I am simply exercising a right given to us in the U.S. Constitution: the freedom of expression and speech.
My statements are aimed mostly at candidates’ behavior, whether verbal or written, in past elections and hope that anyone choosing to run for office in the present can learn from them.
In my life’s experiences and most recent travels, I have seen and unfortunately heard many things. It saddens me to see how people running for office choose the path of character assassination without truly knowing the intricate particulars of their opponent(s).
I agree character is important.
Integrity is important.

Character assassination has become the norm.
I believe people should be given the opportunity to run for office on (1) their merits, (2) on why they think they are the best choice and (3) on what they bring to the table. What is important is what the candidate stands for and plans to do if elected. Why the need to dwell on the opponents’ peccadilloes?
If you have chosen to run for office, state your case to the populace and let God be the judge of anyone else who has entered the race, not you or your campaign staff. We now have an outstanding group of ladies and gentlemen running for the BISD Board and I hope and pray they are running for the right reasons.
I, for one, want to know: Why are you better than the other candidates? How are you going to enhance and improve the lives of school children and that of employees. Focus on presenting your case to the public. Be clear and explicit on why you want to take a seat on the Board and do not spend your hard earned money on attacks.
As I said, character and integrity are important today.
Past mistakes are essentially that, in the past. All of these candidates bring a wealth of experience in education, and this is fortunate; but, what needs to be deciphered is: What will your contribution be to Brownsville's educational system. Be positive and allow dignity and grace to define you on your campaign journey. Good luck to all of you.
May the best Gentlemen or Ladies win.
joe sorry to say this but you know these candidates don't follow any rules, only rule they follow is what do I need to do to win, remember its a nice $524 million dollar budget you are looking at and if you tell me that these folks don't have anything to say or idea on how or what this pie will be cut then we shouldn't have elections. I say its all about the Benjamins and nothing else, just ask the nice attorney Baltazar Salazar, I don't think he is doing for free or because he cares for our kids. later, gator
Well said Joe!
I decided not to run for the Board. The Blogs would have crucified me. They would indicate that Wine Women and Song has been part of my lifestyle. This from a "Blue Blood" citizen .
Eat death scum.
Let the mud and the blood flow.
Pobre Joe, if you want your bubble busted just ask Otis Powers if he ran as trustee for the children or for his wife Sandra's, sister in laws ( Silvia, Mary Tolman) the brother in laws by marriage (Charlie A. And Doug Tolman), uncles, friends and friends movidas in the BISD payroll? Oh, I forgot he told everybody he was running for the children, the question is who's children his or yours????
Balthazar, Minerva, Hector Chirinos, and Cesar if he was honorable could have declined, pero pura Tranzas todos?????
el que no tranza no avanza remember that one folks and at BISD its the motto.
I will Joe, I will
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