It always amazes me how self-serving and hypocritical some of our local politicians are.
One who comes immediately to mind in none other than our loved and much-esteemed Texas Senator Eddie Lucio.
That's him in the graphic above attending a "Stand with Texas Women" rally held at the Cameron County Women's Democratic Club for Lt. Gov. candidate Leticia Van De Putte.
The Stand With Texas Women Campaign was started to call attention to the Texas Legislature's passing of laws restricting women's (especially poor women's) access to abortions. One of the laws that was passed was the requirement that women be subjected to an hour-long video of the joys of adoption before they can go through the procedure to end a pregnancy. It's basically a guilt-trip message passed by anti-choice legislators compliments of the taxpayer.
Another part of the law – and one that has just been declared unconstitutional by Judge Lee Yeakel of the United States District Court in Austin, Tex., required abortion clinics to meet the costly building and staffing standards of ambulatory surgery centers, that, as the 2013 law required, would place unconstitutional obstacles to women’s access to abortion. The requirement, which many medical experts said was unnecessary for patient safety, was supposed to take effect on Sept. 1, and it would have forced about 12 of the state’s remaining 19 abortion clinics to close.
In his decision, Judge Yeakel also partly rolled back a rule already in effect, a requirement that abortion clinic doctors have admitting privileges at local hospitals. That requirement, also described by medical experts as irrelevant to patient safety, has caused more than 20 clinics across Texas to close.
News reports indicate that Judge Yeakel said the admitting-privilege rule should definitely not be applied to clinics in McAllen and El Paso. The evidence was clear, he wrote, that the rule had left women in South and West Texas with little practical access to abortions.
Hispanic and low-income women in the Rio Grande Valley, many of them working mothers, have been most affected by the closing of the McAllen clinic, according to Amy Hagstrom Miller, chief executive of Whole Woman’s Health.
The one Democratic senator who went along with the Republican majority in denying access to the mostly Hispanic and poor women in South Texas was Lucio. He defended his position by saying his religious upbringing and convictions prevented him from supporting the Democratic stand.
Yet, there he was with Van Putte and the rest of the Brownsville legislative delegation (Rene Oliveira) and the chair of the Texas Democratic Party Gilberto Hinojosa rubbing elbows with Van De Putte at the pro-choice rally.
We've written on the subject before and respect the right of those who are against abortion. But we also respect the legal right of those women who choose not to carry through a pregnancy. They have their reasons and it's bad enough for them to carry that psychological burden without us (males especially) trying to force our beliefs on them on top of that.
Lucio thinks that all women should be forced to carry the pregnancy to its end regardless of their circumstance or personal choice.
He probably figures that a child should have the privilege of living in his district where nearly half of the children suffer a life of poverty.
Senate District 27 includes all of Cameron, Kenedy, Kleberg, Willacy counties and part of Hidalgo county.
Hidalgo County reported that 130,291, or 47.9 percent of children living there live in poverty.
Cameron County is not much different, reporting that 62,449, or 46.7 percent of children there are also poor.
Willacy County reported that 2,502, or 43.3 percent of children lived in poverty there.
Kenedy County actually fares better because of its smaller population, with 30 children, or 27.3 percent reported living in poverty.
These children of poor families reflect a sad truth, that while the Texas right-to-work economy is rising, the parents have to face unemployment rates higher than the state and nation.
Hidalgo County reported that it has 38,095 people unemployed, a 12 percent unemployment rate.

And Kenedy County reported the lowest rate with 131 people out of work for a 8.6 percentage rate.
That the good senator has been since 1990 and before that he served two terms (four years) as a state representative and amass these kind of sorry economic statistics is horrendous.
That's a total of 28 years in the Legislature and his constituents have sorry little gains to show for his presence there.
In fact, his hometown (Brownsville) has been named the poorest community in the entire United States.
If after more than a quarter century in Austin he hasn't been able to deliver the goods, how on earth does he have time to worry whether a poor woman in his district decides whether she want to bring a child into this region of poverty or not?
1. senator lucio was there supporting van de putte
2. it just happened to be at the headquarters
3. have you seen him with wendy anywhere?
4. to the lady in the pic, the senator does represent you. and by the way, cava sucks.
5. why doesn't anyone have the balls to challenge the senator if he sucks so bad?
6. montoya, i'll talk to him for you. i'll ask him if he will advertise on your page so you can back off. isn't how its done?
