On Sept. 8, nine days ago, Gamez emailed complainant Cris Valadez and said : "Mr. Valadez, all political signs must comply with the maximum 36 square feet area as per Ordinance 2012-1452-D. Any other political sign that is larger must be removed by tomorrow morning."
That would have been the next day, Sept. 9.
It's Sept. 17th. Ride around town.
Over by Duran's Foreign Car shop stood (and still stands) a larger than legal campaign sign belonging to 357th District Court judge candidate Juan Magallanes. And a couple of our readers have told us of other, even larger signs, are up over by the 77 Highway Flea Market, still inside the city and coming under the ordinance.

The Lopez sign is along Ruben Torres Blvd. (FM 802). It's tilted to the left a bit and it might not be a bad idea to remove it if simply for that cause.
One thing we do notice is that both of these candidates chose to have their campaign pictures depicting them with folded arms.
Was that a circumstantial indication that they are going to continue with their arms folded and not comply?
Bobby bitches about how candidates advertise their names and the positions they run for. You bitch about the size of campaign posters. Mind boggling that there are not more important things to wrte about.
Just another ridiculous ordinance
Evaristo Gamez NO VALE VERGA !
Evaristo Gamez Not Worth DICK !
Evaristo Gamez Mama Verga!
Too many people in Cameron County folding their arms and doing nothing. The corruption of the Democratic Party exists because so many people fold their arms and do nothing. Is it ignorance that supports corruption or does corruption exist because of ignorance????
Bigger than their penises, smaller than their egos.
Was Cesar put in as a BISD puppet?
CLopez does not even know the rules that he violates?
How can he be running and not put a FOR in his signs?
Pobre loco, he hasn't pay his running dues?
Whom ever is pulling Cesar's strings should tell him, that the signs should be certain size, or does Joe and Ernie told him he could get away with it by breaking the laws?
EVARISTO Gamez is incompetent, along with his band of corrupt inspectors, starting with Buentello. They demand money and lunches if you want to be green carded. The guys are crooks, do not expect them to do THIER jobs, not unless their is a bribe for them.
Caesar was put there to protect the $50,000,000 health premium with the same agent .( the Palm Greaser )
Is Saddam running for public og give? Oops! It is Magellan.
C. Lopez can't talk English much less write it thats why he forgot the "for"
Arms crossed: " My way or the Highway".
Stop already with your lame joke......saddam....saddam....saddam...hahah....funny....now get lost!
Fuck valadez and the judge too!
Fuck Saddam !
What is this I am hearing here? Saddam is back from the dead? Pinche Saddam - he chooses Brownsville to come back from the dead to!!! Orale!!!
Saddam is going to get you !
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