The pattern is becoming all too clear.
If you work for the Brownsville Independent School District and run for public office and will be rewarded.

His new salary places him above 56 of the BISD's 58 campus principals. Martin can't lose for winning, unlike the principals.
And now we hear it's happened to J.J. De Leon, who ran an insipid race against Ed Rivera for Texas Southmost College trustee.
We under stand that De Leon, whose claim to fame was being an executive secretary to Betha Peña, will now be named to a supervisory position at Pay Grade 4 (somewhere over $50,000) in the Special Programs Department under Rachel Ayala.
Now, we understand that even before the decision has been made on which applicant will be given the position, De Leon is already announcing that he will get it. Does he know something no one else knows?
The shame of it is that many local residents have striven to acquire a higher education through the sweat of their brow and are bypassed for other applicants who – although they may lack the qualifications – have the right political connections in the district's bureaucracy.
Until that changes – or we elect people willing to change it – this district will remain in this sorry state, rewarding mediocrity.
"... many local residents have striven to acquire a higher education through the sweat of their brown..."
That's RAYCESS, Juan!!!11!1 You should know more better!!
If the Teachers and the rest of BISD employees would support candidates favorable to education and the best interests of the district's children we would not have crappy people on the board interested only in vendor's kickbacks and palm greasing.
Is that the reason why Elizondo wants to be not seen with Cata or Lucy? What is he afraid. If you are correct of your opinion on the selection of personnel being used by the school district. Elizondo should publish a whole page in the newspaper of a picture of him with Cata and Lucy. Let the community know that they will work together if he is elected. However, Elizondo will do no such thing. Why? He will lose the election.
The community wants to see a full page in the newspaper of Elizondo, Lucy and Cata together showing unity. It won't happen.
Mediocrity is all BISD knows. The Trustees work hard at mediocrity and hire mediocre administrators who will put that mediocrity into place. As a result, our students who go to college need remediation in order to be successful in college. The leaders of BISD think that the golf term "being under par" is what they should strive for in education.
speaking of mediocrity it took Cesar Lopez 6 years to finish college
El JJ knew exactly how he was going to get the position even before the interview... He said through out the main BISD building I have the VOTES !!! He said THE BOARD will approve me I have the Majority experience is not of interest to the Board Majority if I get recommended I'm in because I know the right Board Members Pena, Powers, Chirino and Lopez,,,,, They don"t care about the credentials experience nor how many applied,,, Board Majority approved 2 AA's remember they didn"t care,,,, Hire people who are worthless and incompetent it's called low expectations!!!!!
El JJ knew exactly how he was going to get the position even before the interview... He said through out the main BISD building I have the VOTES !!! He said THE BOARD will approve me I have the Majority experience is not of interest to the Board Majority if I get recommended I'm in because I know the right Board Members Pena, Powers, Chirino and Lopez,,,,, They don"t care about the credentials experience nor how many applied,,, Board Majority approved 2 AA's remember they didn"t care,,,, Hire people who are worthless and incompetent it's called low expectations!!!!!
God help us !!!
Brow. Pendejo! Learn to read.
Monty Python flunked Educ. 101. (The soup)
It is who you know Juanio!!! El JJ is bragging all over the main BISD Building that a certain 2nd floor Admin(bff) already promised him the job. Its for this secretary, no real qualifications needed, just that he is a bff and needs more money now. This is old news at the BISD main building. No fair competition folks, just kiss ass and you will get what you want! The BISD claims they have no more money for positions. they keep hiring for top dolla positions yet they can't afford to give schools extra staff. THANK YOU BOARD MEMBERS FOR KEEPING THE COMPADRE SYSTEM ALIVE!!!!
With kickbacks to Otis, Minerva and the rest of the Board?
El Pelon can work with anyone, have you seen him pictured with Sucio and Otis "El ojete" Powers?
By mediocrity you mean rewarding the screw ups?
Like Liz and Rubio to the Glass palace? N. Linda's cousin Fr an elementary to stillman, and the fact that Sergio's sister was already training him but her job was given to Dora Sauceda?
A quien se echo Cesar para que lo hicieran trustee?
Pinche AJ like Dora, is not what you know is who you do?
You mean Monerva that said in open meeting there were no monies for raises but she approve two AA's Dora and Tery, Minerva promoted several of her Mtz relatives, so did Chirinos and Otis; if you do believe me, just do the public info requests?
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