They say that one picture is worth a 1,000 words, but one posted by a local blogger of a school district candidate that was taken and contributed by the daughter of an opposing candidate is generating a lot more than words.
It is generating a call from at least one of the subjects in the picture for a review by Brownsville City Manager Charlie Cabler on whether harassment and anti-bullying policies of the city were violated by the city employee when she took the picture without the group's permission and then emailed it to a blogger for posting on the worldwide web.

Flores was reportedly sitting at the next table with her immediate boss at the city's Human Resources Director Oscar Salinas. His arm is visible on the left margin of the photo, say people who were at the restaurant.
"Why didn't she ask me if she could take my picture and had me smile at me when I got there and shook her hand?" Presas-Garcia asked after her attention was called to the photograph.
Rodriguez – wife of Cameron County Human Resources administrator Arnold Flores and foiled candidate for the Cameron County Democratic Party county clerk nomination – also happens to be the daughter of Robert Rodriguez, the candidate running against Elizondo in the BISD election.
Salinas may also nurse a grudge or two against Elizondo. As president of the firefighters union, Elizondo has frequently represented his members before arbitration hearings who are subject to vindictive disciplinary punishments by hapless Fire Chief Lenny Perez, and more than often eats Salinas' and the chief's lunch, costing the city a fortune in legal fees.
Those relationships don't augur well for Presas-Garcia who thinks there's more to the photo being sent to blogger Robert Wightman who included his perfunctory accusations of conspiracy and criminal activity against the two women. Wightman regularly accuses Presas-Garcia and Longoria – among others from the local Sam's Club to the President of the United States of all sorts of treachery and wrongdoing in his blog.
Today he accused Longoria, Garcia-Presas and Elizondo of just that and charged that they "just piss on law enforcement - calling them fools for putting their lives on the line to run down criminals.?)
On Tuesday, Presas-Garcia had scheduled a meeting with city manager Cabler to discuss whether city employees at Human Resources were exempt from engaging in the very same tactics that they give seminars against for their employee.
"They are the same people who give seminars to city employees against bullying and harassment," she aid before the meeting. "She was sitting not five feet from me when she took the photo without even asking for our permission. Her motives are pretty clear. When she chose that blogger to email him the post, she knew exactly what she was doing."
Rodriguez has been a longtime BISD employee who has taught at various BISD campuses and served as an administrator. His brother Armando had filed to run in Place 1 but withdrew before his name got on the ballot. Armando Rodriguez was reportedly hired at a higher position in the district after he withdrew his candidacy.
Christina Flores, Arnold Flores. Anyone out there who's got a real job instead of sucking on the government tit?
Any public figure is subject to be photograph by anybody without his/her permission. You want to be in politics, you are subject to be ridicule by anybody in any place at any time. If the board member is so concern about the picture, she should have asked the blogger to remove it from his blog for reasons based on her claim of bullying and harassment which are the same tactics that she uses at the board meetings with the Superintendent and the members of the board of trustees.
Re: The Picture. SO ?
The place looks like a nice fancy restaurant for the meeting of the mind. Not like the restaurant in the Southmost area where Lucy meets with "La" otra candidate for board of trustees. Perhaps, the members of this meeting do not see a future for "La" otra in politics.
Public figures in a public place. Not harassment.
Two board members. Not a quorum.
Parlay a candidacy into a promotion and a raise. Priceless.
Get your facts correctly, Robert Rodriguez was not only a teacher at various campuses but also a young man who started as a para-professional and with hard work became a Supervisor and later an Administrator after years in the classroom. Before being employed by the school district, Mr. Rodriguez served his country by enlisting and becoming a member of the United State Marines. After receiving an honorable discharge from the United States Marines, Mr. Rodriguez began his career in the field of education with the Brownsville Independent School District.
The reason for this outcry is now the meal can not be put on voucher for tax payers to pay, now they have to spend there money for the meal.
The picture could have been taken by anybody in the restaurant. The board member is facing in the opposite direction from where the picture was taken. Perhaps Mr. Oscar Salinas took the picture, he was also sitting at the next table. Is the board member going to talk about Mr. Salinas to Cabler and accuse him of practicing bullying and harassment. A local blogger printed the picture, the board member could file a criminal complaint against him. The blogger is the one who is practicing harassment or bullying by printing the picture in his blog.
Who cares.. everyone has the right to have lunch with their friends...
Get over yourself Catita La Ratita you have Miller taking pictures of everyone you order her to. You are in a public place & Carlos ELizondo choose to been seen in public with you! That was his BIG, BIG mistake. Bully? You are the biggest Bully in the City of Brownsville! When are the Firefighters going to learn to stay away from you! They were played by you!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember You are in Public You are being watched. You are the most disliked woman in the city of Brownsville. When are you going to own up to your evil ways!!!!! Carlos Elizondo we had high hopes for you. Now we are not so sure!!!!! Careful with the company you keep!!!!
Printing you picture is not bullying! Caty you are such a wolf! Constantly crying false information!!!!!!!
"Anonymous said...
