By Juan Montoya
Well, it looks like City of Brownsville manager Charlie Cabler hasl decided that the over-sized political signs used by the Joe Rivera campaign – among others – will have to come down.
Cabler reached that decision this afternoon and called Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos' administrative assistant Cris Valadez to tell him that not only will Rivera have to take down the over-sized signs, but that Cascos will have to remove one of two 4' by 8' signs on a vacant lot near Stilleto's along the U.S. 77 Frontage Road.
Valadez said a worker was on the way to remove one of th two signs placed one on top of the other.

In his letter, Valadez tells Gamez that the city ordinace regarding campaign signs states that "signs must be no wider than 8 feet, and the effective area of the sign should not exceed 36 ft. I am including pictures of candidate for Cameron County Judge Joe G. Rivera's political signs, that are more than three times the square footage allowed by the ordinance. His signs are 8x12. I would like to know if the city does not plan on enforcing this ordinance, could you please let us know so we can put signs that size as well."
Rivera's signs aren't the only ones that are in apparent violation of the city ordinance. The Jonathan Gracia and Mary Esther Garcia and Juan Magallanes campaign laso made use of the signs during the primary and the subsequent runoff. Some of those signs – especially Magallanes are still visible in the city.
Rivera had not heard from Cabler when we spoke to him, but he said he was awaiting the decision.
The 36-yeaqr veteran county clerk said he and Valadez got into a small argument over the signs and that it quickly deteriorated into cross accusations going back to the time that Valadez was a member of the board of the Brownsville Public Utility department.
"They caught him stealing water and energy," River recalled. "Not only for himself, but also for his brother. And he was a board member. He was lucky that Armando Villalobos was the D.A. then."

"He was shaking with anger," Valadez recalled. "I mentioned I had heard rumors he had been taking money to fix DWI tickets and though I was going to give him a coronary."
With the decision by Cabler that the over-sized signs will have to come down, expect those from other campaign to be taken down as well.
Valadez, for one, is claiming victory in this round.
"It's Maclovio 1 and Joe Rivera 0," he said.
One sign that Rivera's campaign workers won't have to take down is the one erected at the corner of Pablo Kisel and Morrison Road. After campaign workers placed the sign, the wind from a sudden storm this weekend blew the heavy frame down a few feet from the roadway.
Valadez's letter lists at least four other locations where the Rivera signs are placed.
Those stupid political signs are nothing more than eye sores. I dont care who the candidate is; those signs distract, some of the candidates are not a nice view to look at and most of the time, at the end of an election we, the citizens, still have to put up with those stupid signs for months and months while the winners get into office and the losers forget to bring down their signs.
Yes! Victory to the people!
Charlie no chinges ! Let them ride like Gracia y Mary Ester. They are the same signs that where used for the runoff. They just took it for granted that they where legal. You should wait until after this election to be fair !!!!
Why are they just talking about my uncle Joe Rivera when there are many others with large signs that haven't been mentioned. This is very unfair but we all know who this is coming from but I guess they are just scared !!
typical of Mary Ester to break the law...a sign of things to come
not voting for either candidate.... but why are you giving Valadez so much importance.. He is a thief... and continues to steal from the County... I wonder if he is still going to the University on County time... everyone covers themselves quite well..... we need New Candidates for this Position... enough is enough.. and get rid of Valadez and his friends...
Yeah, Uncle Joe should continue to violate rules and laws all he wants just like all his old buddies did and do, provided they haven't been duly served yet. After all, his defense is that since they got away with it so should he. To expect him to pop the government teat outta his mouth this late in the game is just not nice.
The signs are illegal. Good thing someone pointed that out to the stupid city management. I'm so glad they are going to follow the law and make the candidates remove the illegal signs. Joe Rivera should have already known about this since he has been running in politics for almost 40 years.
I really expected more from Carlos Cascos. THIS Valadez idiot is just making him look bad is this what he is paid to do all day. RIVERA ALL THE WAY !!!!
Cabler should also call cris and remind him he can't take classes on county him to remind him to stay off the blogs on county time.
anda bien cagada la cristy vaiadez la rata de dos patas
I guess it's out about fixing tickets..ask and you shall find ...
So he will have his staff on county time take down his signs...nothing new
I like Valadez, he is handsome and is a great dancer.
meteles la verga pinta valdez!
If Joe fixes my DWI's, I will vote for him. HELL YA!
Joe usa panales.
So Maclovio 1 and Joe 0? If I recall, Joe Rivera has beaten Valadez twice so far. He beat his ass in the County Clerk and Distric Clerk's races...hahaha! He beat his dumbass mother in law for District Clerk and his butt buddy Arnold Flores for County Clerk, and that was all Joe G. Rivera Valdez. Make sure to clean out your office, Your boss is next! The Joe G. freight train cant be stopped....we just win elections! you fix elections! !..but the FBI is a coming
He needs to retire already and stop hounding down young ladies. And having them sit on uncle Riveria lap..On county time..
Scum supports Uncle Joe.
Valadez is not city employee....
I know that...remind him as a courtesy call...not write him up!
In their politics business there's no courtesies, all is about backstabbing or kissing ass; tons of fun in this three ring circus...
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