So he supports a woman's right to choose as long as it isn't an abortion. What an ashole!
At what age should a mother stop legally being able to murder their children. Should mother of poor children be able to murder their children at an older age because they are poor.
Why don't we have legislation that a mother may murder their children up to the age of 18.
A life is a life.
Eddie is nothing but a self-serving hypocrite. He stood with the Republicans because he thought it made him one of the boys. Eddie, that is exactly what they call you when you are not around, "Boy". I can see the Republican leaders now, sitting on some overstuffed chairs, having a drink, and laughing how they got that "boy" from south Texas to go along with them.
Remember, professional Politicians play the Game .They squawk whatever their present public wants to hear .
Sounds like you're on the Lucio payroll. Eddie Lucio Jr. Is a lying, cheating, piece of shit who has done nothing for the people of his district in all the years he has been in office. The only reason he pushed the anti women legislation when he did was to get some camera time out of it, not because he has any religious convictions. He's dumber than dirt and it shows each time he opens his mealy mouth.
Btw, the lady in the picture has more balls than you for holding that sign and standing up to the corrupt garbage running things in that county.
Lucio Jr is scum. Hypocritical, lying scum.
Senator Lucio does NOT represent me either. He is an embarrassment and a disgrace.
Eddie Lucio represents only himself and the special interests that have purchased his vote in the Texas Senate. He is a politician for sale, and his bud in the picture Gilberto Hinojosa is another slug. Eddie Lucio is surely linking his son, "Da Turd" with his special interests so that "Da Turd" can run for his dad's Senate seat someday. Just 2 Turds!!!
Perfect graphic, JMON! This Lucio is a real s.o.b.
to "Anonymous said... @ September 6, 2014 at 2:06 p.m.
1. senator lucio was there supporting van de putte
2. it just happened to be at the headquarters
3. have you seen him with wendy anywhere?
4. to the lady in the pic, the senator does represent you. and by the way, cava sucks.
5. why doesn't anyone have the balls to challenge the senator if he sucks so bad?
6. montoya, i'll talk to him for you. i'll ask him if he will advertise on your page so you can back off. isn't how its done?
September 6, 2014 at 2:06 PM
1) He was there campaigning for votes.
2) I have a bridge to sell
3) If Lucio cares so much about life, why doesn't he talk about the DEATH PENALTY, no matter how you look at it, it is still "STATE SANCTIONED MURDER". "Go Wendy Go!!!!!
4) He does not represent ME , neither does Governor Good Hair with pretend smart glasses. Now you are attacking CAVA?
5) Nobody can afford the cost for the votes.
6) You just don't get it, it is "NOT ABOUT THE MONEY". It is about ACCOUNTABILITY and the respect for women. Men need to stay out of "Women's Vagina".
Why didn't you approve my comment? Are you turning into Bobby Jr.?
Why don't you start your OWN blog so you can pontificate and bloviate to your heart's desire.
Bahahaha! Stupid Lucio doesn't know how to be a senator or anything other than a crook. He will have a very strong opponent who will wipe the floor with him. That's where he belongs, in a dirty mop bucket. CAVA has already done more good than Lucio ever could. Haters gonna hate. Lackeys always gonna be lackeys.
You are showing your true colors. You need to calm down or your blood pressure is going to spike. Take a deep breadth.
Speaking of sucking, your boss State Senator Lucio II has been sucking on the government teat since 1990 and what has he delivered to the citizens of Brownsville.
Surprise, Surprise a Republican supporting a DINO (Democrat in Name Only).
Why doesn't he run as a Republican or as your put it, he doesn't have the Pelotas??
Vote Independent and vote the Bums out!
Just curious What do you have against CAVA? I thought Republicans wanted to stop voter fraud.
Greg Abbot spent millions of taxpayer $$$ to convict voter frauds and he found 4 or 5 people in the entire state of Texas.
For Christ sake just leave CAVA out of this. And Eddie Lucio does suck.
Vote Republican and have your Brown Ass deported.
Bahahaha! Stupid Lucio doesn't know how to be a senator or anything other than a crook. He will have a very strong opponent who will wipe the floor with him. That's where he belongs, in a dirty mop bucket. CAVA has already done more good than Lucio ever could. Haters gonna hate. Lackeys always gonna be lackeys.
We know who you are Mrs. gastric bypass lady.
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