Not only does local blogger Robert Wightman prognosticate past events with amazing accuracy in his posts, but now the intrepid disbarred attorney is claiming that not only van he foretell the future, but he has seen his death.
"It's always the same," he laments in his latest raving rant at Brownsville Independent School District trustee Lucy Longoria . "I will tell you this. I will be here long after you have passed."

How does he know Lucy is going to die first? Is he going to have her offed to mae sure she dies before him?
And how does he know he can predict the future?
"Wightman: I want to say one word to you. Just one word.
Lucy: Yes, sir.
Wightman: Are you listening?
Lucy: Yes, I am.
Wightman: Bingo"
Wightman addresses Lucy (who says all this attention is unsolicited) and points out the proof in the pudding.
"Luci, ask the ladies at bingo how I told them before the last game started that the woman two tables over was going to win the $500. You see if you had the capacity to understand science you would know there is a lot of interesting real scientific research on dimensions. It is being used to explain people who are clairvoyant. I got it from my abuelita Doña Panchita. I have two cousins who also have the visions...
"You know what is really scary - I have seen my death."
Now, the obvious question: If you knew that someone else was going to win the $500, why play?
Now, the memory of Doña Panchita is nothing to laugh at, of course, but we should all take this with a grain of salt. This is the same Wightman who predicted about a year ago that Cameron County D.A. Luis Saenz would get indicted in six months, that charged former mayor Pat Ahumada and Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos were responsible for the suicides of young gay men, and who is accusing federal judge Andrew Hanen with engaging in a conspiracy with Brownsville Mayor Tony Martinez to steer business toward the judge's wife in return for turning a blind eye on the mayors son's (Trey Martinez) alleged involvement in the Abel Limas racketeering case.
Wightman has come to Brownsville and apparently has no qualms about engaging in the same activities that got him disbarred in Dallas County. Over his illustrious non-career as an attorney, he has sued George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Eric Holder and the director of the FBI. Why?
The FBI chose not to investigate Wightman's allegations that a credit card company had sent him and another person an application for a credit card to entrap him.
That prediction, apparently, turned out to be a dud.
His latest gambit into local politics includes his threat to sue (again!) the local school district because they will include two candidates' nicknames on the ballot for November's election.
Is Wightman's crystal ball getting as opaque as his mental capacity?
Or doe she find it easier to predict past events rather than who is going to win the next bingo hand?
Que no se haga pendejo el Blimp, if you can tell the future, why don't you play the power ball, menso!
So the round mound of ass pound is clairvoyant dudes, and he can go through dimensions.....dimensos!
The grotesque ball of lard says that he sees his own death....I wonder if it is at the VA while he is getting one of his many colonoscopies!
Poor Blimp....those voices in his head are really screaming today off a!
I can just see the rotund one at bingo dudes....explaining to the old ladies how his colon polyps are flaring up...I know dude...yuk!
Hey blimp, if you can see into the future....why make all those appointments at the VA dummy? ....just show!
Enough with the lol ' s little girl!
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