Thursday, September 4, 2014


(Ed's. Note: We have intercepted a missive from Cris (Maclovio) Valadez to the City of Brownsville questioning the size of the political signs sprouting in the city from Democratic Party nominee for Cameron County Judge Joe Rivera. Valadez apparently thinks the sizes of Rivera's signs are in violation of the city ordinance (posted below, click to enlarge). What do you, our three readers, think? We post the missive in its entirety.)

Dear Mr. Gamez,
My name is Cris Valadez Jr., Chief of Staff for County Judge Carlos Cascos, I have attached the ordinance the city of Brownsville has regarding political signs. 
The ordinance states that signs must be no wider than 8 feet, and the effective area of the sign should not exceed 36 ft. I am including pictures of candidate for Cameron County Judge Joe G. Rivera's political signs, that are more than three times the square footage allowed by the ordinance. 
His signs are 8x12. 
I would like to know if the city does not plan on enforcing this ordinance, could you please let us know so we can put signs that size as well. 
Your prompt response would be appreciated.
1- US 77 Frontage and Loma Linda
2- Infront of Yturria school on Alton Gloor
3- 77 flea Market
4- 7th St. and Frontage
5- Morrison Rd. and Pablo Kissel


Anonymous said...

Great! The city should enforce the ordinance on the political signage. Those signs are eyesores and end up staying posted long after elections are over. They should fine them for that too.

Anonymous said...

Pete Gonzalez says we need more fine those who violate the signage ordinaces. As we expect, it will be Gilberto Hinojosa nnd his pawn, Joe Rivera, who will be guilty. All are part of the corruption of Cameron County and its judicial system.

Anonymous said...

So because one violates the ordinance; the other wants permission to do it also? Only el mamon de cris!

Dick Tracy said...

do you really think the city will enforce anything? I don't think so. later gator

Anonymous said...

Cris Valadez is full of shit . He is just one of Carlos's puppets. Doing his dirty work .

Anonymous said...

No mames Valadez, Joe doesn't fit in the small signs, he needs the big ones so he can fit his belly, menso!

Anonymous said...

Why is this Valadez idiot only bringing up Joe! The city is full of over sized signs. From the school board to the judge races. Old Joe is the only one being called out .

Anonymous said...

Karl Rove through the Republican apparatus has secretly funded $125,000 to the Cascos campaign fund.

Anonymous said...

They don't look that big on my phone.

Anonymous said...

Caicos battle cry: "turn coat Democrats for Cosco Discounts .

Anonymous said...

Come on Cris really now the big signs are an issue. The first candidates to have those big signs were Jonathon Gracia & Mary Ester Garcia, but it didn't bother you then.

Anonymous said...

Joe Rivera thinks he can get away with breaking the law..He is so arrogant ...If he is in violation with something as an ordinance..and does not you think he can run our county ...efficient. ..I think not.....I hear he is struggling with dementia. ..Oops De menso.

Anonymous said...

Joe Rivera no SE PUEDE for los HUEVOS.

Anonymous said...


Why not do it the PRI way and give the voters vales to buy groceries at Soriana? Tell them the vale is for 500 pesos but when they go to cash it out, it is only 100 pesos. Puro pedo, cabron.

The Pissed off Conservative said...

So let me get this straight, we have Joe Rivera violating city ordinance and the we have one of Cascos' stooges (admit it Valadez, Cascos made you write the compaint) bitching about it and asking permission to break the law too?

Wait, I have heard that last name before, doesn't he work for the county? I wonder if he sent that letter on county time. Tax dollars at work my friends.

Anonymous said...

This is the least of Rivera's problems.

Anonymous said...

Remember when Olivera was granted an exception to have 18 wheelers inside city limits painted in cowboy colors in 2008 by the city commissiin when shergold ran against him for state rep. Typical city selective enforcement again.

Anonymous said...

That's funny. Lol

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Why is this Valadez idiot only bringing up Joe! The city is full of over sized signs. From the school board to the judge races. Old Joe is the only one being called out .

September 4, 2014 at 5:11 PM

So if someone kills, it is all right for Joe to kill? I see your point, idiot...

Anonymous said...

You must be on the CASCOS bandwagon idiot! You can KISS MY ASS!

Anonymous said...

Is this THE same Cris Valadez that goes to school on County time.... and Cascos allows it... and he has the balls to complain about some frickin political sign... he should be investigated..

Anonymous said...

Signs of the Battle : Coscos and Walemadre !
