Let's make this short and sweet.
1. Christina Flores, the daughter of Roberto Rodriguez who is Carlos Elizondo's opponent for a position on the board of the Brownsville Independent School District, took Elizondo's picture with two BISD board members at a local restaurant.
2. Christina Flores is also the assistant to director Oscar Salinas at city's Human Resources Dept.
3. Elizondo is the president of the Firefighters Union and represents its members at mediation hearings held by HR and the union.

5. Elizondo, BISD trustees Lucy Longoria and Catalina Presas-Garcia and the other firefighters present at the table saw Flores take the picture. In fact, Elizondo talked Presas-Garcia out of asking Flores if she wanted the group to face the camera so she could take a better picture.
6. Elizondo and the firefighters vigorously supported Arnold Flores – Christina Flores' husband and administrator with Cameron County – when he ran for county clerk in the runoff against Sylvia Garza-Perez. Arnold Flores told Elizondo he would not support is candidacy after his Robert Rodriguez, his father-in-law, declared himself a candidate for the same position.
7. The picture taken by Ms. Flores was emailed to Robert Wightman, a blogger with a longstanding and deep-seated hatred toward Longoria and Presas-Garcia. He has willingly acted as the attack dog against anyone who he imagines is against him or his candidates.
That much we know to be true.
Forget about the expectations of privacy in a public establishment by public figures. They have none.
The question, then, become one of motive.
What possible motive did Ms. Flores have to take the picture in the first place? Further, what possible motive was behind the sending of the photo to spite-filled blogger Wightman? Is it to somehow tarnish the candidacy of Elizondo and turn voters who might read something sinister (as Wightman does) into the lunch meeting of that group at the table?
Just last Aug.12, Ms. Flores and Mr. Salinas conducted a few seminars where they preached against bullying and harassment to city workers. By taking a photo that attempted to tie in Elizondo to the two trustees who have been targets of that blogger and sending it to Wightman, are we to pretend that there was no intent to smear them all for a political purpose?
Wightman quickly south to please his contributor by charging that Elizondo, Longoria and Presas-Garcia "just piss on law enforcement – calling them fools for putting their lives on the line to run down criminals," without providing a scintilla of proof.
And..."firefighters are willing to piss on the children and teachers, they now openly piss on law enforcement to insure their corruption prevails."
And.."I have filed a criminal complaint on Luci Longoria. The evidence is not disputed. What firefighters Carlos Elizondo and the other two num-nuts in the picture fail to understand is as firefighters you never, ever cross your compadres in law enforcement."

It is interesting to note that Presas-Garcia's ex-husband (and father of her two children) is a policeman.
Wightman's hatred toward these two women (and now Elizondo) is unlimited. He even posts the infantile voodoo doll of Lucy with pins sticking out of it.
So are we to believe that there was no motive (political or otherwise) for Flores sending the photo to misanthrope Wightman?
Do you believe in the Easter Bunny?
So sad that you wrote so much and maybe only maybe 1% of what you wrote is true. What a waste of space.
Of course there is a political motive in using the picture. Mr. Rodriguez has nothing, I wonder who is funding him? BISD is one of the dirtiest elections in the city. I'm tired of hearing "It all about the children".
More of a reason to support Elizondo....it Booby Wrihtman is against him.
Folks remember el que no tranza no avanza, BISD elections is not about the children its about whats in it for me and my compadres, hell its only a $514 million dollar budget, that's half a billion, mas o menos. So I can give a few contracts here and a few there etc etc etc. Hard to say that I trust any of these bozos.
"Is it to some how tarnish the candidacy of Elizondo. . ."
What causes you to make such a statement. If Cata and Lucy who have served the community for a number of years are an asset in the candidacy of Elizondo, wouldn't he welcome any picture of him being taken with those ladies. If you are in politics you associate with people who will get you elected. Now, if you have something to hide and feel that such association will hinder your election, a picture of Elizondo and the two ladies is certainly not recommended. La Raza decia, "Ese vato ya se vendio." Juan, it is a shame that you claim to be associated with La Raza de los 60's y 70's. Porque tu tambien estas vien vendido. Lo peor es que te vendides con tu misma raza por unos cuantos centavos.
“. . . .firefighters present at the table saw Mrs. Flores take the picture . . . “
Do you expect the readers to believe your statement? Look at the picture. The two board members, board of trustee candidate, and the other firefighter are so concentrated on the illustration by the other firefighter of the size of rats running around the main office; they could not see who took the picture. If the candidate for board oftrustee has nothing to hide in his association with the two board members, let him take a picture with his two supporters and print it in the newspaper or in your blog. What is he afraid might happen if he takes a picture with the two board members? Oh, we know. Losing the election!!!!!!!!!
Nothing that "loser" Bobby has to say towards Carlos Elizondo will change my mind about him. Did Christina quickly forget that Elizondo spent countless hours helping with her husband's campaign? Why didn't the bitch take a picture of her and Cata eating together? Scum bag.....Elizondo was minding his own business with two other firefighters when Lucy and Cata went up to join them. He still has my support along with many others! People try to play dirty to win a race. Bring it on! TEAM ELIZONDO ALL THE WAY!!!!
"Elizondo was minding his own business with two other firefighters when Lucy and Cata went up to join them." Annonymous: 2:22 p.m.
Look at the table, it is a table for six or more people. If you are going to have a meal with only two other persons, you are not going to be seated in a table for a large group.
Brownsville has become a cess pool city school county. What goverment enity can u think of that could past the smell test? You want to talk about a picture? Follow the money but that would take getting in the cess pool to see who is pissin on you!
wait a minute...so the Armando Rodriguez candidate got a BISD Promotion Job because he announced he was running for BISD Board Election?? So is this what all BISD Employees need to do to get Promotions (raises) at BISD? Where is this person at now? Orale people sign up and then withdraw once you get what you want!!!!
Ok so now the brother of this Armando Rodriguez is running for BISD Board instead? I guess the brothers want to secure future top positions for their family to take over at BISD. Move over Powers, Atkinsons and Tolmans, etc...etc...new folks coming to take over your cheese!
Why do you continue to write your garbage Catita? Why are you protecting Elizondo? What special relationship do you have, mugrosa?
The fact is that Armando got reassigned by Administration to another department doing the same job that he was doing before with no raise to his salary. He drop out of the race for different reasons just like the other candidate, Mrs. Fox. It is simple you want to know the truth, was it a promotion or a reassignment? Do a district request information on Armando and you will find that there is no promotion. Same salary, same job but different department.
"El que nada debe, nada teme"! Doesn't matter "who" took or posted the picture con las manos, en la masa. Robert, like his son in law, Arnold are good honest people wanting the best for our community and willing to stand up to those that continously drain our system and do nothing for our children and fmilies. Trust me they are not the enemies here... habran los ojos...o no se quejen! So at the end if this is the only bad thing Rodriguez/ Flores have done..... uyyyy pues que susto! ;)
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