Who cares.. everyone has the right to have lunch with their friends...
September 9, 2014 at 4:23 PM"
Right! But tell the community that your are Caty and Luci friend speaks volumes about your character!
Good Job whoever took that photo!
Now we know where Carlos Elizondo stands!
"The offending picture"? Give me a break. If Cata's face would have come out, now that would be offending.
"When she chose that blogger to email the post"
Which post???
Why doesn't anyone question why Armando Rodriguez got a higher position as a bribe to get him off the race? This is something the con artist Cesar Lopez and Baltazar Salazar would come up with.
Any public figure is subject to be photograph by anybody without his/her permission.
Robert, you being a Marine should know better not you nor your daughter to initiate dirty politics.
Christina Flores ask your Dad the rules of engagement? You started it cabrona, ahora se aguanta!
Robert Rodriguez my family WAS going to vote for you.
If the board member is so concern about the picture, she should have asked the blogger to remove it from his blog for reasons based on her claim of bullying and harassment...
Pinche Oscar buenos de mamon, y como le dice a su vieja que el andaba haciendo con una mujer casada?
Stop crying. If you can't stand the heat, get out!!! So what! A picture was taken, and a blogger used it. Big deal! No one would have known whose back and birds' nest hair that was before she started crying wolf. I seriously doubt she's a damsel in distress. I would think she can hold her own. Sour grapes to begin a dirty campaign for an important local election. Do we want this person to represent our children's needs? I don't!
Stop crying. If you can't stand the heat, get out!!! So what! A picture was taken, and a blogger used it. Big deal! No one would have known whose back and birds' nest hair that was before she started crying wolf. I seriously doubt she's a damsel in distress. I would think she can hold her own. Sour grapes to begin a dirty campaign for an important local election. Do we want this person to represent our children's needs? I don't!
Anonymous 4:23 p.m. is absolutely correct. The picture is a group of friends having drinks before dinner. You have one person illustrating to the other members of the table the size of the rats running around the main office. However, one of the members sitting at the table is not impressed. That person with the years of experience working at the main office has certainly seen bigger ones (rats). There is no conspiracy. It is a picture of friend meeting for a pleasant meal while planning on how to get rid of the rats at the main office.
What a bunch of bologna cata n lucy both of you are elected bisd trustees if u dont want ur picture taken dont go outside puro pedo n freedom of speech but please dont go to talk to the governor or president to cry abuut this o were you 2 making a deal..? Cutting the 500 million plus bisd pie n you got caught? You folks decide adios
Man Carlos You Said You were A Good Man! This is second time you are with Catita La Ratita!!! What were you discussing when you two were at South Padre Island a few weeks ago? Question? What were you doing together at the Island So late in the evening?
"Salinas may also nurse a grudge or two against Elizondo."
No facts, just speculation..
It's a shame to see how you have lowered yourself and talent level to this...
Is amazing how Ms. Presas thinks this picture was about her and that Christina Flores took it!! The restaurant was full of people and I was there next to her table and yes Oscar Salinas and Christina Flores were in a table behind them. So I took the picture so stop assuming it was someone you know. The beauty of this is that I know all the board members but they don't know me. I am a taxpayer and if I choose to take a picture of any members of the BISD board I can because technically they work for me and my children and it was their choice to do it.
Cata and Luci should own up to their character and stop suing every time they don't like what is said about them. First BISD and now maybe the city.
The NSA just released a secret memo that Carlos Elizondo, AKA , El Pelón is related to Mr. Clean.Mr. Clean wrote a book entitled, "I Was a Spy ffor N.A.C.O.
I don't think Christina would take a picture of the other table and send it to a blogger - she is by the book and better than that. She actually has a legitimate future ahead of her. As for the people at the other table I don't know? Always suing the entity they work for - that is messed up! This all goes back to Christina's father, Robert. He is a good man and hardworking. I don't know Carlos, but if he keeps company with Cata and Lucy, we know he will probably sue BISD too...I don't want people who are on the same side as Cata and Lucy on the BISD Board, our district needs an overall desperately.
Agreed, sept. 10 at 7:27.... I doubt Christina sent the photo to the blogger--doesn't sound like her. Maybe she took the pic and didn't mean for it to go anywhere.
Half-billion dollars being handled by rats! At least now our kids have other options than the BISD school. As a parent, I can not understand how the BISD operates. I met my sons teacher on meet the parent night and now my son has had three teacher changes because the school can't figure out who can teach what or how. Man, I am fed up with how BISD chaotic schools are getting and then they wonder why parents take their kids out of BISD. BISD get your act together! Hire the equate amount of teachers before the school starts! ALL THIS CHAOS IMPACTS OUR KIDS LEARNING! Oh, but Facebook Posting by Campus Admins is top priority..puros selfies by 8:00AM!
Its a good thing that Presas had her back to photographer! She is one fugly woman! Lucky camera!
No'mas no le dice nada, no seas Buey!
It was Da Mayor disguised as a Paparazzi who took that picture. He was spying on the City Manager.
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