SpaceX about the Sports Park fiesta and they organized a fancy schmanzy get together at South Padre Island and invited all the VIP bigwigs in the valley on the very same day to show their appreciation for their fine considerations and support. "
Hmmmmmmmm who in the world would have a story written about these poor commissioners who were trying to make sure someone showed up at this mess of an event.
Yeah Zeke "The Sneak" Silva.
"we all know..." Who the hell is "we"? Everyone knows it's you, pendeja. Why don't YOU get a life instead of posting stupid shit all day? Oh no! Look at my fake purse (next to my husband's Infinity steering wheel, of course). It got wet in the rain!" "Look at my new shoes! They are reinforced to hold all my lonjas!" "Thank you, Carwash Plus for washing my car for free while paying your employees less than minimum wage!" "I love my new dress! It's made from the same material as a spaceship! #ElonMusk" Grow up, airhead. Instead of buying knockoff dresses and purses at the pulga you should fix our streets because they flood as soon as it gets cloudy. And fyi, fine designers do not make XXXL sizes so you ain't fooling no one, honey. "We" are going to have a field day with your re-election. Here are a few more hashtags you should use on your facebook posts: #AKsShotGirl4Life #NoDegree #CommissionerArrested #District3Resident
You're as clueless a tub of crap on a rainy day; never assume the obvious is true...
"More than 1,100 people personally showed up at the two hearings..." Por favor. In a city of 250,000, that doesn't amount to overwhelming support of anything.
What idiot didn't check the local social calendar? Since it is obvious that these events conflict, who is the one that caused the conflict?
Jessica T. and John Villareal have been taught by the crooket people in town The Herandez and Brownsville Cheezmeh Erasmo Castro. Now that Carlos Marin and Fred Rustenberg have wined and dined them they think they are untouchable. Both are uneducated young kids that have no business running a city. They were given a taste of the high society in return for them to vote on their projects to make Millions off the poorest city in the Country. We got what we deserve 2 kids with no clue what it is to make a living or support a family.
Why such animosity to the female leader 11:42? It takes a special kind of man to insult a woman's weight.
I've known her and her family for over 25 years and she is the most humble and caring person I have ever met. You should be ashamed of yourself for caring so much hatred in your heart. MHO
Fuck you Alvarez, PENDEJO!
Who's Alvarez, clarify for us readers..
That comment in Tetreau's defense about her and her family being the most humble is posted by her over and over. Most humble my ass! Your dad also works at the carwash. How humble could you be if you're paying your employees less than minimum wage? You all are exploiting them! Your family is the most stuck up bunch of people I have ever met. Money doesn't buy class. You'll always be an AKs hoodrat sitting at the end of the bar waiting for Arturo to take you to the back. Humble? More like golddigger if you as me.
Girl, you can try to fix your nose and a million other things but you can never fix your brain. Ni volviendo a nacer se te quita lo fea y estupida.
It's better to post Good Shit instead of Bad Shit. It's like in Religion; Benign Sin and Mortal Sin. In Politics it is the same Shit.
El Naco knows his Shit !
Ya at least Zeek has bigger ball then you all ... Lol
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