Cameron County Clerk Joe Rivera – the Democratic Party candidate for county judge – has already started to remove the large signs from the city and placing them in other towns in the county where no such ordinance exists, but there are a few of them left and even though we hear that other candidates have already been told they must remove the offending sings, they have not.

Even Brownsville Independent School District candidate Cesar Lopez has a few oversized signs still standing.
Now Permitting Director Evaristo Gamez did not put a deadline for the signs to be removed, but we expect that a candidate for a district judge's office would lead by example and adhere to the law.
Since this issue isn;t going to go away until all the illegal signs are removed, here's two so that the inspectors can see where they are.
EGamez [mailto:egamez@cob.us]
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2014 3:43 PM
To: Cris Valadez
Cc: Charlie Cabler
Subject: FW: Ordinance Chapter 328 -Signs
Good Afternoon:
Mr. Valadez, all political signs must comply with the maximum 36 square feet area as per Ordinance 2012-1452-D. Any other political sign that is larger must be removed by tomorrow morning.
If you have any other questions let me know. Thank You.
Evaristo Gamez
Permitting Director
Signs designed by Gilberto Hinojosa....his Napoleonic complex campaign signs for "his corrupt friends". Yes, Gilberto is back with all his slime and Joe Rivera and Maganalles are sliding down that political road of slime so they can continue the corruption of the Democratic Party....they all seem to want to fill up that plush federal prison where their bud "Disable" Limas is housed.
OMG.. can you leave that alone Please!
I would like to read more along the lines of what is going on in brownsville, business opportunities. You keep going back to the same story... frankly I read the comments and that is it... boring!! BORING!
Reminds me of the old Soviet Union days of giant pictures of Stalin. Lenin, Malenkov, etc.647
I would prefer of a giant poster of Alfred E. Newman , my hero.
Tu sígueles dando Juan uy uy uy!!!
Size of sign is directly proportional level of corruption + theft while in office = Mucho dinero
Also, Why do all these maricones have facial hair, something to prove ?
Chingo's in Magalles case !
Gilberto is as clean as NY snow.
facial hair.. HA HA!
Vote Republican ! We need to de-regulate regulations, abolish Social Security, Medicare, Medicate, defund public education, defund highway spending, minimun Wage one dollar per hour, do more studies on women's cell composition, bring back Slavery; better than paying $1.00 per hour... Etc. You see. We will be paying less taxes.
@6:28- Wtf does any of that have to do with the County Judge, pendejo?
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