If we are to believe the filed campaign contribution reports filed by former Democratic Party county judge candidate Martin Arambula when he his countywide campaign ran against Joe Rivera, Ruben Peña, and someone named T. Rivera, he spent about a little over $15,000 with only $5,800 in reported contributions.
In fact, Arambula garnered his 3,980 votes with $3,300 in cash contributions and a $2,500 in-kind contribution in the rent for a meeting hall costing $2,500.
This figure drew comments of disbelief from politically knowledgeable people acquainted with the cost of running a campaign across Cameron County.
"The signs alone cost more than that," said one. "You can't tell me he didn't spend more than what it says in the reports."

The files available at the Cameron County Elections office indicates that Arambula did not file the July 15th report.
The election was held March 4.
In fact, Arambula reported that aside from a $500 contribution from HDR Inc., PAC, of Omaha, Neb., he had received only another $300 contribution from the Green Law Firm. The in-kind contribution from the Ambassador Events Center on FM 802.
All told, Arambula reported that he had spent $20,953 of his own money with the $5,800 in contributions for the entire primary campaign.
Now, while we understand frugality, it is still hard to believe that Aramula, the Policy/Records Manager with the Brownsville Independent School District, did not receive contributions from his wide circle of friends. After he lost the race, his bosses over at the BISD generously award him a $15,000 raise to offset his other duties, mainly a half-hearted effort to recycle materials generated district wide at the BISD campuses.
We made a Public Information Request for the current salary of all principals and for Arambula's salary before and after the raise. His old salary may put him above 20 of the 58 campus principals at the BISD.
His new salary has him making more than 52 campus principals of the 58 campuses.
Arambula's salary before the raise was an astounding $75, 940 before the raise, and $90,061 after the raise.

His new salary will put him making more of 52 campus principals of the 58.
However, that increase upset no end of people because the actual recycling is done by the campus principals who appoint one employee to collect and sort through plastic, paper, cardboard and other recyclables such as can, etc. An employee in Armabula's department then is sent to collect the materials by truck and they are later sold.
When questioned during a recent meeting on what amounts of money had been generated by the recycling effort, the board members could get no straight answer other than the prices paid by recyclers for the paper and cardboard.
"He never gave us a firm number," said an administrator. "We never learned how much he is making for the district."
In fact, during that meeting, photographs submitted to board members showed that on many campuses the materials were never sorted or recycled but were thrown directly into the campus dumpsters.
"That was the stuff that he was getting paid to recycle and it is all going into the trash," said a participant. "The pictures showed it all."
As the BISD elections approach thin November 4, Arambula's raise has become an issue since no such raise were given to any other employee of the district. We're sure that the 56 principals and their families will scrutinize the candidates' stand on the Arambula salary issue before they cast their votes.
Folks you all know that its called por la calle Clavel, this is what this guy did, se clavo la lana for his own use, no other reason, you know it costs lots of mula to run in any election. what a liar well that's why he is out of the running adios baby asta la vista, oh by the way see you at chilie's or vermillion or the palm lounge martin and buy me a an ice cold bear y lets talk about the dallas cowboys winning the super bowl. thanks.
As I have stated before, if you don't have money to finance your campaign you have no business running. On the other hand money flows from unknown cash sources, reportable donations, "Barbacoas", your own funds, or whatever. You can belief anything; like Belief in BISD!
All I have to say is Martin is a great guy and I would vote for him again and again if he ever ran for another position for the city of Brownsville
Arambula is full of shit. What about the 18wheelers plastered with his ugly face? Those weren't free. He pocketed the cash for his personal use.
Maybe if he wasn't so fat he'd fit on a normal sized sign. That goes for all candidates.
There is a rumor that a local blogger is threatening to file a lawsuit due to an incident. The lawsuit is for a large amount of money but the blogger is willing to settle for a smaller amount. Due some investigating on the matter and give your readers the fact if there is any truth to such rumor.
Only brownsville would support a worthless *#*#*#*. The lonewolf.
ARAMBULA walks his dog till 9:00 a.m which means he is stealing BISD Company TIME!!! I''m a housewife and leave in Lakeway why can't BISD terminate an employee who is stealing Company TIME?? ACCOUNTABILTY NEEDS TO KICK IN SOON!!!
I have been told the crazy Board Member Pena defends all those who abuse the system :( ! When is Pena up she is worthless and has got to go... Otis is worthless I hear he supports Arambulas wrong doing ... Chirinos & Lopez worthless leaders never hear them fighting for anything or even rock the boat!!! Why have worthless people who don't defend our rights!! Enough of these Pathetic Fools
Por Favor Caty! Post September 8, 2014 at 7:29 pm is none other than you.
Ya Basta! You are such a hater now that you are not President of the Board!
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